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Formatting characters and paragraphs. Unit objectives Change the appearance of text by applying character formatting Align text by using tabs Format paragraphs by using alignment buttons, adding borders, and applying bullets and numbers to lists
Formatting characters and paragraphs Unit objectives • Change the appearance of text by applying character formatting • Align text by using tabs • Format paragraphs by using alignment buttons, adding borders, and applying bullets and numbers to lists • Change paragraph indents, line spacing, and paragraph spacing
Topic A • Topic A: Character formatting • Topic B: Using tabs • Topic C: Paragraph formatting • Topic D: Advanced paragraph formatting
Character formats • Use font, font size, and font styles • Use buttons on the Formatting toolbar
Activity A-1 Using the Formatting toolbar
Activity A-2 Using the Font dialog box
Character effects • Select the word or phrase to format • Choose Format, Font to open the Font dialog box • From the Effects section, select the options you want to apply • Use the Text Effects tab to apply animations • Use the Character Spacing tab to change the space between letters • Click OK
Activity A-3 Applying character and text effects
Highlight tool • One-time use: • Select the text to be highlighted. • Click the Highlight button to apply highlighting. The tool is automatically turned off. • Multiple use: • Click the Highlight button. • Select the text to be highlighted. • Continue to select text for highlighting. • Click the Highlight button to turn it off.
Activity A-4 Highlighting text
Repeating character formatting • Choose Edit, Repeat Font Formatting • Press F4 • Press Ctrl+Y
Activity A-5 Repeating formatting in a document
Activity A-6 Formatting multiple selections simultaneously
Format Painter button • Select text whose format needs to be copied • Click • Select text to be formatted
Activity A-7 Using the Format Painter
Activity A-8 Using the Reveal Formatting task pane
Applying built-in character styles • Choose Format, Styles and Formatting to display the Styles and Formatting task pane • Select the text to be formatted • From the Pick formatting to apply list, select the desired style
Creating a character style • In the Styles and Formatting task pane, click New Style • In the Name box, enter a name for the style • From the Style type list, select Character • Under Formatting, select desired formats for the new style • Click OK • Select the text to be formatted • From the Pick formatting to apply list, select the new style
Activity A-9 Applying character styles
Topic B • Topic A: Character formatting • Topic B: Using tabs • Topic C: Paragraph formatting • Topic D: Advanced paragraph formatting
Activity B-1 Examining tab stops
Custom tab stops • Display the ruler, if necessary • Select paragraphs where you want to set tabs • Click to select the type of tab • Click a position on the ruler to place the tab stop
Activity B-2 Setting and moving a custom tab stop
Clearing custom tabs • Select the paragraph to be affected • Drag the tab indicator off the ruler and into the text area
Activity B-3 Clearing and setting other types of tabs
Activity B-4 Setting a tab and leader in the Tabs dialog box
Topic C • Topic A: Character formatting • Topic B: Using tabs • Topic C: Paragraph formatting • Topic D: Advanced paragraph formatting
Paragraph alignments • Left • Centered • Right • Justified
Activity C-1 Using paragraph alignments
Activity C-2 Applying borders and shading
Bullets and numbering • To insert bullets: • Select the paragraph • Click • To insert numbering: • Select the paragraph • Click
Activity C-3 Adding bulleted and numbered lists
Activity C-4 Editing bulleted and numbered lists
Outline numbered lists • Select the text to be formatted • Choose Format, Bullets and Numbering • Click the Outline Numbered tab • Select the numbering style • Click OK
Activity C-5 Adding an outline numbered list
Topic D • Topic A: Character formatting • Topic B: Using tabs • Topic C: Paragraph formatting • Topic D: Advanced paragraph formatting
Indent markers First Line Left Indent Right Indent Indent marker marker marker Hanging Indent marker
Activity D-1 Setting left and right indents
Hanging indents • Select the paragraph, or paragraphs, you want to affect • Drag the hanging indent marker to another position on the ruler
Activity D-2 Setting a hanging indent
Creating a new line • To create a new line without losing the hanging indent, press Shift+Enter
Activity D-3 Comparing new lines and paragraphs