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Making Sense of the Federal Stimulus Package Andrea Ball, Deputy Superintendent Marcela Obregon Enriquez, Education Administrator I November 2009. Federal Stimulus American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Education related programs enacted February 2009.
Making Sense of the Federal Stimulus PackageAndrea Ball, Deputy SuperintendentMarcela Obregon Enriquez, Education Administrator INovember 2009
Federal StimulusAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment ActEducation related programs enacted February 2009 • $100 billion nationwide for Prekindergarten through grade twelve and post secondary education • Includes: • Existing Pre-K and K-12 programs • State Fiscal Stabilization (new program) • 2 school facilities tax credit programs: Qualified Zone Academy bonds (existing) and Qualified School Construction Bonds (new program) • An estimated $7 billion in education funding for California
Guiding PrinciplesAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
Race To The Top$4.35 billion competitive grants to states who focus on a comprehensive and ambitious plan to address the four assurances. Common Core: • Adopting internationally benchmarked standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and the workplace; Great Teachers and Leaders: • Recruiting, developing, retaining, and rewarding effective teachers and principals; Robust Data System: • Building data systems that measure student success and inform teachers and principals how they can improve their practices; and Turning around our lowest-performing schools: • Aggressive intervention is required in chronically low-performing schools.
State to Partner with School Districts • School districts to partner with the state in developing RTTT application. • State/districts to develop holistic plans that address each of the four reform areas. • State/districts to think creatively and broadly view RTTT funding as seed money to institute major program change.
Race To The TopProposed Eligibility Requirements Two Eligibility Requirements: • State must be approved for funding under the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (Phase I and Phase II) by December 31, 2009. This entails a state plan to collect and report data related to four education reform areas. • State cannot have statutory or regulatory barriers to linking data about student growth and achievement to teachers for the purposes of evaluation. One Absolute Priority: • States must have a coherent and comprehensive plan for addressing four reform areas. States earn points based upon their ability to meet 19 selection criteria.
Race To The Top Structure of Selection Criteria State Reform Conditions Criteria • Demonstrate will and capacity to improve education systems. • Document the existing legal and policy conditions that are conductive to innovation and reform. Reform Plan Criteria • Describe comprehensive strategies (for the state and participating LEAs) that allow for continuous improvement of student outcomes.
Anticipated R2T Application and Award Timeline Draft guidelines released (Jul 24) End of draft comment period (Aug 28) Final guidelines released (Late Fall 2009) Phase 1 applications due (late Winter 2009) Phase 1 awards (first half 2010) Phase 2 applications due (spring 2010) Phase 2awards (Sep 2010) Source: The New Teacher Project http://www.tntp.org/
California’s Race to the Top Process • Outreach efforts to inform and obtain stakeholder input include: • Webinars and Webdialogues • In-person meetings in three regions to share information and solicit feedback: • November 2, 3, & 4 • See www.caracetothetop.org for more information and schedule of events
Legislative Action • Special Session called by the Governor. • Hearings already held by Senate and more scheduled- Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Clara • Hearings held by Assembly and 2 more scheduled through December – Sacramento and Los Angeles
Quarterly Reporting Requirements • Unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability. • Nationwide data reporting and posting on expenditures, jobs saved and retained. • CDE developed a Web-based data reporting system. • The first report due to federal government on 10-10-2009 and will cover the period from the grant award date through 9-30-09. • Results will be available at: State: http://www.recovery.ca.gov/ Federal: http://www.recovery.gov/
ARRA Reporting Information as of October 13, 2009 • About 28,000 education jobs in grades PreK-12 were saved by ARRA. The figure was derived from the first quarterly reports submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) by school districts and other subrecipients of ARRA funds. • Ninety-nine percent of the 1,647 entities receiving ARRA grants administered by CDE submitted reports in the first quarterly reporting cycle. • 3,538 grants totaling $4.8 billion in ARRA funding have been allocated to California subrecipients. Of that amount, $3.2 billion has been disbursed by CDE to the subrecipients.
ARRA Resources • Join ARRA Electronic Mailing ListSign up for the ARRA electronic mailing list by sending a blank e-mail to join-arra-page-updates@mlist.cde.ca.gov to be notified when updated information is posted to this Web site. • Questions: arra@cde.ca.gov or by phone at 916-319-0821 • ARRA General Information: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ar/ • ARRA funding and reporting requirements: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ar/rr/ • General Programs: http://ed.gov/policy/gen/leg/recovery/programs.html • Recovery.gov is the U.S. government’s official website providing easy access to data related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse. http://www.recovery.gov/Pages/home.aspx and http://ed.gov/index.jhtml