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Comparative Analysis of Scopus and Web of Science for Citation Metrics in HCI Research

Explore the effectiveness of Scopus and Web of Science for citation analysis in HCI research, comparing coverage, citation counting, ranking, and h-index scores of researchers. Learn about the research methods, results, and implications.

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Comparative Analysis of Scopus and Web of Science for Citation Metrics in HCI Research

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  1. Citation Counting, Citation Ranking, and h-Index of HCI Researchers: Scopus vs. WoS Lokman I. Meho and Yvonne Rogers Network and Complex Systems March 24, 2008

  2. Why citation analysis? • Study the evolution of scientific disciplines • Examine and/or map the social, economic, political, and intellectual impact of scientific research • Assist in certain decisions (promotion, tenure, hiring, grants, collaboration, etc.)

  3. Research problem • Until today, most citation-based research rely exclusively on data obtained from the Web of Science database • Emergence of Scopus and Google Scholar has raised many questions regarding the use of Web of Science exclusively

  4. Literature review • The question of whether to use Scopus and/or Web of Science as part of a mapping or research assessment exercise might be domain-dependent and that more in-depth studies are needed to verify the strengths and limitations of each source • Scopus covers 84% of all journal titles indexed in Web of Science; Web of Science covers 54% of all journal titles indexed in Scopus

  5. Research questions • How do the two databases compare in their coverage of HCI literature and the literature that cites it, and what are the reasons for the differences? •  What impact do the differences in coverage between the two databases have on the citation counting, citation ranking, and h-index scores of HCI researchers? •  Should one or both databases be used for determining the citation counting, citation ranking, and h-index scores of HCI researchers?

  6. Significance/value of study • Determine whether citation searching in HCI should be extended to both Scopus and Web of Science or limited to one of them. • Will help people who use citation analysis for research evaluation and mapping exercises justify their choice of database

  7. Databases • Web of Science • Approximately 9,000 journals going back to 1955 • Books in series and an unknown number of conf. proceedings, including LNCS, LNAI, LNM • Scopus • 14,000 journals going back to 1996 for citations • 500 conference proceedings • 600 trade publications

  8. Methods • Sample • 22 top HCI researchers from the Equator Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration, a project funded by UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (six years) • Publications (n=1,440, mainly conf papers and journal articles) • 594 (41%) were covered by Scopus • 296 (21%) were covered by Web of Science • 647 (45%) were covered by both

  9. Methods, cont’d • Searching methods used to identify citations to the 1,440 items published/produced by the sample members: • Scopus: (1) exact match of each item in “References” field; (2) “More” tab; and (3) “Author” search results + “Cited by” • WoS: cited references search • Citation information was parsed by author, publication type, year, source name, institution, country, and language • Source names were manually standardized and missing institutional affiliation and country information (3%) was gleaned from the web

  10. Methods, cont’d • Data from both databases were cross-examined for accuracy • h-index • Definition, strengths, and limitations • System-based counting method (takes into account only indexed works, n=647 works) • Manual-based counting method (takes into account all 1,440 works published/produced by sample)

  11. Results: Distribution of unique and overlapping citations Scopus n=6,919 (93%) Web of Science n=4,011 (54%) 3,428 (46%) 3,491 (47%) 520 (7%) WoS  Scopus = 7,439* *Excludes 255 citations from WoS, published before 1996

  12. Results: Reasons for the significant differences Note: 76% of all citations found in conference proceedings were unique to a single database, in comparison to 34% in the case of citations in journals

  13. Results: Quality of Scopus unique citing journals This is a partial list of the top 20 citing journals

  14. Results: Quality of Scopus’s citing conference proceedings (top 9 citing titles) *Source: Scopus.

  15. Differences in citation counting and ranking of individual researchers (top 12)

  16. Differences in mapping scholarly impact of individual researchers: an example

  17. Differences in mapping scholarly impact of individual researchers, cont’d *Percentage of mismatch would have been higher had we removed citations from the home institution of the researcher

  18. Differences in average h-index

  19. Difference in h-index of individual researchers This is a partial list of the top 10 researchers

  20. Comparison of h-index between GS and WoS+Scopus

  21. Conclusions and implications • In HCI, conference proceedings constitute a major channel of written communication • Most of these proceedings are published by ACM and IEEE and also by Springer in the form of LNCS and LNAI • Scopus should be used instead of WoS for citation-based research and evaluation in HCI

  22. Conclusions and implications, cont’d • h-index should be manually calculated rather than relying on system-generated scores • Researchers can no longer limit themselves to WoS just because they are familiar with it, have access to it, or because it is the more established data source • A challenge is to systematically explore citation data sources to determine which one(s) are better for what research domains

  23. Conclusions and implications, cont’d • Principles of good bibliometrics research: • Analysis should be applied only by professional people with theoretical understanding and thorough technical knowledge of the databases, retrieval languages, and the abbreviations, concepts, and/or terminologies of the domain under investigation • Analysis should only be used in accordance with the established principles of “best practice” of professional bibliometrics • If utilized for research assessment purposes, citation-based information should only be used in conjunction with qualitative peer review-based information

  24. Thank You Questions? meho@indiana.edu Full paper available at: http://www.slis.indiana.edu/faculty/meho/meho-rogers.pdf Network and Complex Systems

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