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English Language Proficiency Tests, One Dimension or Many?:. Yoonsun Lee Director of Assessment and Psychometrics Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. ELPT Requirements Under NCLB. States are required to: Implement ELD standards
English Language Proficiency Tests, One Dimension or Many?: Yoonsun Lee Director of Assessment and Psychometrics Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
ELPT Requirements Under NCLB • States are required to: • Implement ELD standards • Implement ELP tests that assess skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing with an added comprehension measure • Administer ELP tests annually in grades K-12 • Align ELP tests with academic content standards • Meet AMAO Title III objectives
More on Title III Measurement Demands • AMAO I requires setting target growth rates in English language proficiency status across years • AMAO II requires setting targets for attaining full English language proficiency across years • States attracted to ELP tests that implement vertical scales
Construct Validity Issue • Does it make sense to hypothesize that English language proficiency test is unidimensional? Or, is it multidimensional with four different domains (reading, writing, speaking, and listening)?
Washington Language Proficiency Test-II (WLPT-II) • Developed in 2006 • Used Stanford English Language Proficiency Test (SELP) and added augmented items developed by Washington teachers • Four grade spans (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, & 9-12) • Four subtests (Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking)
WLPT-II Test Specifications MC: Multiple choice CR: Constructed response
Confirmatory Factor Analysis • 2006 WLPT-II • Sample: Approximately 15,000 students included in each grade span • EQS (Bentler, 1995) • Four models were examined
Models 1 & 2 E1 E1 Rdg cluster 1 Rdg cluster 1 E4 E4 Rdg cluster 4 Rdg cluster 4 . . . . E5 E5 Wri cluster 1 Wri cluster 1 Language Proficiency Language Proficiency E9 E9 Wri cluster 5 Wri cluster 5 . . . . E10 E10 Lis cluster 1 Lis cluster 1 . . E12 . E12 . Lis cluster 3 Lis cluster 3 Spe cluster 1 Spe cluster 1 E13 E13 . . . . E16 E16 Spe cluster 4 Spe cluster 4
Models 3 & 4 D1 E1 E1 Rdg cluster 1 Rdg cluster 1 . Rdg cluster 4 Rdg cluster 4 E4 E4 . . . Listening Wri cluster 1 Wri cluster 1 E5 E5 Listening Speaking Speaking . E9 Wri cluster 5 Language Proficiency Wri cluster 5 E9 Reading Reading . Writing Writing . D2 D3 Lis cluster 1 E10 E10 Lis cluster 1 . . Lis cluster 3 E12 . . Lis cluster 3 E12 Spe cluster 1 E13 E13 Spe cluster 1 . . . . Spe cluster 4 E16 E16 D4 Spe cluster 4
Results (Primary: K-2) • was examined to compare models. Model 2 (Single Factor with errors correlated within subtest) produced a good fit to the data.
Results (Elementary, Middle, & High School) • Same result was found in Elementary, Middle, & High School) • Model 2 showed the best fit to the data (over 0.95 GFI and CFI and below 0.05 RMSEA) • No significant evidence to threaten construct validity with adding augmented items to the existing language test