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Herbert Van de Sompel Los Alamos National Laboratory – Research Library. systems for scholarly communication & the OAI-PMH. Frye Leadership Institute Emory University, June 11th 2002. economy. technology. sociology. law. scholarly communication. economy. technology. sociology.
Herbert Van de Sompel Los Alamos National Laboratory – Research Library systems for scholarly communication & the OAI-PMH Frye Leadership Institute Emory University, June 11th 2002 herbert van de sompel
economy technology sociology law scholarly communication herbert van de sompel
economy technology sociology law establishing a technological basis that allows addressing the other issues. herbert van de sompel
intro the OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol herbert van de sompel
The OAMH protocol is a low-barrier interoperability specification for the recurrent exchange of metadata between systems herbert van de sompel
service provider data provider 6 Requests repos i tory harves ter Replies the Metadata Harvestingprotocol herbert van de sompel
A&I image FTXT OPAC e-print federated services herbert van de sompel
A&I image OPAC e-print harvester FTXT metadata harvesting via OAMH metadata FTXT herbert van de sompel
A&I image FTXT e-print OPAC Author Title Abstract Identifer federated services via OAMH metadata herbert van de sompel
body systems for scholarly communication & the interoperable grid herbert van de sompel
Common representation of system for scholarly communication P U B S U B L I B A R the information chain herbert van de sompel
Common representation of system for scholarly communication P U B S U B L I B digital? A R the information chain herbert van de sompel
In order to free our minds: • let’s forget about who has been doing what and how in the existing system; • let’s look at what has to be done in a system for scholarly communication herbert van de sompel
Systems for scholarly communication {Roosendaal & Geurts} herbert van de sompel
Systems for scholarly communication {Roosendaal & Geurts} herbert van de sompel
Systems for scholarly communication A R value chain awareness certification rewarding registration archiving herbert van de sompel
It is -- at least -- legitimate to reflect on the possibility of a digital system for scholarly communication that is not merely a scanned copy of the paper system: • Serials crisis • Publication delay • Peer-review suppressing ideas • Digital archiving • Rewarding (citation dbases) stabilizes the system • Existing players competing for functions herbert van de sompel
Theoretical new models • subversive proposal (Harnad - 1994) • author self-archiving • deconstructed journal (Smith - 1993) • institutions as collectors/distributors of their author’s uncertified writings • journal publication as overlay service • decoupling of registration and certification herbert van de sompel
Implemented new models • xxx e-print archive (Physics - 1991 - Los Alamos - Ginsparg) • RePEc (Economy - Surrey U - Krichel) • NCSTRL (Computer Science - Cornell U - Lagoze) • CogPrints (Cognitive Sciences - Southampton U - Harnad) details in D-Lib February 2000 registration - awareness - no certification herbert van de sompel
A preprint in a digital scholarly communication system herbert van de sompel
A preprint in a digital scholarly communication system herbert van de sompel
Registration via preprints: • suggests the feasibility of a deconstructed system for scholarly communication. • suggests the possibility of preprints being the starting point of a new value chain in which the raw material -- the non-certified preprint -- is in open access. herbert van de sompel
The Innovator’s Dilemma {Christensen} • sustaining versus disruptive technologies; • disruptive technologies: • somehow perform worse than established ones • not accepted by core customer base • but: convenient, cheap, … • disruptive technologies can create competition in an existing value network by creating a new one first. • => preprints as a disruptive technology herbert van de sompel
Other functions must still be fulfilled. • In a fully electronic scholarly communication system, the implementation of the functions • can be distributed • can be fulfilled by different parties herbert van de sompel
metadata • Achieve interoperability by ensuring that information about the fulfillment of the functions: • can travel across the system • can be shared by nodes of the system herbert van de sompel
A R OAI • discovery metadata pointing at a preprint • a preprint awareness registration herbert van de sompel
service providers A R OAI data providers awareness registration herbert van de sompel
Extend the use of the Metadata Harvesting protocol to establish interoperability in a deconstructed scholarly communication system? • certification metadata • preservation metadata • usage metadata • author metadata • .... herbert van de sompel
A R Certification meta Data awareness certification registration Discovery meta Preprint herbert van de sompel
A R awareness certification rewarding registration discovery certification usage logs herbert van de sompel
A R awareness certification rewarding registration archiving discovery certification usage logs preservation herbert van de sompel
A R interoperable grid awareness certification rewarding registration archiving herbert van de sompel
A R new value chain awareness certification rewarding registration archiving herbert van de sompel