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Capital Improvement Projects Budget Presentation. Fiscal Year 2012 Street Improvements Fiscal Year 2013 Street Improvements Street Improvement Projects to be Re-Evaluated Other Capital Improvement Projects. Fiscal Year 2012 Street Improvements. Planned improvements for FY-2012
Capital Improvement ProjectsBudget Presentation • Fiscal Year 2012 Street Improvements • Fiscal Year 2013 Street Improvements • Street Improvement Projects to be Re-Evaluated • Other Capital Improvement Projects
Fiscal Year 2012 Street Improvements • Planned improvements for FY-2012 • Park Street and Williams Street Improvements(includes Park St. from Dexter Pl. to Williams St., Williams St. from Park St. to Elm St., Williams St. from Maryland Ave. to Sheridan Pl., Williams St. from Sheridan Pl. to Douglas Ave., Williams St. from Winifred Rd. to Fisher Dr., and Louisiana Ave. from Sheridan Pl. to Hilltop Dr.) • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $976,000 • Design is 99% Complete and ready for bidding • Estimated Construction Period = Spring 2011 to Fall 2011 • Offutt Street – Olive Avenue to Candoc Lane(includes installation of new water main and drainage improvements. It also includes the water trench repair and overlay of Humbird Ave. from Virginia Ave. to Ella Ave.) • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $143,200 total (Estimated cost for street milling is approximately $47,000) • The contract documents for the street milling are 90% complete and almost ready for bidding. The other improvements will be completed by City of Cumberland forces. • Estimated Construction Period = Spring 2011 to Summer 2011 • Marshall St – Frederick Street to Woodlawn Terrace • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $90,300 • Design is 60% Complete • Estimated Construction Period = Summer 2011
Fiscal Year 2012 Street Improvements • Planned improvements for FY-2012 • Shriver Avenue – Franklin Street to Pulaski Street(Street improvements are planned to be completed in conjunction with existing utility improvements. Columbia Gas will pay for approximately 50% of planned street improvements) • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $171,000 ($94,000 from Pavement Management Bond Funds) • Design is 60% Complete • Estimated Construction Period = Summer 2011 • Cumberland Street – Washington Street to Johnson Street • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $192,000 • Estimated Construction Period = Summer or Fall 2011 • Oldtown Road – Grand Avenue to New Hampshire Avenue • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $1,259,700 • Estimated Construction Period = Some work will occur during the Summer or Fall of 2011, and the majority of the work will occur beginning in the Spring of 2012 (Columbia Gas has asked that we delay this project until the spring 2012 to allow them time to replace the gas main from Grand Avenue to Blackiston Avenue). • Baltimore Avenue - Park Street to Weber Street(includes the replacement of the water main from Goethe Street to Marion Street) • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $971,600 • Design Scheduled for Summer of 2011 • Estimated Construction Period = Late Fall 2011 or Spring 2012
Fiscal Year 2012 Street Improvements • Planned improvements for FY-2012 • Virginia Avenue – Mary Street to King Street • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $453,000 • Estimated Construction Period = Summer or Fall 2011 • Henderson Avenue Bridge(Replacement of bridge bearings) • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $304,000 ($243,200 from State Aid in lieu of Federal Aid, and approximately $60,000 from Pavement Management Bond Funds) • Design is Complete • Estimated Construction Period = Summer 2011 • New Entrance to Allegany College (Wycoff Street) – from Willowbrook Road to End • Funded by an ARC grant, state funding, private development, County, and City Funds. The City funds could be as much as $240,000 from Pavement Management Bond Funds • Design is complete. The project is waiting for right-of-way certification and approval from Maryland State Highway Administration. • Estimated Construction Period = Summer or Fall 2011
Fiscal Year 2013 Street Improvements • Planned improvements for FY-2013 • S. Centre Street - Queen City Drive to Harrison Street • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $289,000 (which includes $176,000 water main replacement) • Estimated Construction Period = Spring 2012 • Washington Street - Fayette Street to Allegany Street(requires approximately $729,000 in funding for water main replacement) • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $1,430,600 ($577,000 in pavement management bond funds and the additional funding is needed for the water main replacement) • SPECS, Inc. is currently preparing the detailed design for this project. • Estimated Construction Period = Spring 2012 • Virginia Avenue Utility Improvements and Street Repair - King Street to the Industrial Boulevard(The water main needs replaced from Bowen Street to Industrial Blvd., and the sanitary sewer needs replaced from north of Bowen Street to King Street. After the utility repairs the street will require trench patching, followed by a mill and overlay) • Preliminary Cost Estimate = $735,000 • Estimated Construction Period = Summer 2012
Street Improvement ProjectsTo Be Re-Evaluated • Recommended For Re-Evaluation The following streets have been recommended for re-evaluation due to one or more of the following reasons: changes in traffic volume, proposed development of adjoining property, coordination of proposed improvements with other agencies and utilities, and unanticipated expense on other Pavement Management projects. • Seton Drive – Braddock Road to Site of former Sacred Heart Hospital Property • Braddock Road – Highland Avenue to Fayette Street • Wempe Drive – Industrial Boulevard to Franks Lane • Winston Street – Wineow Street to Industrial Boulevard
Capital Improvement Projects • Other Capital Improvement Projects • Cedar Street CSO Improvements (City Project No. 09-08-S) • New 36” Sewer to carry combined sewer flow under MD Route 51 and CSX. • This project is to be funded with MDE and EPA Funds. • Bids are in and we have requested additional MDE funding to cover the amount of the bid so that the project can be awarded. It is anticipated that the project can be awarded at the next Mayor and City Council meeting. • CSO Storage Facility (City Project No. 01-10-WWTP) • The first part of this project is a preliminary engineering study to determine the best type of storage facility, size, and location of the storage facility and required pump station. • The Study will include detailed cost estimates which will allow us to seek funding for design and construction.
Capital Improvement Projects • Other Capital Improvement Projects • Maryland Avenue Wall and Sidewalk Repairs (City Project No. 22-09-M) • Project Description:This project includes the reconstruction of approximately 160 lineal feet of curb, sidewalk, and the retaining wall that supports the sidewalk; and is located in the 900 block of Maryland Avenue. The current sidewalk was closed by the City of Cumberland in 2009 when it was discovered that the retaining wall which supports the sidewalk had deteriorated to the point where sections of the wall were missing and the sidewalk had become undermined and was a potential hazard to pedestrians. • Total Project Cost:The total estimated cost of this project is $150,000, which includes the estimated cost of $130,000 for construction, and $20,000 for engineering, design, and construction management & inspection. • Notes:Preliminary design has been completed, and funding has been requested from the Community Development Block Grant Funds. Contract document preparation, bidding, and construction will occur after funding is received.
Capital Improvement Projects • Other Capital Improvement Projects • Amtrak Station Entryway Improvements • Project Description: This project includes the removal and replacement of all sidewalks on Queen City Pavement from Baltimore St to Union St, and Gulf Memorial Dr from Union St to Harrison St. Also included are the ADA ramps at the intersections of Queen City Dr and Baltimore St, George St and Baltimore St, and Mechanic St and Baltimore St. In addition, the project will include installation of bollards and street lamps. • Total Project Cost:The total estimated cost of this project is $312,100, which includes the estimated cost of $271,400 for construction, and $40,700 for engineering, design, and construction management & inspection. • Notes:The design is over 60% complete, and funding has been requested from multiple sources. Contract documents and construction will occur after funding is received. Due to possible funding requirements, the project may be split into several phases.