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Join the Spanish class at Vista Murrieta High School and embrace the C.L.A.S.S. values of Character, Leadership, Attitude, Scholarship, and Service. Learn the behavior expectations, class rules, and academic integrity guidelines to excel in Spanish ONLY assignments, homework, and projects. Stay updated on grading criteria and engage with Mrs. Ochoa's supportive teaching approach!
Welcome to Spanish 1 Vista murrieta high School Home of the Broncos Ms. ochoa World Language Department
School Motto - C.L.A.S.S. Character Leadership Attitude Scholarship Service
Learning Expectations 1. Be critical thinkers.2. Be lifelong learners.3. Be successful.
Behavior Expectations 1. Be prompt.2. Be prepared.3. Be polite.4. Be positive.
C.L.A.S.S. room Rules 1. Be in your assigned seat and ready to work.2. Bring workbook, packet, and pencil to class.3. Listen carefully to your teacher's instructions and follow directions the first time.4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.5. Use appropriate language and treat others with respect.
Courtesy to the teacher Students will NOT be allowed : -to use the restroom or pencil sharpener during teacher directed lessons. -to sleep or use bad language. Such behavior will result in a trip to OCD/Security. -to work on other subjects. Spanish ONLY.
Assignments, Homework, and Projects Students should study their vocabulary lists and lecture notes at least 10-15 minutes a day to be prepared for future lessons, quizzes and tests. Homework and quizzes are given regularly especially if students are not studying. Late assignments have a deduction of 5-15 points and are ONLY accepted the next class meeting. Incomplete work will NOT be accepted. Late projects and incomplete homework will NOT be accepted.All or none. No partial credit. Students and parents are encouraged to check the ABI Portal regularly to ensure that all assignments have been entered for a grade. Keep your assignments until you have verified that all of the work has been entered correctly.
Absences • Students are responsible for any missed work. Tutoring is offered to those who need clarification on any missed lesson. • Any assignment due on the day of the absence must be turned in upon return to class. Incomplete work will not be accepted. • Students need to inquire about any missed work/due dates. “I didn’t know” or “I was sick” is NOT an excuse. • Missed tests or quizzes will be taken upon return to class. You don’t have an extra day.
Electronic Devices Cellphones, IPODs, IPADs, notebooks, etc are not to be used during teacher directed lessons unless instructed otherwise. -First Offense: Warning Exception: Assessments (Go Straight to the Security Office) -Second offense will require a parent to pick up the smart device in the security office on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive a zero on that assignment and an ACADEMIC referral. This includes the use of any smart device and Google translator during assessments. Academic referrals go on your college transcript and affects COLLEGE ENTRANCE.
Grading A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = below 60% 15% Participation 20% Classwork and Homework 50% Assessments 15% Projects /Reports
What is Mrs. Ochoa expecting of you? Talk to me about your grades. Show me you care about succeeding in school and I will HELP you! Smile, speak kindly of your peers, and show a positive attitude. To COUNT ON ME when you are in need. The TRUTH. Honesty is my only policy. Be true to your word. I really do believe in YOU! Never ever give up on yourself!
Mrs. Ochoa’s Wish List New or used but in good condition Guess Who game Clorox Wipes for desks (needed during the flu season) Baby wipes Overhead pens Whiteboard markers.