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PHP, which is one of the most widely used programming languages offers a plethora of amazing features to the developers that enable them to write reusable and clean codes whilst achieving the faster development of web applications and websites. There are many PHP frameworks that carry PHP’s features like pre-build flexibility and ease of use with their own specific features to enable the developers achieve better performance and efficiency. One of these frameworks is Laravel.
PHP, which is one of the most widely used programming languages offers a plethora of amazing features to the developers that enable them to write reusable and clean codes whilst achieving the faster development of web applications and websites. There are many PHP frameworks that carry PHP’s features like pre-build flexibility and ease of use with their own specific features to enable the developers achieve better performance and efficiency. OneoftheseframeworksisLaravel. Laravel–AHighlyEfficientPHPFramework
Laravel is a contemporary, open source and widely used web application framework using supporting quick and easy tailored web apps designing. Built in 2011, the Laravel Framework is relatively new but it spans the depths & widths of a large-scale web app development. The Laravel ecosystem, right after its evolution has quickly developed into a colossal supportive community and offers an array of learning resources as well as free tutorials. It is one of the reasons that it is widely used by the PHP developers for shaping the diversewebapplications. Undoubtedly, the Laravel documentation is simply close to perfection and there are innumerable reasons which signify that why Laravel has become the favourite framework for the PHP web developers. Following are the top 7 reasons which accentuate that why Laravel was the best PHP framework in 2016. Blade–Laravel’sOwnTemplateEngine Laravel possesses its own template engine named “Blade” which allows you to write the plain PHP code in the templates. It essentially implies that no performanceoverheadsareintroducedintheapplication. Blade is simple to use yet one of the most powerful templating engines provided by the PHP frameworks. Unlike its controller layout counterparts, it is drivenbythetemplatesectionsandinheritance “Homestead”Inclusion Another powerful feature that makes Laravel one of the best PHP frameworks is the inclusion of “Homestead”. It is a packaged vagrant box which lets the developers begin the development task without requiring the installation of PHP, HHVM and the web server or any other package located on the server or your local machine. Consequently, the overall development time reduces andonecandeliverappswithfasterturnaroundtime.
Lumen Lumen has been recently released by the Laravel team and it is a micro PHP framework which allows the web developers to build the new APIs at the lightning fast speed. Also, the development of Laravel based services has become extremely easy with Lumen. The Lumen is fundamentally a faster, leanerandsmallerversionoftheexhaustivewebappframework. AnElegantSyntax Laravel is one of the few PHP frameworks that offer an elegant syntax which makes it very easy for the developers to perform the most common programming and development tasks such as RESTful routing, queue analysis,sessionandauthentication. ModularPackagingSystem Laravel is loaded with programming utilities to aid the process of web application development as well as moderation in the best possible way. It is packed with the unique Modular Packaging System (MPS) with a completely dedicateddependencymanager. ColossalCommunitySupport Laravel possesses the huge community support. There is a plethora of online resources where one can find comprehensive documentation to help the developers overcome any problem they are encountering with Laravel. There are innumerable resources which can be usedbythedeveloperstoenhancetheirdevelopmentskillsandscope. learning guides and Flexibility
Laravel is equipped with unparalleled flexibility, and thus, the Laravel developers are able to create a broad range of web apps using this framework, ranging from small micro sites to giant enterprise level web applications. The features like inherent database version control, inbuilt unit testing, readable & impressive syntax, and the composer makes it the best framework to leverage if developing faster and efficient web applications is yourgoal. Undeniably, with Laravel one can develop web applications at tremendous speeds, thereby saving a lot of time and resources while making programming apleasure. ViitorCloud is a renowned Laravel development company that offers an extensive array of Laravel development services. With PHP at its base, Laravel framework supports exceptional development of web applications and websites, and we leverage the most resourceful features of these frameworks todeliverexceptionalwebsolutionstoourclients.