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Histology. Study of Tissues Epithelial Tissue Intercellular Junctions and Glands Connective Tissue Membranes Muscular Tissue Nervous Tissue. The Study of Tissues. Histology (microscopic anatomy) study of tissues and how they form organs Tissue
Histology • Study of Tissues • Epithelial Tissue • Intercellular Junctions and Glands • Connective Tissue • Membranes • Muscular Tissue • Nervous Tissue
The Study of Tissues • Histology (microscopic anatomy) • study of tissues and how they form organs • Tissue • group of similar cells and cell products (i.e., ECM) • Organ • composed of 2 or more tissue types (almost always connective and epithelial; usually includes muscle and nervous) • Four primary tissue classes • epithelial tissue • connective tissue • muscular tissue • nervous tissue
Features of Tissues • Differences between tissues • type and function of cells • characteristics of the surrounding matrix (extracellular matrix; ECM) • ground substance made from proteins, sugars, and sometimes minerals • called many different names (ECF, ECM, tissue fluid, interstitial fluid, basement membrane) • amount of space occupied by cells versus matrix • very little ECM exists between epithelial and muscle cells • connective tissue cells are widely separated by ECM
Epithelial Tissue • One or more layers of closely adhering cells • Forms a flat sheet with the upper surface exposed to the environment or an internal body cavity • one side of tissue exposed to “outside” • Sits on basement membrane (at the basal surface of cells) • thin layer of collagen and adhesive proteins • anchors epithelium to underlying connective tissue; provides support
Layers • Simple epithelium • contains one layer of cells • named by shape of cells • Stratified epithelium • contains more than one layer • named by shape of apical (surface) cells • deepest cells (basal cells) sit on basement membrane
Shape • Squamous (squashed) • Allows rapid diffusion of substances; secretes serous fluid • Cuboidal (square) • Absorption & secretion; produces mucus • Columnar (rectangular) • Absorption & secretion; produces mucus • Often ciliated
Intercellular Junctions • All cells except blood cells are anchored to each other (or to the matrix surrounding them) by intercellular junctions formed by adhesion proteins
Desmosomes • Patch between 2 cells holding them together against mechanical stress • CONNECTING • gap between cells is spanned by mesh of filaments • often called adhesion junction
Tight Junctions • Encircle the cell, joining it to surrounding cells • BARRIER • prevents substances and bacteria from passing between cells
Gap Junctions • Transmembrane proteins form a water-filled channel • Small solutes (metabolites and ions) pass directly from cell to cell • COMMUNICATING • aka electrical synapse
Endocrine and Exocrine Glands • Glands secrete substances • Exocrine glands connect to surface with a duct (tube) • Endocrine glands secrete their products (hormones) directly into bloodstream • Some glands are mixed • gonads release gametes and secrete hormones into blood • pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and hormones
Types of Exocrine Secretions • Serous glands • produce thin, watery secretions • sweat, milk, tears and digestive juices • Mucous glands • produce a glycoprotein, mucin, that helps form a sticky secretion called mucus • nasal, reproductive, respiratory secretions • Cytogenic glands release whole cells • produce gametes
Endocrine Glands • Produce chemical signals that cause a response • hormone • Released into blood!!
Connective Tissue • Consists of widely spaced cells separated by fibers and ground substance • Most abundant and variable tissue type • Functions • connects structures to each other • gives support and protection (physical & immune) • stores energy • movement and transport of materials
Ground Substance of Connective Tissue • Gelatinous or rubbery material found in between cells • Consists of large molecules • proteoglycans • embedded in plasma membranes • create a strong bond to other cells or extracellular matrix • glycoproteins • protein-carbohydrate complexes that bind plasma membrane to collagen or proteoglycans outside the cells
Cells of Connective Tissue • Fibroblasts produce protein fibers and ground substance • Osteocytes (bone) and chondrocytes (cartilage) • Blood cells • Erythrocytes • Leukocytes • Macrophages phagocytose foreign material • Neutrophils phagocytose bacteria • Plasma cells synthesize antibodies • Mast cells in skin secrete heparin that inhibits clotting and histamine that dilates blood vessels • Adipocytes or fat cells store triglycerides
Fibers of Connective Tissue • Collagen fibers • tough • resistant to stretch, yet flexible • tendons, ligaments and deep layer of the skin (dermis) • Elastic fibers • thin branching fibers made of elastin • stretch & recoil like rubberband (elasticity) • give skin, lungs and arteries ability to stretch and recoil • Reticular fibers • thin collagen fibers coated with glycoprotein • form framework for spleen and lymph nodes
Types of Fibrous Connective Tissue • Loose connective tissue • contains gel-like ground substance between cells • Dense connective tissue • fibers fill the spaces between cells • 2 types varying in fiber orientation • dense regular connective tissue • dense irregular connective tissue
Adipose Tissue • Large, empty-looking cells with thin margins • Nucleus pressed against cell membrane • Energy storage, insulation, cushioning • Subcutaneous fat beneath skin and surrounding organs
Cartilage • Supportive connective tissue with rubbery matrix • Chondroblasts produce cartilage matrix, once surrounded by cartilage chondrocytes • No blood vessels so diffusion must bring in nutrients and remove wastes • injured cartilage heals slowly • Major types of cartilage depend upon fiber types • hyaline, fibrocartilage and elastic cartilage
Fibrocartilage Cartilage containing extensive parallel collagen fibers Resists compression and absorbs shock in some joints Pubic symphysis and intervertebral discs Hyaline Clear, glassy matrix; fine dispersed collagen fibers; chondrocytes in small clusters enclosed in lacunae Joints; supportive material in larynx, trachea, bronchi Cartilage
Bone • Spongy bone looks spongy in appearance • delicate struts of bone • always covered by compact bone • Compact bone looks solid in appearance • more complex arrangement • cells and matrix vertically oriented
Blood • Variety of cells and cell fragments • white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets • Found in heart and blood vessels
Mucous Membranes • Consists of epithelium, connective (basal lamina or lamina propria) and underlying muscular tissues • Lines passageways that open to the exterior: digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive • Mucous coating and movement of cilia trap and remove foreign particles and bacteria from internal surfaces of body
Cutaneous, Synovial and Serous Membranes • Cutaneous membrane (skin) • stratified squamous epithelium resting on layer of connective tissue • relatively dry layer serves protective function • Synovial membrane lines joints • secretes synovial fluid rich in hyaluronic acid into the joint • Serous membrane (serosa) – internal membrane • covers organs and walls of body cavities, produces serous fluid
Muscular Tissue • Elongated cells that respond to stimuli by contracting • Function is to exert physical force on other tissues • move hand • push blood through a vessel • expel urine • Important source of body heat • Three types of muscle • skeletal, cardiac and smooth
Skeletal Muscle • Long, cylindrical, unbranched cells with striations • Movement, facial expression, posture, breathing, speech, swallowing and excretion
Cardiac Muscle • Short branched cells with striations and intercalated discs • Pumps blood
Smooth Muscle • Short cells; nonstriated • Sheets of muscle in viscera; iris; hair follicles and sphincters • Swallowing, GI tract functions, labor contractions, control of airflow, erection of hairs and control of pupil
Nervous Tissue • Large neurons with long cell processes surrounded by much smaller glial cells lacking dendrites and axons • Found in brain, spinal cord, nerves & ganglia • Communication and control of bodily functions