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Samburu. Zorila Alexandru Clasa a IX-a A. Hello!My name is Lechipan. I am from Samburu tribe.The Samburu tribe is located on the banks of the Ewaso Ng’iro river in Kenya. They are my friends ….

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Samburu ZorilaAlexandru Clasa a IX-a A

  2. Hello!My name is Lechipan.

  3. I am from Samburutribe.TheSamburu tribe is located on the banks of the EwasoNg’iro river in Kenya.

  4. They are my friends…

  5. Our traditional clothes are usualy red used like a skirt.We have a lot of earrings et bracelets.

  6. The language of the Samburu people is also called Samburu. It is a Maa language very close to the Maasai dialects.

  7. Our houses are of plastered mud or hides and grass mats stretched over a frame of poles. A fence of thorns surrounds each family's cattle yard and huts.

  8. Boys and girls go through an initiation into adulthood, which involves training in adult responsibilities and circumcision for boys.

  9. To became men the boys must to learn to hunt and to defend the flocks.

  10. After the rite of passage the girls will have short hair and they will have adult responsabilities .

  11. After the rites of passage the boys and the girls can make a family.

  12. They are much more traditional in life and attitude than their Masai cousins.

  13. This is my tribe…

  14. The end!!!

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