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Communication with foreign school 峨眉國中 - 與國外學校視訊

Communication with foreign school 峨眉國中 - 與國外學校視訊. Date:100.04.07. Long island introduce 國外視訊學校介紹. 地址 Location:33 Fern Ave Long Island, Maine 04050 207-766-4414

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Communication with foreign school 峨眉國中 - 與國外學校視訊

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  1. Communication with foreign school峨眉國中-與國外學校視訊 Date:100.04.07

  2. Longislandintroduce國外視訊學校介紹 地址Location:33 Fern AveLong Island, Maine 04050207-766-4414 宗旨:“Providing a nurturing, challenging environment, which will enable each child to become a life-long learner and a contributing citizen.”提供一個有教養、有挑戰的環境,能讓每一個學生變成終身學習者以及有貢獻的公民。

  3. 參加的學生、教師thepeoplewhojointhis • 國外老師foreignteacher:JoeLeavy • 國外學生foreignstudents:CodyJocobs,FrankYeh,Joyce…….. • 本校老師Ourschoolteacher:劉芷辰、唐莉佩 • 本校學生Ourschoolstudents:Alice,廖少瑋,Vicki,朱育德 ThispictureissentfromCodyin,Texas. Cody 從美國寄來她去德州魔鬼岩的照片。

  4. Principal talked with foreign teacher校長與國外教師溝通 Date:100.04.07

  5. Play magic card with foreign students與國外學生玩牌-變魔術 Date:100.05.17

  6. DemohowtoMaketeaforthem為國外學生示範泡茶 Date:100.05.17

  7. Prepareforcommunication準備情形 Date:100.05.17

  8. Studentstalkhappily 與國外學生愉快交談 Date:100.05.17

  9. Thestudentwho’stalking對話的學生 Date:100.05.17

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