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Delve into the study of religion through anthropological lenses. Unravel the diverse patterns of belief, functions of religion, and religious practitioners like shamans, priests, sorcerers, and witches. Understand religious change, syncretism, and the significance of festivals such as Diwali. Discover the roles of theism, atheism, and agnosticism in various cultures. This presentation explores the multidimensional aspects of religion in societies worldwide.
Anthropology of Religion • Religious practitioners • Shamans • Priests • Sorcerers • Witches In this presentation, we finish up the lecture on how anthropologists approach the study of religion.
Anthropology of Religion • Patterns of Belief • Theism • Monotheism • Henotheism • Polytheism • Atheism & Agnoscticism In this presentation, we finish up the lecture on how anthropologists approach the study of religion.
Anthropology of Religion • Religious change • Syncretism • Revitalization • Wovoka & Ghost Dance In this presentation, we finish up the lecture on how anthropologists approach the study of religion.
Anthropology of Religion • Function of Religion • Psychological • Sociological In this presentation, we finish up the lecture on how anthropologists approach the study of religion.
Anthropology of Religion • Dwali festival: http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/11_01/diwaliR_468x397.jpg • Mayan shaman: http://photos.igougo.com/images/p303753-Guatemala-Maya_Shaman_Healer.jpg • Buddhist monk: http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~abroad/photos2006/images/PCpics/Prayers_in_Orange.JPG • Sorcerer: http://www.nmnh.si.edu/naa/images/brom_film.jpg • Judaism: http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=82730&rendTypeId=4 • Hindu pilgrims: http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42451000/jpg/_42451449_hindu_416afp.jpg • Wiccan: http://media.bclocalnews.com/images/BE1020_wicca_3c_071020.jpg • Vodun dancers: http://www.discoverhaiti.com/images/benin2-7.jpg • Xuni mission church: http://www.desertusa.com/ind1/photos/Revolt_04.jpg • Ghost dance: http://www.colorado.edu/csilw/arapahoproject/dance/Ghostdance/feathersdancing.jpeg • Wovoka: http://www.viewzone.com/wovoka.wilson.jpg • Sufi: http://www.bazaarturkey.com/n7_2.jpg In this presentation, we finish up the lecture on how anthropologists approach the study of religion.