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Ethiopianism Visionary Synopsis Geghna. Ethiopian National Program 1998-2012. Table. I . Introduction. IV . Aims & Objectives. V. Plan of Action. I. Introduction.
EthiopianismVisionary SynopsisGeghna Ethiopian National Program 1998-2012
Table I. Introduction IV. Aims & Objectives V. Plan of Action
I. Introduction • Geghna is a new Paradigm for Ethiopian Liberation. It proposes an ideology based on the principle of Ethiopianism. It emanates the arts of living from one of the ancient cultural civilization. It will guide us to live tomorrow with the critical appreciation of today and will help us to learn from our past experiences. • Geghna is an organization established for Ethiopians fighting for the liberation of their homeland from Irredentism, Drought, Famine, War and backwardness. • Geghna’s objective is to bring down the WOYANE’s ethnic regime, without collapsing the one the ancient State of Abyssinia. Thus, Ethiopia will not have to test the bitter herb of Pan- Somalian balkanization. • Geghna is for the restitution of glorious Ethiopia based on trance-ethnic, trans-linguistic and non-confessional principles. Its main ideology is Ethiopianism. • Geghna program will be applied in the country for the transitional period. This is period where the different democratic institution of the country will be established and the old irredentist system with all its institutions will be abolished. • Geghna is a new Paradigm for Ethiopian Liberation. It proposes an ideology based on the principle of Ethiopianism. It emanates the arts of living from one of the ancient cultural civilization. It will guide us to live tomorrow with the critical appreciation of today and will help us to learn from our past experiences. • Geghna is an organization established for Ethiopians fighting for the liberation of their homeland from Irredentism, Drought, Famine, War and backwardness. • Geghna’s objective is to bring down the WOYANE’s ethnic regime, without collapsing the one the ancient State of Abyssinia. Thus, Ethiopia will not have to test the bitter herb of Pan-Somalian balkanization. • Geghna is for the restitution of glorious Ethiopia based on trance-ethnic, trans-linguistic and non-confessional principles. Its main ideology is Ethiopianism. • Geghna program will be applied in the country for the transitional period. This is period where the different democratic institution of the country will be established and the old irredentist system with all its institutions will be abolished.
Ethiopia • 1.2.1 Ethiopia • Is an independent polity which is a cradle of civilization, the origin of mankind and home of the brave. • Area 1’104’300km2 • Population 81 Million (2009) • Dem. Growth 2% • Density 72Hb./km2 • Urban pop 16% • Life expectancy 43 years • Literacy 35.9 % • PIB 180 $ • Inflation 12.3%
Historical Chronology • 5000 BC Cushitic Ethiopia (ShabtikaTariqa) • 1000 BC Shabatic Ethiopia (Sheba, Menilk1st) • 500 BC MeroeticEthiopia (Hendeqke, ktake) • 300 AD AxumiteEthiopia (Ezana) • 1000 AD ZagweticEthiopia (Lalibela) • 1300 AD Solomonic Ethiopia ( Saheleselasie) • 1600 AD Abyssinian Ethiopia ( Fasiledus) • 1900 AD Messianic Ethiopia (Tederos... Yohanus) • 2000 AD Modern Ethiopia ( MenelikII… )
Post 2nd World War Chronology • 19th Dec.1944 Restoration of the Throne • 3rd July 1974 The Famine and the revolutionary uprising deposed the Emperor • 1977 Derg Military Junta Took over the Power and declared Maraxismas an Ideology of the state • May 1991 EPRDF Irredentist group took power endorsed Eritrean Independence • 1998 Declared war with Eritrea • 15th May 2005 EPRDF lost power on the ballot box • Dec. 2006 EPRDF regime invaded Somalia • April 2007 EPRDF gave Most of the farm lands of Western Ethiopia to Sudan • 2009 Woyane start sealing Ethiopian farm land for foreign commercial farmers • 2009 over 20 million Ethiopians were touched by famine • 2010 Band Aid was exposed for his unjust financing the Woyane regime to power at the cost of Millions of lives in 1984’s Biblical famine • May 2005 Woyane Played a new electoral game without foreign observer
1.2.2 Ethiopian Ethiopia is a person manifesting Ethiopianist personality who struggles for the restoration of Ethiopia to its glory and proud of his origin.
1.2.3 Ethiopianist It is a code of character which leads one to the acceptation of his present Ethiopian duties, in assuming his mission for the future glory of Ethiopia, and ties himself to the collective past of Ethiopianity
1.2.4 Ethiopianity • It is a set of acts which manifests four principles : • Traces an Ethiopian descent, • Having Ethiopianist personality, • Claims his Ethiopian identity and • Lives as an Ethiopian
1.2.5 Ethiopianism • It is a movement and ideology of the people of Ethiopian descent at home and Diaspora. • It is a project for the restoration of Ethiopia to its ancient glory. It is a personalized code of Ethiopianity embedded with universal, contingent, historic, non-confessional, trans-ethnic, trans-classist values.
Drought & Famine • Drought and Famine is a cyclic phenomenon, which haunts the people of the Horn of Africa from the time immemorial. • Theses calamities devastate Ethiopians every seven to 7/10 ten years, causing unprecedented human catastrophe. • The 1974Wello famine took 200,000 lives and brought down the Imperial regime. The 1984 Biblical drought killed over ½ Million Ethiopians. • The 1991 Tigre famine affected over 4 million and brought about the demise of the Derg Regime. The current famine, already into its 3rd year is now destroying over 20 million Ethiopians, according to facts from World Food . • Geghna is dedicated to bring sustainable development projects to eradicate this plague among the Ethiopians. • The 1st step is by eliminating the main cause of this situation the ethnic & racist regime of EPRDF. This in turn will save Ethiopians from being eradicated from the face of the earth. This man made catastrophe is sustained as a source of income for maintaining an irredentist regime of EPRDF in power.
The Ethiopian Waters • The Ethiopian highland is the main source of water for all the people of the Horn of Africa as far as Egypt with its 12 rivers and 12 Lakes basin springing live water from the highland plateau :- • Sudan NileNorth Tekeze, Atabara, • West Nile, Dinder • South Baro, Akabo1&2 • KenyaSouth Omo • Djibouti EastShebele • Somalia EastDawa, Genale, Wabe (Genale & Shebele) • Nile Issue • The Nile is one of the longest river stretching over 5 600 km covering over 10 countries. Ethiopia contributes over 87% of the water. The country has no share and say to its main international head water due the un-concerted action of EPRDF regime. Geghna construes the situation to that of inequity. • Geghna has a working plan, to involve the riverians of the great waters for mutual project benefits, respecting the fauna and flora of the different regions. • Geghna is ready to discuss with the riverian countries, without preconditions on the Nile waters to protect all our mutual interests.
Ethiopian Treasures • Since the beginning of the last century the different regimes of the country have amassed the national reserve in the European banks. The EPRDF being the worst of them all, in vandalizing Ethiopian National treasures & assets. Over 44 billion USD Ethiopian treasury is languishing in the hands of Helvetic Bankers while the country is bleeding with drought and famine. The Derg and the Woyane regime have made “gentlemen agreement” rather than Judicial inter-aid for the return of Ethiopian treasury to the motherland. Further, TPLF officials continue to rip Ethiopians of large amounts of money by depositing them in various European and Latin American fiscal paradises.
Ethiopian Land • The Ethiopian land is divided into there:- • Amba :- The highland Plateau above 1400 meter; • Sheleko :- The Rift valley which divides the plateau into two escarpments the West and the East under 1000 going down to 145 meter under sea level in Dhalak Depression in the north east • Berha :- The hot arid semi desert law lands surrounding the country
The Land Tenure • The Ethiopian land tenure system traditionally is divided into three traditional social system .- Rist land, GultlandZelan land. Rest is a more of umbilical hereditarily communal hold land a system practiced in the traditional Abyssinian central plateau. The Gult is more of Feudal system of land tenure practiced mostly in the valley and southern regions acculturlized ambivalently by the inhabitants of the central plateau closer to what is known in the middle ages in the west a Feudal land tenure. Zelan Land Tenure system is land extending in and around the periphery area surrounding the highland plateau. Traditionally the inhabitants were divided respectively ResetgnaGultegna & Zelan. Zelan land belongs to the governments. The gult land is the land given to the traditional war lord patriots called Balabat and the inhabitants are named chestgna the same as that of western prerevolutionary serfs. • 1975 The Derg Regime with its socialist land reform nationalized the gult and Zelan land and redistributed the Gult to the tiller. • 1991 Woyane nationalized all lands to Ethiopia in its hands and started distributing in 2009 to the international land grabbers.
II. The Horn Of Africa • The Horn • 4’388’570.-Km2 • The Horn of Africa is homeland for over 140’807’000(2007) million people. It is a land of 12 great rivers and the source for the “life-giving” water of the Nile. It is also composed of 5 polities with that of the main land of Ethiopia and the 4 post colonial countries, once intermittently were a part of Abyssinian sphere of influence: Djibouti, Eritrea, Somaliland , Somalia and Sudan. Geghna has strategic interest in recognizing and formulating a regional partnership
2.1 Djibouti • 23’200km2 / 807’000.- Population (2007) • Djibouti, the ex-territory of France, is the land of the Afars and Issas. It once was part of the Biblical kingdom of Ophir. It has been a port city of the modern Ethiopian state since the construction of Franco-Ethiopian railway line in 1890s. It is a country menaced daily due to the Ethnic rivalry alimented and influenced by EPRDF’s racist government of Ethiopia. It’s mere survival depends on the presence of the French’s Military Contingent. • Geghna invites the sisterly inhabitants of Djibouti to work tighter in a mutual understanding and reciprocity in a more open and sisterly manner with the rest of the people of Ethiopia as we have always did.
2.2 Eritrea • 117’600Km2 / Population 4’500’000.-(2007) • Eritrea had been the Abyssinian doorway to the Middle East and that of Asia. Eritrea and Ethiopia are a nation united in their continuity and separated in their intermittence’s social and political history. They have both embarked in the last 50 years in wanton war . The crisis originated from the European Scramble for Africa in 1880 at the Berlin Conference. • Geghna invites these sisterly people to mutual economic and social development and to trace their destiny once more together.
2.3 Somalia • 637’660Km2 – Population 8’500’000.-(2007) • Somalia was the Biblical land of Punt. While Yemen was the right side kingdom of Sheba, Somalia played as the left part of Abyssinian sphere of influence from Ziela. It is country colonially divided and regionally murdered by the EPRDF’s government of the Woyane regime since 1991 and its resent intervention in 2007. • Geghna proposes a solution for lasting peace such that all Somalis can enjoy stability with the rest of Ethiopians to live in mutual collaboration and solidarity in peace and stability without foreign intervention.
2.4 Sudan • 2’505’810.- Population 36’700’000.-(2007) • Sudan is country of the Nile where the White and the Blue Nile merges to Egypt. Sudan was a part and a parcel of theShebatic that was later known as Meriotic kingdom with later Abyssinia. Since independence, it has been a fertile ground for coup & counter-coup, religious extremism, slavery and a land of struggle for liberation. It is through Sudan that EPRDF’s regime of Woyane put its racial hegemony on the affairs of the Ethiopians. • GEGHNA plans to work with the people of Sudan without undermining the interest of the rest of the peoples of the Horn of Africa for mutual development as we have done for centuries.
III. Ethiopian Diasporas • 3.1 The Great Lakes • 3.2 West Africa • 3.3 Middle East • 3.4 Americas
3.1 The Great Lakes • In the pre-colonial period the Ethiopians sphere of interest extended to the so-called interlacust region of Africa. • Today the peoples of Ethiopian decent living in this region of Burundi, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda have been victims of Ethnic purification and genocide. They were relocated by it’s anachronism racist doctrine, left behind by the colonial powers. • Geghna contrary to the EPRDF regime of Woyane will not be indifferent to the grievances of the peoples of Ethiopian descent in the Great Lakes. It will work hand in hand with local governments to find a lasting solution to the peoples of Biblical Abyssinian Hamatic kingdoms of Sheba Like that of the Torree, Baganda, BahimaAnkolie, Batutsi, Bawutu, Bayamalenge, etc . GEGHNA’s Ethiopia will surely stand with them in this time of distress who have victims of Scramble for Africa.
3.2 West Africa • Western Africa, the ancient Guinea was frequented with the people of Historical Ethiopia. • Geghna will also work with the different governments for the well being of its people today inhabiting these regions.
3.3 Middle East • Ethiopia is a prophetical country mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. Biblical Ethiopian even before the time and reign of Solomon frequented the Holy land. Ethiopia owns holy sites and properties inside and out side the walls of the Old City. This issue has been litigated with the different religious dominions especially that of the Coptic Egyptian on the site of the Holy Sepulcure. Today, over 100 thousand of the people of Ethiopian decent live in the Holy Land. The majority of them came through Israel’s law-of-return effectuated through different operations. • Geghna will assure a continuous Ethiopian ties with respective authorities of the region. It will try to find a mutual understanding with the Egyptian Copts religious authorities to find a lasting solution for their conflict with the site in the Holy Sepulcure of Jersualem. • Geghna will work hand in hand with the Ethiopian Diasporas living in Israel so they could participate in the eradication of religious intolerance and racial segregation at home and aboard.
3.4 Americas • Independent Ethiopia has been the pride of the people of African descent in Americas. Many ex-slaves living in the Island of the Seas claim their Ethiopian descent and its glorious past. • Geghna will work with all the people of Ethiopian descent living in Americas and Island of the Seas to participate in the eventual liberation of their motherland from tyranny, famine, drought and war. They will be called upon for the liberation and reconstruction of the glorious Ethiopia and thus will be embrace Ethiopianism.
IV. Aims & Objectives • Political • Economical • Social • Education • Technology • Environmental • Health • Food & Alimentation • Cultural • Information • Religion • Defense • Security • Intelligence
4.1 Political Will create a Federation of Ethiopians Will facilitate a Confederation of Horn of African States Will promote Pan-Africanism Will establish multi-party democracy Will proclaim a new Constitution Will keep the Green Yellow Red Flag as National Emblem Will adhere to the charter of the UN & AU Will endorse multiple citizenship due to countries peculiar historical context Will propagate Ethiopianism among its Diaspora Will endow the people of Ethiopian descent a citizenship Will promote National Unity-Honor-Pride in Ethiopianism Will pursue a Neutral Foreign Policy
4.2 Economical • Will establish mixed market economy • Will allow private ownership of land • Will create a national reserve • Will encourage foreign investment • Will privatize Banking system • Will encourage free labor unions • Will encourage free employees associations • Will adhere to International Labor Law
4.3 Social • Will promote the traditional social systems (Semina-Work, Geda & Rir Systems, etc) • Will encourage youth association • Will collaborate the creation of women association • Will encourage the creation of veteran association • Will rehabilitate the Ethiopian Patriotic association • Will rehabilitate Ethiopian Labor Union
4.4 Education • Will promote free Educational system to all • Will support traditional kene schools of knowledge • Will support traditional mederasas • Will rehabilitate the once strong Ethiopian Student Association • Will rehabilitate the once strong Ethiopian Teachers Association • Will establish Parents Associations
4.5 Technology • Will promote information technology • Will allow the transfer of modern environment friendly technology • Will create technological institutions • Will establish Telecommunication and a Postal Service for all • Will provide Transport and Electrical Services for all inhabitants
4.6 Environmental • Will promote the protection of flora and fauna • Will institute anti-deforestation and will promote water preservation • Will adhere to the UN convention on desertification and bio-diversity
4.7 Health • Will promote national health program for all • Will promote healthy life through sport • Will promote modern and traditional preventive medicine
4.8 Food & Alimentation • Will eradicate Famine and Malnutrition the plague Ethiopia • Will establish Food Banks and grain silos • Will encourage the associations of farmers and consumers • Will distribute the nationalized land and the grabbed lands to farmers • Will prohibit land grabbing in Ethiopia
4.9 Cultural • Will preserve the cultural diversity of Ethiopia being museodeipopuli (the People’s Museum) • Will keep linguistic & vernacular plurality, leading to a national vehicular • Will fight Ethnic and racial segregation & adhere to the International People’s Rights
4.10 Information • Will issue freedom of press and information • Will allow private owner ship of Mass Media • Will promote free Ethiopian Media Associations
4.11 Religion • Will separate the State from religion • Will allow freedom of beliefs • Will fight religious extremism and intolerance
4.12 Defense • We Will Have A National Defense Forces • Will prohibit its members from participating politics • Will establish one year of a vocational National service for specialization in selective trade • Will reestablish the Traditional Peoples’ Army of Meneilk II to defend Ethiopia
4.13 Security • Will establish National Police Force • Will adhere by the guiding principles of International Human and Individual Rights • Will prohibit its members from participating politics
4.14 Intelligence • Will establish a National Intelligence Services • Will adhere by the guiding principles of Declaration of Human and Individual Rights • Will prohibit its members from participating in politics
V. Geghna's 10 commandments • Destitute the Woyane Regime once for all from power • Displace the incumbent Ruling class and all its values and logics. • Dislocate Woyane's bases of legitimatization the EPRDF and all its symbol of irredentism with its different Ethnical regions. • Abolish Woyane's Constitution which is destroying Ethiopia. • Abandon all institutions of the EPRDF and bringing far-reaching changes in all spheres-primarily in economic and class relations-leading to the modernization of most aspects of the Ethiopian social lives, economic development and industrialization and to growing Ethiopianization and participation in the political sphere. • Allocate necessary means to EradicateFamine once for all from the land of Ethiopia and transform her as a bread basket of Africa. • Restitute all Government Nationalized and Grabbed Lands to the people of Ethiopia. • Replace the Irredentist Ideology by Ethiopianism and will enhance in the recreation of new Ethiopianist Personality. • ReestablishEthiopianism as a basic democratic paradigm for all ideologies of the different futuristic political parties of the land. • Reunify and regenerate strong and lasting Ethiopian Polity.