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AUTISM AWARENESS . DID YOU KNOW?. QUICK FACTS ABOUT AUTISM. 1 in 250 births 1 to 1.5 million Americans Fastest-growing developmental disability 10 - 17 % annual growth. QUICK FACTS. Growth comparison during the 1990s U.S. population increase: 13% Disabilities increase: 16%
QUICK FACTS ABOUT AUTISM • 1 in 250 births • 1 to 1.5 million Americans • Fastest-growing developmental disability • 10 - 17 % annual growth
QUICK FACTS • Growth comparison during the 1990s • U.S. population increase: 13% • Disabilities increase: 16% • Autism increase: 172%
QUICK FACTS • $90 billion annual cost • 90% of costs are in adult services • Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention • In 10 years, the annual cost will be $200-400 billion
What is Autism? • Autism is a complex, life-long biological disorder of development that results in social interaction problems, communication difficulties, and restrictive or repetitive interests and behaviors. • The prevalence of autism estimates run from approximately one-in-500 children, to one-in-1000 children, who might be affected by some form of the disorder.
What is Autism? • Autism can be reliably diagnosed by or before age three. • Parents and expert clinicians can usually detect symptoms during infancy, although a formal diagnosis is generally not made until the child fails to develop functional language by age two. • Approximately 20 percent of children with autism reportedly experience a "regression"; that is, they have apparently normal development followed by a loss of communication and social skills.
What is Autism? • Boys are three-to-four times more likely to be affected by autism than girls. • Autism occurs in all racial, ethnic, and social groups.
What is Autism? • Although there is currently no known cure for autism, autism is treatable. • Persons with autism can make progress if they receive appropriate, individual intervention. • Pre-school children who receive intensive, individualized, behavioral interventions show remarkable progress. • In addition, limited pharmacological interventions are available to treat specific symptoms of autism.
What Causes Autism? • In the majority of cases, no specific underlying cause can be identified. • However, a variety of factors are being investigated: • infectious, metabolic, genetic, and environmental factors.
What Causes Autism? • A working group convened by the NIH (National Institute of Health) in 1995 reached a consensus that autism probably results from a genetic susceptibility that involves multiple genes.
What Causes Autism? • To date, genetic causes for one disorder commonly accompanied by autism and one autism-spectrum disorder have been identified, Fragile X and Rett syndrome, respectively and genetic "hotspots" for more classic autism have been indicated. • Fragile X is the most common, genetically inherited form of mental retardation currently known and produces many of the same behaviors and symptoms as autism. • Rett syndrome, which affects only girls, is a progressive brain disease that produces a loss of language/social skills that is similar to autism and is classified as an autism spectrum disorder.
What Causes Autism? • NIH research on possible genetic, infectious, immunological, and environmental causes and mechanisms of autism is underway.
What can you do to help?? • Spread the word, the first step is awareness. • April is National Autism Awareness Month • The Autism Society of America (ASA) can get you started! http://www.autism-society.org
GET INVOLVED • Autism is puzzling doctors and scientists everywhere. • But by making more people aware more resources can be organized towards the goal • ASA offers WRISTBANDS, BUMPER STICKERS, and all sorts of merchandise. • Profits go to research for Autism!
Submitted by Tyrone Ward, Resident Assistant, Philadelphia University