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T EA H OUSE OF WEHMAIS. Katri Tanninen, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland. TEAHOUSE OF WEHMAIS. The official name of the company is TeaHouse of Wehmais but is usually called TeaHouse The company is located in Juva, in south Savo, Finland
TEAHOUSE OF WEHMAIS Katri Tanninen, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
TEAHOUSE OF WEHMAIS • The officialname of the company is TeaHouse of Wehmaisbut is usuallycalledTeaHouse • The company is located in Juva, in south Savo, Finland • The business address is Pieksämäentie 234, 51900 Juva, Finland • Contacts: www.teahouse.fi, tee@teahouse.fi, 040-410 1626
BACKGROUD etc. • TeaHouse of Wehmaishasbeenestablished in june 2010 and opened to the clients in sebtember 2010 • Enterpriser is charging the company and owns the business, the legalform of enterprise is registered business • Thereareworkingoneregularworker and the enterpriserherselfaroud the year • In the summertimetheirhavealsofourseasonalworker (openeveryday)
MARKET AND COMPETITION SITUATION • TeaHouse of Wehmais is offering and sellingloosetea, tea for drink and sweet and saltybakeryproducts made by tradition Englishstyle, e.g. Afternoon Tea • The space is done out in Anglo-stylewithrosewallpapers and cut-glasschandelier • Youcanalsobuysomehoney, marmalade, chocolate, teaspots and otherthingshavingsomething to dowith a tea
TeaHouse is specialised in the English tea tradition.Theirsknowledge is in tea • Thereare no othercompanieswith the samekind of business idea in Finland, TeaHouse is the first and onlyEnglishtearoom • Theyarebakingall the bakeriesthemself and arenotusinganyhalf-finishedproducts at all • Because the business idea is sospecial the company is notcompetingwith the localcoffeebarsbutmorebiggerarea
PARTNERS • TeaHouse of Wehmaishasbeenbuilt to the oldbarn. In the otherpart of the buildingthere is a clothes shop calledButikenpå landet. Butikenpå landet is sellingquality, uniqueEuropean-styleclothes. Becausethese to companiesare in the samebuildingtheyarelike a partners. For exampel the groups of travellersareoftenvisiting the bothcompanies • The otherimportantpartner is Charms of Saimaan which is network of marketing in tourism
INNOVATION CASE • TeaHouse is offeringtraditionalEnglishteawithEnglish-stylebakeriesso the new ideasarealsobased on thatconcept • The company is trying to mix a tea tradition, seasons and feastdays, e.g. Easter, Christmast • In the futurethere is an idea to createmeetingservicewhich is offeringplace and food for yourmeeting
POSSIBLE PROBLEMS • Because the business is quiteyoungit is hard to estimatedid the presenteconomicalcrisesaffect into it • In the innovationprocesstherecanbefacedthingslike: • Finishpeoplearemaynotbeready for a tea culture. The marketig is important • Does the peoplegetbored and is thereclientsenough?