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Phase Transition of QCD and Strong Interaction Matter

Phase Transition of QCD and Strong Interaction Matter. Yu-xin Liu Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China. Collaborators: Fan Wang, Xiao-fu L ü, Hong-shi Zong, Lei Chang, Zhao Zhang, Bin Wang, Jian-fa Gu,

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Phase Transition of QCD and Strong Interaction Matter

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  1. Phase Transition of QCD and Strong Interaction Matter Yu-xin Liu Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China Collaborators: Fan Wang, Xiao-fu Lü, Hong-shi Zong, Lei Chang, Zhao Zhang, Bin Wang, Jian-fa Gu, Yan-Jun Chen, Wei-jie Fu, Guo-yun Shao, Wei Yuan, Huan Chen, Guo-hua Wang,  CCAST Workshop on Analytical, Simulating and Experimental Studies of Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collision in pQCD, March 22, 2008

  2. I. Introduction QCD Phase Diagram QCD phase transition plays significant role in the evolution of universe and hadron physics.

  3. Aspects Affecting the QCD Phase Transition Temperature Density (Chemical Potential) Finite Size Effect (Surface, Curvature, •••••• ) Current Mass Running Coupling Strength (Function) Color-Flavor Structure ••• ••• ••• ••• Hadron Structure Approaches: Bag Models (MIT , Cloud ) Soliton Models (chiral , GCM )

  4. Approaches: Theor.:Finite Temperature Field Theory, RG, LT (with dyn.: QHD, NJL 、DSE、GCM 、QSR、INST) Lattice QCD Exp.: (1)High Energy Heavy-Ion Collision Thin Pancakes Lorentz g=100 Nuclei pass thru each other < 1 fm/c Huge Stretch Transverse Expansion High Temperature (?!) The Last Epoch: Final Freezeout-- Large Volume We measure the “final” state, we are most interested in the “intermediate” state, we need to understand the “initial” state…

  5. Phase & P-T of Nuclear Collective Motion Phases of nuclear collective motion and the symmetries Shape of Nucleus  Sphere  Deforemation quadrupole octupole hexadecupole  Modes of Nuclear Collective Motion vibration axial rotation ( prolate, oblate) -soft rotation triaxial rotation ••• ••• ••• •••

  6. Exp.: (2) Astronomical Observation(Compact Stars) 背景简介 ( F.Weber, J.Phys.G 25, R195 (1999) )

  7. Mechanism of hadronization ? S. M. Ransom, et al., Science 307, 892 (2005): Large mass neutron stars were observed.F.Oezel (Nature 441, 1115 (2006) ) exclude the EOS with condensate and quark.M.Alford (Nature 445, E7 (2007) ) : quark phase is possible and important. Y. Aoki, et al., Nature 443, 675 (2006) : Lattice QCD: T Crossover, Evolve smoothly. F. Wilczek, Nature 443, 637 (2006): Debiting Problems: Whether there exists quark phase in NS ?

  8. Hot Topic: Mechanism of Type II SN Explosion New Mechanism: Acoustic Oscillation A. Burrows, B.L. Dessart, C.D. Ott, E. Livne, Phys. Rep. 442, 23 (‘07)  Many explosions have been observed. Theor. simulation has not yet been successful.  The explosion depends on the behavior of the neutrino. The Neutrinos come from J.M. Lattimer & M. Prakash, Science, 304, 536 (2004) Key point is the EoS !

  9. e.g., Pagels’s Result (Phys. Rev. D 19, 3080 (1979) ) Key Point to Study Phase Transition: Existence of Multi-solutions Whether there exist two even more solutions in low energy region ? Key Point to the Composition of CS: EoS with solid QCD Foundation

  10. II. The Formalism of DSEs 1. The Main Point  General Point of View D-S equation is a set of coupled integral eqs. among quark, gluon, ghost and vertex functions, where the n-point function depends on the (n+1)-and higher point functions. C. D. Roberts, et al, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 33 (1994), 477; 45-S1, 1 (2000); R. Alkofer, et. al, Phys. Rept. 353, 281 (2001);  .

  11. 2. Rain-Bow Approximation Quark equation at zero chemical potential where is the effective gluon propagator, can be conventionally decomposed as Quark equation in medium • with

  12. 3. Effective Gluon Propagators (1) MN Model (2) (3) (2) (Q4 +)1 Model (3) More Realistic model (4) An Analytical Expression of the Realistic Model: Maris-Tandy Model (5) Point Interaction: (P) NJL Model

  13. III. Some Numerical Results of the P.T. ( L. Chang, Y. X. Liu, H. Guo, Phys. Rev. D 72, 094023 (2005) ) Chiral Symmetry Restoration in a Model Independent Approach

  14. (W. Yuan, H. Chen, Y.X. Liu, Phys. Lett. B 637, 69 (2006)) Effect of the running coupling strength on the chiral phase transition parameters are taken From Phys. Rev. D 65, 094026 (1997), with fitted as Lattice QCD result PRD 72, 014507 (2005)

  15.  Effect of Current Mass on PT L. Chang, Y. X. Liu, C. D. Roberts, et al, Phys. Rev. C 75, 015201 (2007) (nucl-th/0605058) Solutions of the DSE with Mass function With =0.4 GeV with D = 16 GeV2,   0.4 GeV

  16. The above result has been confirmed soon after it was released by Pennington’s group(Phys. Lett. B 645, 167 (2007) (hep-ph/0612061) )

  17. Phase Diagram in terms of the Current Mass and the Running Coupling Strength

  18. Quark Condensate at Finite Current Mass Arising from the Dynamical Breaking ( L. Chang, Y. X. Liu, C. D. Roberts, et al, Phys. Rev. C 75, 015201 (2007) )

  19. ( L. Chang, Y. X. Liu, C. D. Roberts, et al., Phys. Rev. C 76, 045203 (2007) ) Effect of Current Quark Mass on Meson Mass Solving the B-S equation with the kernel being fixed by the solution of DS equation and flavor symmetry breaking, we obtain

  20. Effect of the chemical potential dependence of the gluon propagator on PT (L. Chang, H. Chen, B. Wang, W. Yuan, Y. X. Liu, Phys. Lett. B 644, 315 (2007) ) in

  21. Components of the system with finite isospin chemical potential (Z. Zhang, Y.X. Liu, Phys. Rev. C 75, 035201 (07)) Case 1., , , ; Case 2. , , , ; Case 3., , , ; Case 4., , ,No Solution.

  22. *Ratio of the pion mixedq-G Cond. and the pion cond.in the system with mq = 0. *Ratio of the pion mixedq-G Cond. and the pion cond. in the system with mq 0.

  23. Chiral Susceptibility of the Wigner-Vacuum in DSE ( W. Yuan, H. Chen, Y.X. Liu, Phys. Lett. B 637, 69 (2006) ) No competition between SB phase and CSC phase

  24. Phase with SB & Confinement is stable hadron matter appears Phase transition from vacuum to hadron matter H. Chen, Y.X. Liu, et al., to be published

  25. Variation of Nucleon Properties with Respect to the Density of the Matter (L. Chang, Y. X. Liu, H. Guo, Nucl. Phys. A 750, 324 (2005)) - relationnucleon properties

  26. Phase Diagram of Quark Matter in P-NJL Model (W.J. Fu, Z. Zhao, Y.X. Liu, Phys. Rev. D 77, 014006 (2008) (2+1 flavor) Simple case: 2-flavor, Z. Zhang, Y.X. Liu, Phys. Rev. C 75, 064910 (2007) ) - relationnucleon properties

  27. Order of the QCD Phase Transitions ( W.J. Fu, Z. Zhao, Y.X. Liu, Phys. Rev. D 77, 014006 (2008) (2+1 flavor) )

  28. ( G.Y. Shao, L. Chang, Y.X. Liu, X.L. Wang, Phys. Rev. D 73, 076003 (2006) )  Finite Size Effect on Isospin Asymmetry and Chiral Symmetry Restoration Possible Applications: Star quake, Glitch of pulsars, Effective mass splitting of N

  29. IV. Composition of Neutron Star and Their Effects condensate and hyperons soften the EOS (J.F. Gu, H. Guo, Y.X. Liu, et al., Astrophys. J. 622, 549 (2005) )

  30. Softened EOS MNS decreases (J.F. Gu, H. Guo, Y.X. Liu, et al., Astrophys. J. 622, 549 (2005) )

  31. (G.H. Wang, W.J. Fu, & Y.X. Liu, Phys. Rev. C 76, 065802 (2007) ) Kaon condensation may exist in Large mass NS

  32. ( G.H. Wang, W.J. Fu, & Y.X. Liu, to be published. ) Effect of the isovector-scalar -meson on NS

  33. The Components of Neutron Stars

  34. Neutrino trapping stiffens the EOS MNS increases

  35. Quark Effect on “Neutron Star” (J.F. Gu, H, Guo, Y.X. Liu, et al., phys. Rev C73, 055803 (2006) )

  36. The CSC phase softens the EOS The mass of the hybrid star decreases (J.F. Gu, H. Guo, Y.X. Liu,et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 30, 455 (2006) )

  37. V.Processes in Compact Stars Neutrino Scattering (Y.J. Chen, H. Guo, Y.X. Liu, Phys. Rev. C 75, 035806 (2007) )

  38. (Y.J. Chen, H. Guo, Y.X. Liu, Phys. Rev. C 75, 035806 (2007) ) Mean free path of neutrinos

  39. The density and temperature dependence of the EC reaction rate ( W.J. Fu, G.H. Wang, Y.X. Liu, to appear in ApJ )

  40. The Density and Temperature Dependence of the Mean Free Path of Neutrinos (W.J. Fu, G.H. Wang, Y.X. Liu, to appear in ApJ )

  41. Effect of the nucleon-nucleon interaction on the Reactions ( W.J. Fu, G.H. Wang, Y.X. Liu, to appear in ApJ ) IG IG

  42. V. Remarks ThePhase structure of strongly interacting matter (or QCD) is presented. The effects ofthe running coupling strength,the current quark masson the QCD Phase transitionare given in the continuous field theory approach of QCD. The chemical potential,the finite sizeand other effectsare also discussed. Thephase structure of neutron star matter andits effectsare also discussed. The electron capture,neutrino scatteringand neutrino absorption processes in compact starsare discussed, too.

  43. Thanks !

  44. Three different solutions exist in chiral limit M+ shifts upward too.

  45. M+ shifts upward too.

  46. 色超导(Color Superconductivity, 简称CSC)

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