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Training 1 (Session 3, Part A). High Quality Formative Assessment. October 1 and 2, 2013. Agenda (Training 1, Session 3, Part A). Welcome – Meet your State Leadership Team (SLT) Housekeeping (Webinar Management) Digital Library Background & Basic Information
Training 1 (Session 3, Part A) High Quality Formative Assessment October 1 and 2, 2013
Agenda (Training 1, Session 3, Part A) • Welcome – Meet your State Leadership Team (SLT) • Housekeeping (Webinar Management) • Digital Library Background & Basic Information • Session 3 Goal and Learning Objectives for Part A • State Network of Educators’ (SNE) Roles • Formative Assessment Process: What it is and what it is not • Gatekeeping
Housekeeping • You may type in any questions you have into the Q & A panel at anytime. • There will be a break in the presentation for the presenters to collect and address questions. Some questions may be answered by the moderator. • Presenters will try to answer as many questions as possible during the presentation. If your question was not answered, or if you have questions after the presentation, please contact your SLT member. • Most users will be able to access the audio from their computer. If you are having trouble with your audio, try accessing through the call-in audio bridge. This number is available in the Event Info tab of the Web Ex interface. • Participant microphones will be muted during the presentation. • We will be asking you to participate in activities by raising your hand. Click on the icon when prompted or use the yes or no icon.
Supporting Materials – Part A • Cover Profile Template • Quality Criteria • Instructional Resources • Quality Criteria • Professional Learning Resources • PowerPoint Handout
Overview of Training 1 YOU ARE HERE (Part A, Part B)
Learning Goal for Session 3 (Parts A & B) Members of the State Network of Educators will understand how to submit and evaluate instructional and professional learning resources for the Digital Library for educators to incorporate formative assessment practices into their classrooms.
Training 1: Session 3 Part A • Your dual role as a member of California’s SNE • Understanding the formative assessment process • Identifying appropriate resources for the Digital Library Part B (next week) • Components of an accurate and effective Cover Profile • Importance of the Cover Profile in the review process
Organizational Structure for the Digital Library • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium • Formative Assessment and Professional Learning Work Group • Developed Formative Assessment Master Plan • Amplify Insight, part of Wireless Generation • Contracted to develop the Digital Library • SLT • A support group for each state’s SNE • SNE −Educators who will submit and vet resources for the Digital Library YOU ARE HERE
What Exactly Is the Digital Library? The Digital Library will provide resources, tools, and professional learning opportunities for educators so they can tailor instruction to all students’ needs by utilizing the formative assessment process in the classroom.
Timeline Trainings and reviews in the next year: • October ─ November 2013 1. Learn about resources, processes, and criteria • November 2013 ─ April 2014 2. Four more trainings; Submit and review resources • April 2014 ─July 2014 3. Review commissioned modules for the Library • July 2014 ─ August 2014 4. Review “Assessment Literacy” modules • Training/Submission Timeline
Learning Objectives, Part A #1 I understand my dual role as a member of the SNE in building the Smarter Balanced Digital Library. #2 I understand the formative assessment process and its use in instruction. #3 I understand how to identify an instructional resource and a professional learning resource.
Learning Objective #1 • Learning objective #1: • I understand my dual role as a member of the SNE in building the Smarter Balanced Digital Library. • Success criteria: • I can explain how the Digital Library supports the purpose of a balanced assessment system. • I can explain my role as a contributor and my role as a reviewer of resources for the Digital Library.
Building the Digital Library As a member of the SNE, you have two roles in building the Digital Library: 1. Submit resources. 2. Review submitted resources for the Digital Library.
SNE Member, Contributor • Identify quality resources. “Gatekeeping Criteria” attachment, in Session 3, will be addressedin Part B. • Submit two resources between Training 1 and Training 2. − First two due by the end of November − May be either professional learning or instructional resources
SNE Member, Reviewer As a member of California’s SNE, you will • Review submitted resources using the quality criteria • Review at least 3 resources between each training (minimum total of 12 resources)
Vetting Process as Contributor vs. Reviewer Find or Build Resource SNE Prepare w/ Cover Profile FINAL REVIEW (if needed) SUBMIT REVIEW
Break Time • Take a five-minute break while we review the questions you have sent us. • After the break we will answer your questions before be move forward with the slide presentation.
Questions and Answers • Time to answer your questions about your roles as a member of the SNE or about the organizational structure of the Digital Library • All questions we receive in both parts of Session 3 will be answered in a future “Question and Answer” document
Focus: Learning Objective #2 Learning Objective #2: I understand the formative assessment process. Success Criterion: I can explain the four attributes of the formative assessment process.
Smarter BalancedFormative Assessment Definition Formative assessment is a deliberate process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides actionable feedback that is used to adjust ongoing teaching and learning strategies to improve students’ self-assessment, reflection, and attainment of curricular learning targets/goals.
Attributes of Formative Assessment Clarify Intended Learning Elicit Evidence Act on Evidence Interpret Evidence
Formative Assessment or Not? Vignette 1: Numbers Game As part of all instructional units, math teacher AngLee identifies three or four key skills or concepts that he believes students must master in order to achieve the units’ identified major clusters in the math standards. He develops a variety of assessments for each of these key skills or concepts, for example, using selected response or constructed response items that are used during the unit. Based on his students’ performances on these periodic “during-the-unit” assessments, Mr. Lee modifies his planned instructional activities to more appropriately reflect his students’ current level of understanding. Is Mr.Lee using all four of the attributes of formative assessment or not?
Formative Assessment or Not? (cont.) Vignette 2: Got Your Grammar? Ms. Sal teaches sixth-grade students at Happy Valley Elementary School. To help build her students’ skills, she has grammar lessons on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday that are almost always concluded with a 5-item quiz. Ms. Sal thinks her students pay closer attention during the lessons knowing that there will be a quiz at the end. Part of each student’s final grade is based on the average score on these lesson quizzes. Because Ms. Sal’s students always score well on the grammar section of the CSTs, her principal is overjoyed with her frequent use of the weekly quizzes. Is Ms.Salusing all four attributes of formative assessment or not?
Formative Assessment or Not? (cont.) Vignette 3: The History of it All Mr. Panchetta teaches AP U.S. government to seniors at Downtown High School. He knows his students are self-motivated and need little direction. He often gives both formal and informal tests to his students but knows that he has to get through a certain amount of material to prepare his students for the final AP test. Although he has to stick with his unit pacing, he constantly monitors the quality of his classroom instruction by observing the levels of understanding his students seem to possess regarding the concepts presented in class. For example, he will adjust or reteach the same concept, but in a different way, by observing students’ understandings through their perplexed expressions or off-task behaviors. Is Mr. Panchettausing all four attributes of formative assessment or not?
Formative Assessment or Not? (cont.) Vignette 4: Taking the Pulse of Assessment Pat Mann is a chemistry teacher who believes strongly that the most meaningful learning happens when students take responsibility for their own goals toward reaching concept mastery. Accordingly, during instruction, she uses a variety of assessments that she describes as vital tests, which assess the targeted learning goals. These tests are “taking the pulse” of student learning in her classroom. Some of the vital tests are quite traditional and some are atypical. The purpose of these assessments is to allow students to reflect on their knowledge and learning by what she calls “scientific evidence of their progress.” Ms. Mann also uses the results of the vital tests to adjust her own instructional procedures. Is Pat Mann using all four attributes of formative assessment … or not?
Check for Understanding • We hope these vignettes have clarified your understanding of the formative assessment process. • Please raise your hand before we move on to the last part of this training if you have any questions or send us a question that we will answer at the end of this presentation.
Focus: Session 3, Part A • Learning Objective #3: I understand how to identify instructional or professional learning resources. • Success Criteria: • I can explain how to identify an instructional or professional learning resource. • I can identify an instructional resource or a professional learning resource.
ResourceTypes Professional Learning Resource Instructional Resource Combination of Instructional & Professional Learning Resource
Gatekeeping Criteria • Use the Gatekeeping criteria to assess each Cover Profile to ensure that the resource is of high quality. • SNE members should use these criteria as a tool when looking for a quality resource.
Optional Homework • Find an instructional or professional learning resource that meets the Gate Keeping Criteria • Refer to: • Cover profile template • Gate-Keeping Criteria • If you choose to complete the homework, it will be due when you attend next week’s Training 1, Session 3, Part B
Reflecting on the Learning • I can explain my dual role as a contributor and reviewer in building the Digital library. • I understand my responsibilities for submitting and revising resources and know where to locate the information for due dates. • I can explain the key attributes of the formative assessment process. • I can identify instructional and professional learning resources that reflect formative assessment process.
Feedback Is Formative! Please complete the online session evaluation so we can learn from your feedback and adjust to your learning needs in Training 2. _________________________________ Thank you! Training 1, Session 3, Part B will be presented on Tuesday, October 8 and Wednesday October 9 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.