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Rise of Hitler

Rise of Hitler. World War II: Hitler ’ s War?. Introduction. Problems in peacekeeping in the 1920s Aggressive expansion in the 1930s Winston Churchill though, called WWI “ Hitler ’ s War ” Had a master plan for dominating Europe Reunite German Empire and conquer Eastern Europe

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Rise of Hitler

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  1. Rise of Hitler World War II: Hitler’s War?

  2. Introduction • Problems in peacekeeping in the 1920s • Aggressive expansion in the 1930s • Winston Churchill though, called WWI “Hitler’s War” • Had a master plan for dominating Europe • Reunite German Empire and conquer Eastern Europe • War was inevitable • Turning point 1935: Germany rearmed

  3. Origins of Hitler • Had fought in WWI, blinded by a gas attack • Heard of the German surrender while in the hospital • Catalyst for politics • Germany had almost realized domination of Eastern Europe • Lost when defeated on Western Front • Both Russia and Austro-Hungarian Empires have fallen • Germany not in that bad of a spot • Could not accept losses, reparations

  4. Ambitions • Foreign policy shaped by these factors • 1919, Hitler became a member of the German Workers’ Party • Renamed National Socialist German Workers’ Party in 1920 • Hitler its leader by 1921 • Key objectives • Union of all Germans • End to Treaty of Versailles • Strong state • National army • Exclusion of Jews

  5. Attempts at Power • 1923, Nazis attempt to seize power from Weimar Republic • Munich Beer Hall Putsch • Failed, Hitler sent to prison for nine months • Wrote Mein Kampf • Autobiography and political philosophy • Racist and authoritarian theories • Racial purity and Lebensraum

  6. Transformation of Nazi Party • Did not do well in German elections of 1928 • Hitler wrote a ‘Secret Book’ in this year • Developed foreign policy from Mein Kampf • Stated there would be a struggle between US and German/British Empires • Wrote about admiration for Mussolini and anger towards Chancellor Gustav Stresemann, who sought to return Germany to pre-1914 borders • Thought it was far too limited, wanted the USSR

  7. Rise to Power • Failures of the League • Economic crisis particularly influential on Weimar Germany • Mass unemployment led to Nazi Party’s success at the polls • Hitler came to power legally • Conservatives like President General von Hindenburg thought he could be controlled • Became Chancellor in January 1933

  8. Support for Hitler • Aggressive foreign policy objectives are what got him elected • Would have to attack Versailles and those who signed it • People believed he would restore prestige • Had support of other right-wing groups

  9. Consolidation of Power • 1933-34 consolidated control • Gained the control of the army and industrialists who sought rearmament • Regime was totalitarian, rights of citizens subordinate • Geared domestic policy to needs of expansionist foreign policy • Military conscription and rearmament helped economy

  10. Hitler and Short-Term Causes of WWII

  11. Revising the Treaty of Versailles • 1933-35 Hitler tries to revise Treaty of Versailles • Attacked reparations, had been suspended, announced they would not be resumed • Most had already accepted this • Decision to rearm caused the real problem • Withdrawal from Disarmament Conference 1933 • Increased military spending 34-35 by five times • Withdrew from League in 33, rest of the world economically down

  12. Subsequent Steps • Non-Aggression Pact with Poland in 1934 • Secured his eastern border for now • Undermined Franco-Polish Alliance • Sought to unify Austria with Germany • Pro-Nazi coup in Austria unsuccessful though • Re-united Saar with Germany • 1935, announced compulsory military service, armaments program, declared existence of 500,000 army and air force

  13. European Response • Britain, France, Italy created Stresa Front • Did not say how they would stop Hitler • Meaningless in a month when Britain and Germany signed a Naval Agreement • Allowed for a larger German navy, Britain’s individual attempt at limiting him • Hitler intimidating Europe • League cooked after Abyssinia Crisis in 1935

  14. German Remilitarization • 1936 turned his attention to western border • Versailles had made the Rhineland a demilitarized zone • Key for France • Hitler’s army and confidence growing • Sent 10,000 troops and 23,000 armed police into the Rhineland in March 1936 • No response from British or France • Division in France, British against resistance

  15. Hitler in Spanish Civil War • Italy and Germany grew closer as a result of Abyssinian Crisis • Together supported Franco • Nevermore than 10,000 Germans, 70,000 Italians • Wanted to test out Germany’s improved forces • Responsible for Guernica in 1937

  16. Building Support • Rome-Berlin Axis created in late 1936 • Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan same time • Italy joined the pact in 1937 • Thought they could use Japan to counter Britain and Russia in Asia • Would meet less resistance to his expansionist aims in Europe

  17. Hossbach Memorandum • August 1936 Hitler launched Four Year Plan to prepare German economy for war • 1937, called a meeting in the Reich • Key military leaders present • Opened by saying how important the discussion was, said it was essentially his will • Key aim was preserve racial community • Set a time-table, pre-1943 • Considered threats from France and seizing territory • Focused on concrete armament • Three people who opposed him here all were replaced

  18. Anschluss • March 1938, Hitler sent troops into Austria • Encountered no military resistance • Britain said it had been wrong to force a separation between Germany and Austria, lol • Austrian Chancellor had called for a popular vote • 99.75% for Hitler • Now had Austrian forces, gold and iron

  19. Takeover of Czechoslovakia • Next action against the Sudetenland • Czech leader appealed for help from Britain and France • France agreed, Britain agreed, USSR will • May 1938, Hitler said he would fight for it • Czechs had strong army and guarantees of support

  20. Munich Conference • British PM Chambelain met with Hitler Sept. 1938 • Originally compromised, asked for parts of Czech that wanted in • Second meeting Hitler increased his demands, wanted all Sudetenland • Britain mobilized its nacy • Final meeting, Britain, France, Italy give Hitler an ultimatum, gave him the land he wanted but nothing more • Did not consult with Czechs or Soviets • Renewed arms race • March 1939, Hitler occupied rest of Czech

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