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2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Priority #1 Items Health, Safety, Code, Security and Preservation of the Existing Investment :
2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Priority #1 Items Health, Safety, Code, Security and Preservation of the Existing Investment: Addressing the existing facilities that are at the end of their useful life; are of the magnitude beyond the capabilities of the district staff; will have consequential damages if not addressed; or are asbestos-related in areas that we are doing work.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION • Projection as it currently stands will not increase local taxes. • This is due to the fact that our bonded indebtedness is decreasing and we have $1.025 million in a capital reserve fund. • Additionally, we are applying for EXCEL aid of $45,000.
Proposed Capital ProjectQuestions/Answers July 26, 2011
Q. Are the fire alarm strobes required by state law for existing school buildings? Yes, they are required; the law changed a couple of years ago. Q. Are the high school roof repairs under warranty since they were done recently? A. This part of the roof was not included in the last project; this is a water penetration issue where the driving rain comes in between the siding and the flashing.
Q. The cost of $5,000 per shower stall for each of the boys shower stalls seems very high since they will be similar to the girls shower stalls. Those stalls indicated to be built are similar to campground stalls and $5,000 seems high. A. Codes have changed, the position of the stalls have to be such that runoff from a person showering can not go into an adjacent stall. $5k seems a little high but remember these are estimates. The floor must be ripped up and replaced, as well as adding mixing valves and drains.
Q. I think Harriet Tubman repairs should be delayed until we decide what building to close next. We improved West and then closed the building after substantial improvements. Was a boiler installed at West? New windows? unit ventilators? A. No new boiler at West. Yes, new windows. No unit ventilators. Closing Tubman is not cost effective. There is no room in any of our buildings to move all of our warehouse, cold storage and heated storage, record storage, athletic storage, maintenance garage, and transportation (including bus parking).
Q. How can a foundation be missing at Owasco? It is a small corner that has been missing for 5-6 years. This is a small masonry project but should be completed by a skilled mason. Q. How can a scoreboard be a priority 1 item? A. The scoreboard was added with the rest of the items; the underground wire going to the scoreboard is no longer useable. We have a temporary wire going across the back of the stadium seats to the corner of the stadium and overhead to the scoreboard. This wire is reaching the end of its useful life.
Q. Why is a new bus loop at Auburn Junior High School needed as a priority 1 item? The Auburn Police Dept has brought to our attention their safety concerns and we agree with them. We are in need of an inner loop so that parents can safely pick up and drop off their children. Also, this was suggested by community members during the transition meetings. Q. Didn’t we just repaint the gym ceiling at Herman? A. No, we have not done anything.
Q. Are 500 classroom doors at the high school in such disrepair that they need to be replaced with new hardware? All of the classroom doors and hardware are original 1970 items. Yes, they are in disrepair; some are worse than others. Q. Is the elevator at the high school in such disrepair? A. We only have one elevator in the building; it gets a lot of use by students/staff. It is a 1970 original and many parts have been replaced; floor is asbestos; elevator needs ADA update.
Q. During the March Facilities Committee meeting, the Admin Building was removed from the capital project. Why is it in this project? This was discussed, but there was never a formal agreement to delete. Q. Appendix F in the project packet is illegible. Communication and Transparency are goals when presenting to the public. Can this be fixed? A. A more legible copy was requested from consultants and sent to Board members.
Q. When will we know if the Holland Stadium portion is eligible for state aid? We found the building blueprints and sent them to the architect to send on to the State Education Dept. It is not known how long it will take for a decision. Q. Was the comment field corrected in regard to HS-6 and HS-7? A. These fields were corrected.
Q. What will we be saving if we do not do a capital project (The amount that could possibly go toward the deficit we will be facing)? A. On page 11 of the project packet, the next-to-last line at the bottom says “Proposed $20,900,000 Capital Project”. These amounts represent the district’s share of payments on the proposed project. For example, in 2013, $40,000 will be spent; in 2014, $72,784 will be spent. These are the amounts that would be ‘saved’ if we don’t do a project. However, if items are critically necessary, they would have to be done using 100% General Fund dollars.
Q. Can we see the estimated bond percentage if Holland Stadium ends up not being aidable? We have asked the consultant and will provide the answer when received. Q. What do the following terms mean: gc – General Contractor; site – Work outside of a building; asb – Asbestos
Q. Why was the clerk of works changed from $300,000 to $775,000? This is a projection for a construction management company. Our former clerk of the works is deceased. Q. Why was the financial consultant changed from $80,000 to $120,000? There is a cushion built into the total. Q. Why did general admin go from $0 to $50k? A. The funds are included if they are needed.
Q. Shouldn’t building Principals, Union reps and maintenance mechanics be given a walk-through and shown the scope of the project?A. Union reps will be invited to the public forum on August 2 and asked to contact the Superintendent if they would like to schedule a walk-through.Q. What happens with the extra money if we don’t spend it on the project?A. Either additional (priority #2) items could be added to the scope of the project or the money would just not be expended.
Proposed Capital ProjectAdditional Questions/Answers August 2, 2011
Q. Are 1832 door lock cores and keys needed? The patent on the cores is up and the system has been compromised. Anyone will be able to make a duplicate key. Systems are changed every 10-15 years. Q. If we replace auditorium seats at Casey, then will we have to do asbestos abatement and floor tile replacement? A. There are 284 seats and they are in very poor condition. Asbestos tile flooring will have to be removed because the seats are screwed in to the floor.
Q. Does every emergency generator need new switches? Every emergency generator has to have 2 switches; this was recently changed in an update in code with SED requirements. Q. Do catch basins have to be adjusted in the asphalt pavement at almost all buildings (except the High School and Herman)? A. The list of catch basins needing repair is getting smaller because several have already had to be fixed due to safety concerns; paid for with 100% local dollars.
Q. Do we need to repaint the gym ceiling at Herman? Tiles are starting to become loose. Rather than spend 100% local dollars, it’s better to take care of this in a capital project. Q. Can’t we replace the gym wall pads at the Junior High ourselves? A. We have been replacing these ourselves, as necessary. There is not much left to do in the project.
Q. Are the following burner/boiler replacements really necessary? High School – 3 Junior High – 2 Genesee – 1 A. Burner replacements are necessary because the Gordon Piatt company is no longer in business. This makes it very expensive, if not impossible, to get replacement parts.
Q. Have the steps at the Junior High been removed from the project since we’re fixing them now? One set of steps will be removed, but the other set still needs to be repaired. Q. Is there any wiggle room in the project timeline? A. The latest we can have the voting machines (prior to the November general election) is October 18. This is 2 weeks later than our original vote date of October 4. So, the board could push back their vote on the project by 2 weeks, moving the vote to August 23. If we push the vote back any later, the timeframe to put bids out is not optimal.
Q. Why are there no cost estimates listed on the website? A. At the suggestion of SWBR, cost estimates were not included because (1) we only have estimates until the project is actually designed; (2) if included, contractors may review the cost estimates and base their bids on those.