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Alexander D. Gelman

Sister Society is a professional society. International or National ... Internet Society (ISOC) IEEE LEOS. IEEE CAS. IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. IEEE ...

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Alexander D. Gelman

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:Alexander D. Gelman, VP-Society Relations 2002-2003VP-Membership Development, 2004-2005

    Slide 2: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Society Relations Council

    Slide 3: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Society Relations Council

    Slide 4:IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Society Relations Council

    Slide 5:IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Society Relations Council

    Slide 6:IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Society Relations Council

    Slide 7:IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Comsoc in Time-to-Market Axis

    Slide 8:Society Relations Council Rational for Related Societies Partnerships

    Slide 9:Society Relations CouncilRelated Societies

    Slide 10:ComSoc’s New Strategic DirectionConsumer Communications Initiative

    Slide 12:The Digital Divide US Web Access Trend

    Slide 14:Home Networking User Preference of Wiring

    Slide 16:Power Line Based Residential NetworkingPLC-based Home Network: HomePlug

    Slide 24:Consumer Communications and Networking Applications and Technology Trends

    Slide 25:Industry Evolution Cable TV Communications Scenario

    Slide 26:Consumer Communications and NetworkingVideo-Voice-Data/IP/DSL Communications Scenario

    Slide 27:The Third Wire Broadband Power Line Access Service

    Slide 28:IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Publications Partnerships

    Slide 29: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Conference Partnerships

    Slide 30:Society relations CouncilNew Initiatives

    Slide 31:IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Sister Societies Board

    Slide 33:IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Sister Societies

    Slide 34:Society Relations Council Sister Societies Summits

    Slide 36: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Society Relations Partnership Examples

    Slide 37: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Society Relations


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