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My Photo Essay Reflection

My Photo Essay Reflection. By Maiya K. Making a Photo Essay is like building a house…. It takes hard work, determination, skill, and knowledge. Characteristics of the Genre. I worked on a nonfiction genre. My audience for this piece was my G.T. Family .

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My Photo Essay Reflection

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Photo Essay Reflection By Maiya K.

  2. Making a Photo Essay is like building a house… It takes hard work, determination, skill, and knowledge.

  3. Characteristics of the Genre

  4. I worked on a nonfiction genre. My audience for this piece was my G.T. Family. My mentor texts were from others in G.T reading class and from a High School Student’s Photo Essay about war.

  5. Writing process

  6. The idea for my Photo Essay came from a picture of the rainforest. Although I didn’t use that photo, it still inspired me. Also, I found quotes and those inspired me. I conducted research from my ocean slides by going deep into my brain (not literally!), and remembering a movie I saw about the ocean. For the other slides I basically used my background knowledge. For my images, I either searched Google Images or clipart. For music, I used http://www.freeplaymusic.com.

  7. Technology

  8. I developed many technology skills while I worked on this project. Time working on project Knowledge on how to save images as jpg’s Knowledge on how to use Photo Story 3 Knowledge of how to make transitions on Photo Story 3 Knowledge on how to import pictures on Knowledge on how to put music on Photo Story 3

  9. Affective Development

  10. This project increased my knowledge of self. I learned that I am a perfectionist. And sometimes I just need to let it go.

  11. Evaluation

  12. After looking back at my Photo Essay I decided that I needed to slow down and take my time. I also felt that I need to put less words on a page. I am proud of how the different pieces of music I used tied together. I faced the challenge of putting too many words on each slide, and therefore have to revise my slides. On my next project I would like to slow down and make sure I don’t put too many words on a slide.

  13. References • I used Microsoft PowerPoint • I used clip art with the search “evaluation” • http://thebrainteasers.com/brainteasers/images/moving.jpg • http://www.vestaldesign.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/img_2260_rainbow-technology-sample_450x360.jpg • http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4SUNA_enUS347US343&q=affective%20development&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi • http://www.animationfactory.com

  14. To watch my Photo Essay click HERE!

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