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Online Tutorial Science and Technology (S&T) Personnel Demonstration Project Purpose of Instruction This tutorial is designed to help you understand the basic components of the demonstration project It can be viewed at your desktop at any time and at your own pace
Online Tutorial Science and Technology (S&T) Personnel Demonstration Project
Purpose of Instruction • This tutorial is designed to help you understand the basic components of the demonstration project • It can be viewed at your desktop at any time and at your own pace • The tutorial can be viewed in sections, should you at any point in the future feel the need to review a particular topic . . . • During the tutorial, click on the symbol at the end of each section to return to the table of contents
Table of Contents • Introduction • Conversion into the Demonstration Project • Position Descriptions • Pay Banding • Pay for Performance • Reconciliation Process • Performance Payouts • Supervisory/Team Leader Pay Adjustments • Employee Development • Leaving the Demonstration • Conclusion • FAQ • Additional Resources • Glossary • Feedback
What is the Personnel Demonstration Project? • The personnel demonstration project is an opportunity to develop and test new ways of conducting Human Resource functions that are considered more efficient and effective. • The goal is to recruit and retain the enthusiastic, innovative and highly educated scientists and engineers and committed technical, clerical and administrative support personnel needed to meet our critical mission
What is the Personnel Demonstration Project? • Advantages to the new, flexible pay system offered through the personnel demonstration • Supervisors • Improved hiring system • Improved management accountability • Employees • Expanded pay progression through pay banding • Expanded developmental opportunities • Improved employee accountability Rewards Performance Pay for Performance Incentives Non-Performance
Personnel Management Boards • Personnel Management Boards exists in the CERDEC and SEC to oversee and monitor the fair, equitable and consistent implementation of the provisions of the demonstration project to include establishment of internal controls and accountability
What happens when I convert intothe Demonstration Project? DB Engineering & Science DE Business & Technical DK General Support Step 1: You will be converted into one of three occupational families and pay plans You will track into a family and pay plan based upon your occupational series at the time you enter the demonstration project Did you know? DB, DE and DK are not acronyms. While D stands for demonstration, these are simply designators for a family and pay plan.
Conversion into the Demonstration Project Determine which one of the three Family Pay Plans you will convert into
Engineering & Science DB Pay Plan • 0180 Psychologist Series • 0801 General Engineering Series • 0810 Civil Engineering Series • 0830 Mechanical Engineering Series • 0850 Electrical Engineering Series • 0854 Computer Engineering Series • 0855 Electronics Engineering Series • 0892 Ceramic Engineering Series • 0893 Chemical Engineering Series • 0896 Industrial Engineering Series • 0899 Engineering and Architecture Student Trainee Series • 1301 General Physical Science Series • 1306 Health Physics Series • 1310 Physics Series • 1320 Chemistry Series • 1515 Operations Research Series • 1520 Mathematics Series • 1550 Computer Science Series • 1599 Mathematics and Statistics Student Trainee Series
0018 Safety and Occupational Health Management Series 0028 Environmental Protection Specialist Series 0301 Miscellaneous Administration and Program Series 0334 Computer Specialist Series 0340 Program Management Series 0341 Administrative Officer Series 0342 Support Services Administration Series 0343 Management and Program Analysis Series 0346 Logistics Management Series 0391 Telecommunications Series 0501 Financial Administration and Program Series 0510 Accounting Series 0560 Budget Analysis Series 0802 Engineering Technician Series 0818 Engineering Drafting Series 0856 Electronics Technician Series 1001 General Arts and Information Series 1035 Public Affairs 1082 Writing and Editing Series 1083 Technical Writing and Editing Series 1084 Visual Information Series 1101 General Business and Industry Series 1102 Contracting Series 1150 Industrial Specialist Series 1152 Production Control Series 1311 Physical Science Technician Series 1410 Librarian Series 1412 Technical Information Services Series 1499 Library and Archives Student Trainee Series 1521 Mathematics Technician Series 1601 General Facilities and Equipment Series 1640 Facility Management Series 1670 Equipment Specialist Series 1910 Quality Assurance Series 2001 General Supply Series 2003 Supply Program Management Series 2010 Inventory Management Series 2101 Transportation Specialist Series 2130 Traffic Management Series 2181 Aircraft Operation Series 2210 Information Technology Management Series Business and Technical DE Pay Plan
General Support DK Pay Plan • 0085 Security Guard Series • 0086 Security Clerical and Assistance Series (Non– CIPMS) • 0302 Messenger Series • 0303 Miscellaneous Clerk and Assistant Series • 0305 Mail and File Series • 0312 Clerk-Stenographer and Reporter Series • 0318 Secretary Series • 0326 Office Automation Clerical and Assistance Series • 0332 Computer Operation Series • 0335 Computer Clerk and Assistant Series • 0344 Management Clerical and Assistance Series • 0394 Communications Clerical Series • 0399 Administration and Office Support Student Trainee Series • 0525 Accounting Technician Series • 0561 Budget Clerical and Assistance Series • 1087 Editorial Assistance Series • 1411 Library Technician Series • 2005 Supply Clerical and Technician Series • 2102 Transportation Clerk and Assistant Series
What’s the next step? Now that I know which occupational family and pay plan I will be in, what’s the next step in the conversion process? Step 2: Generally your current GS grade determines which pay band level you convert into: DB Pay Band I – II – III – IV – V 5 levels DE Pay Band I – II – III – IV 4 levels DK Pay Band I – II – III 3 levels
Pay Band Chart and Equivalent GS Range Occupational Family Pay Bands and Equivalent GS Grades Engineering & Science DB GS-01 - GS-04 I GS-05 - GS-11 II GS-12 - GS-14 III GS-14 - GS-15 IV >GS-15 V Business & Technical DE GS-01 - GS-04 I GS-05 - GS-11 II GS-12 - GS-13 III GS-14 - GS-15 IV General Support DK GS-01 - GS-04 I GS-05 - GS-08 II GS-09 III GS-14s within the DB pay plan may be converted into Level III or IV (based on a review of the complexity and scope of current duties) Within your family, which pay band level are you converted into? Pay band level ranges are linked to the GS schedule, and will adjust each year along with the GS general pay increase (AKA COLA) Dollar values are determined based upon Step 1 of the lowest GS grade in the band level to Step 10 of the highest GS grade in the band level.
Position Descriptions • Once converted, your salary level is no longer referred to in terms of a GS grade and step. • Ok, I understand the conversion process, no I want to learn more about pay bands. • Before we review pay banding, there is one more important point regarding your conversion into the demo. Before:General Schedule GS Grade 1-15 Step 1-10 Upon Completion: Pay Band DB-DE-DK I - V You may be entitled to a pay increase upon conversion!
Step 2 (cont.) • If you are already at Step 10 of your grade at the time of conversion, you will not receive a salary increase when converting into the demonstration project. Your conversion is complete • If you are at Steps 1-9 of your grade at the time of conversion, your pay will be adjusted based upon the number of weeks completed toward the next step. Proceed to Step 3 of the conversion process Let’s calculate the buy-in of your step increase!
Step 3 Step 3: You will need 3 numbers to calculate your “buy in”: • Determine the “number of weeks” between steps that applies to you. • Step 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 52 weeks • Step 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 104 weeks • Step 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 156 weeks • Calculate the number of full weeks you have completed towards your next step by the conversion date. Weeks:_______ • Use the salary rate chart applicable for your current position (excluding locality pay) to determine the dollars per step interval for your grade. Interval:_______
Step 3 (cont.) • Apply the following formulas using the values you found for • a (total required weeks to next step), • b (your weeks completed toward next step) and • c (dollars per step interval) Divide b by a: b / a = d Multiply d times c: d x c = “Buy in” salary increase Did you know? No one will ever see a reduction in salary when converting into the demonstration project. Your salary will either stay the same or increase upon conversion into the demonstration.
4 Important Points About Pay Banding • Within your pay band level • Promotions are not necessary to progress within a pay band level • Pay progression through a pay band level is based upon individual performance • Moving to a higher pay band level • A promotion is normally required to move to a higher pay band level • An individual must receive a total performance score of 21 or higher on their annual appraisal to be considered for a promotion to a higher pay band level
How often can I receive aperformance pay increase? • How often can I receive a performance pay increase? • It’s possible to receive a performance pay increase each year, but there are several factors to consider. One is the score you receive. You must score at least 21 to be eligible for a performance payout. Others are if you are at the maximum pay for your band, or if you are impacted by a performance-based rule. More to follow on the rules. Your performance payout each year is in the form of a salary increase, a lump sum bonus, or most likely a combination of both. • What does pay banding mean for a GS-13, Step 10, Engineer? • A former GS-13, Step 10 after conversion is now a DB III. Under pay banding he/she could as a result of annual performance pay increases, progress upward in pay over time to the equivalent of a GS-14, Step 10, without requiring a promotion. There are no more within-grade increases
DB Pay Band V Senior Scientific Technical Managers (SSTM) > GS-15 • These “demo unique” positions have characteristics of both SES and ST positions by combining: • Scientific / technical expertise • Full managerial and supervisory authority • Expertise and responsibilities that warrant classification above the GS-15 level Band V positions are subject to limitations imposed by DOD. There are 40 Band V positions currently authorized among all S&T personnel demonstration projects.
Pay for Performance Increase communication between supervisor and employee Increase employee involvement in assessment Provide clear accountability for performance Facilitate employee career progression Provide rational basis for salary changes • What is the purpose of the Pay for Performance system? • To develop a highly productive workforce • To provide an effective, efficient and flexible method for assessing, compensating and managing the workforce
Pay for Performance An understanding of responsibilities, and provide direction and focus on achieving the results Performance objectives that define the task with the expected result • Will Pay for Performance increase communication between employees and supervisors? Increased Communication is a critical factor toward promoting a clear accountability of performance
Supervisor Expectations Changing Requirements Performance to date Areas for improvement Employee Potential obstacles to meeting goals What is needed from supervisor Accomplishments to date Feedback
Are Performance Objectives the same as is TAPES? The answer is Yes and No YES • Because Performance Objectives still define your specific responsibilities, goals and expected results NO • Because you will not be measured in terms of meeting, exceeding or failing to meet your objectives
Performance Objectives • Three Easy Steps • Define the task with the expected result • Define your responsibility in the task toward achieving the result • Include the appropriate metric • Goal, Timeline, Quantity, Quality, etc.
Performance Elements How is my total performance score calculated each year? Your accomplishments are evaluated in the context of the performance elements and a set of performance standards for each element. There are 6 performance elements Each employee will be evaluated on 4 or 5 of those performance elements depending on your position Performance Elements
Performance Elements The performance elements are weighted and must total 100% Technical Competence 15% Interpersonal Skills 10% These 4 performance elements will be used to evaluate all employees Mgmt of Time & Resources 15% Minimum Weights Customer Satisfaction 10% Non-supervisory team / project leaders are also evaluated on this element Team/Project Leadership 15% Either or not both Supervisors / managers are also evaluated on this element Supervision/ Leadership & EEO 25%
Performance Elements • The supervisor (or rater) evaluates the employee on each element, in relationship to the employee’s success in achieving his/her performance objectives as compared to the benchmarks (standards) • How does the supervisor score each element? • By comparing actual performance against benchmarks that have been written for each element between 0 and 50. The benchmarks are different for each element and provide examples of performance at 5 scoring ranges in anywhere from 5-8 different performance factors. • Then what? • Each element score is multiplied by the element weight and carried out to 2 decimal places. • The scores are added and rounded to the nearest whole number to compute the total performance score.
Let’s look at an example Technical Competence Interpersonal Skills Mgmt of Time & Resources Customer Satisfaction Element Weights 45% 20% 15% 20% X Score 1-50 X 36 X 48 X 28 X 33 = Element Rating 16.20 9.60 4.20 6.60 Total Performance Score of 37 What might we surmise about this employee based on his / her elements and weights? This employee is not a supervisor nor a team leader because he / she would have had a 5th element Employee is probably in a technical field due to the high weight applied to technical competence
How does the Pay for Performance system work? • Performance payouts are based upon a percentage of the employee’s salary • The higher the performance score, the more shares earned Annual Performance Period February 1 – January 31 Employee rated each year February – March • Each employee receives a total performance score and a summary rating of Acceptable or Unacceptable • Based upon the total performance score, the employee may receive an annual performance payout To receive a performance payout, an employee must receive a score of 21 or higher • 10 or higher in all elements is acceptable • 9 or below in any element is unacceptable, regardless of overall score Scores range from 0 - 50
What happens if I get a score of 9or below in any element? • You must be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) and given an opportunity to improve • That applies to a total performance score of 9 or below OR if you receive a score of 9 or below in any one of the performance elements • If you are on a PIP in January, you will not receive the general pay increase (aka COLA), until you successfully complete the PIP and continue performing at an acceptable level of performance for 90 days • You are then eligible for the general pay increase • but it is not retroactive! All employees in the demonstration performing at an acceptable level will receive the General Pay increase (aka COLA), in January
How are performance payouts budgeted? • Within grade increases • Quality step increases • Promotions between grades (where now those grades are in the same pay band) • Performance awards Replaced by Annual Performance Payouts These pay features no longer exist under the demonstration.
Pay for Performance The initial performance scores are determined by the rater • Is that the number that will determine my performance payout? • No, all initial scores go through a reconciliation process at several levels within the organization before they are finalized • What’s the purpose of the reconciliation process? • To ensure consistency and equity in the rating process throughout the organization
Reconciliation occurs in several stages Includes all raters under the division chief First round reconciliation typically chaired at division level Next Level Supervisor Next Level Supervisor Rater Rater Rater Rater Rater Rater Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Other first round reconciliations are taking place in parallel Employees are rated by their supervisor
The next level of Reconciliation Division Chief Division Chief Division Chief The next level of reconciliation is chaired by second level of supervision (typically Deputy Director) Deputy Director/Director Upon completion of this level reconciliation, scores are reconciled and approved by the Pay Pool Manager Pay Pool Manager has final authority
Grievance Procedures for Employees Not Represented by a Union Pay Pool Manager Written decision signed Response 15-60 calendar days Pay Pool Panel Together reach a decision 15 calendar days Rater 15 calendar days 15-30 calendar days Higher Authority Employees can grieve their performance rating/ score If employee is still dissatisfied, may request reconsideration from higher official Submits grievance in writing Employee
Performance Payouts What exactly is a pay pool? Is it the same thing as a pay band? • A pay band is a salary range • A pay pool is a grouping of employees for the purpose of calculating performance payouts • Pay pool considerations: • Common organization • Supervisors vs. non-supervisors • Size (typically between 35 and 300 employees) • Geographic location Center Directors determine the composition of pay pools
How is my performance payout determined? • FIRST, the total $$ available for performance payouts is established by pay pool based on a percentage of total base salaries of employees in the pay pool on 31 January • Pay Pool Funding 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Years of Demo • Salary Increases 2.4% • Bonuses 1.4% • TOTAL 3.8%
How do percentages translate into dollars? • The base salaries for each individual in the pay pool eligible for a performance rating are totaled on 31 January of each year • That total is multiplied by the performance payout factor percentage Let’s look at an example: • Sum of all base salaries in a pay pool $5,000,000 • Performance payout factor % 3.8% • Total dollars available for performance payouts $190,000 The entire $190,000 must be used for performance payouts
How is my performance payout determined? • SECOND, the total performance score for each individual within the pay pool is translated into shares • Each point above 20 is worth 1/10 of a share • With a score of 36, how many shares would you have? • Answer: 1.6 shares • With a score of 43, how many shares would you have? • Answer: 2.3 shares While no shares are earned for scores below 21, it should be noted that a score of 10 and higher is considered “Acceptable” A score of 9 or below is considered “Unacceptable” 50 3 shares 40 2 shares 30 1 share 20 and below 0 shares
How is my performance payout determined? • THIRD, we multiply each individual employee’s salary by the shares earned based on his/her score Salary x Shares = • That gives us a new number for each individual in the pay pool • We add all of those new numbers together to compute a total “Salary x Shares” value for the entire pay pool Now we can compute the value of a single share.
Example #1 Given the following information, let’s calculate the value of one share • Payout factor 3.8% • Total salaries of all individuals in pay pool $5M • Total “salary x shares” value 10M • First, calculate the total dollars available for payouts $5,000,000 x 3.8% = $190,000 • Next, divide $190,000 by the “salary x shares” value 190,000 / 10,000,000 = 1.9% 1.9% is the value of a single share in this example
So, how does the share valueimpact my performance payout? Now that we know the value of one share, we can calculate your payout • Let’s say your total performance score is 38 • That entitles you to how many shares? 1.8 • If the value of a pay increase share = 1.2% • And the value of a bonus award share = 0.7% • Your salary increase will be: 1.2% x 1.8 = 2.16% • Your bonus award will be: 0.7% x 1.8 = 1.26% Performance payouts are initially determined as a percentage of your base salary (excluding locality pay) The locality is then added. Share Value Your Shares Based on Rating
Example #2 • In this example, if your base salary on 31 January was $60,000, and you scored a 38, your performance payout would be: • Salary increase 2.16% x $60,000 =$1,296 • Lump sum bonus 1.26% x $60,000 =$756 • So the value of a share is key • The value of a share cannot be computed until all of the scores for each individual in the pay pool have been finalized. As such, share values may vary from one pay pool to another. • Now let’s look at why your salary increase might be converted to bonus Performance is evaluated once a year, therefore, you could potentially receive a salary increase and bonus each and every year