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Seven Secret Passions of a Woman. Passion #1 To Be a Difference-Maker. Passion #1: To Be a Difference-Maker. Wanting to make a mark on the world is part of God’s design for us The world’s definition of making a difference A mark of a different kind—one that will last into eternity.
Passion #1: To Be a Difference-Maker • Wanting to make a mark on the world is part of God’s design for us • The world’s definition of making a difference • A mark of a different kind—one that will last into eternity
Loving People Shapes Their Souls for Eternity • Changing diapers with tenderness and cheerfulness • Answering 14,000 “Why?” questions every day with patience • Being polite when you feel like being cranky • Making dinner night after night after night
Loving People Shapes Their Souls for Eternity • Doing a kindness in Jesus’ name • Pouring your energies into a family • Giving money to people and organizations that are doing God’s work • Doing your job to bring glory to God and meet the needs of people He created
Why It's Good to Be a Woman • We got off the Titanic first. • Taxis stop for us. • We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing. • We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves. • We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear end.
Why It's Good to Be a Woman • We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there. • We have the ability to dress ourselves. • If we marry someone 20 years younger, we are aware that we will look like an idiot. • We will never regret piercing our ears. • No fashion faux pas we make, could ever rival the Speedo.
Passion #3: To Know Truth • World’s view • We can not know truth • There is no Truth • Everyone creates their own reality • Whatever works for you • God’s view • There are things that are true at all times, in all places, for all people • Absolute Truth
Three worldviews Naturalism Pantheism Theism Ways to know Experience Reason Observation Revelation Passion #3: To Know Truth
Family Romance Sex Chocolate Material stuff Shopping Food Work Chocolate Friendships Travel Chocolate We try to fill the hole with...
Passion #5: To Be Beautiful • Attached to every girl’s heart is a question: Am I beautiful? • God thinks so. “The King is enthralled with your beauty.” Ps. 45:11
Masculine heart: A battle to fight An adventure to live A beauty to rescue Feminine heart: To be fought for, pursued, and wanted An adventure to share A beauty to unveil Wild at Heart John Eldredge
"Eve is the crown of creation. She embodies the exquisite beauty and the exotic mystery of God in a way that nothing else in all creation even comes close.” John Eldredge,Wild at Heart
"The deep cry of a little girl's heart is am I lovely? Every woman needs to know that she is exquisite and exotic and chosen. This is core to her identity, the way she bears the image of God. Will you pursue me? Do you delight in me? Will you fight for me?" John Eldredge,Wild at Heart
Passion #5: To Be Beautiful • The essence of a woman is beauty; the essence of a man is strength • We don’t have to manufacture beauty, it’s already there. It’s part of the image of God. We just need to unveil it. • Ta-Da!
Passion #6: To Have Fun, To Feel Alive: An Adventure to Share • OT celebrations and vacations • “What do you do for fun?” • Turn challenges into adventures • “God, help me experience this as an adventure” • Different kinds of fun
Passion #7: To Be Loved and Cherished by the Ultimate Lover • Everyone longs for romance • Romantic love promises but ultimately disappoints • Romantic love doesn’t want to possess, but to be possessed • Romantic love is a sign of something beyond, like road signs
The Perfect Lover • Anticipates our every need and desire, and meets it • Can read our mind • Knows us and loves us anyway • Loves us passionately, intimately, unconditionally, aggressively, realistically, with a holy jealousy • Appreciates us
The Perfect Lover • Takes our breath away with the exquisite goodness of loving and being loved • Totally committed to our happiness and well-being • Will possess and penetrate us without making us lose our identity • Will sing love songs to us like in the movies
The Perfect Lover • Strong, beautiful, handsome, tender, compassionate, sensitive, manly, smart, capable, ingenious, creative, romantic, self-sacrificing • Jesus is the Lover, the Husband, who fulfills the infinite desire within us.
“The believer’s leap of faith in response to God’s leap is like the acceptance of a marriage proposal, which permits the divine bridegroom to impregnate us with his life. What God asks of us is not to try a little harder to obey his laws, or to experiment with mystical stages of consciousness, but to give ourselves recklessly to him, to leap out of our skins in holy abandon.” --Peter Kreeft Heaven: The Heart’s Deepest Longing