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Data citation in CSIRO

Data citation in CSIRO. Building a culture of data citation. Anne Stevenson | Research Data Services Support . 26 th November 2013. CSIRO Information management & technology. Image: http://xkcd.com/285/. The big picture. Data citation is part of the bigger picture: Data management

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Data citation in CSIRO

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  1. Data citation in CSIRO Building a culture of data citation Anne Stevenson | Research Data Services Support 26th November 2013 CSIRO Information management & technology Image: http://xkcd.com/285/

  2. The big picture • Data citation is part of the bigger picture: • Data management • Citing sources • Appeal to researchers to describe and manage their data, for • Accountability • Reproducibility • Reuse Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  3. Carrots Recognition for managing data: get your data cited: Carrot: linking to data from publications can raise citation rates Piwowar HA, Vision TJ. (2013) Data reuse and the open data citation advantage. PeerJ 1:e175 http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.175 Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  4. In place An automated process to: • Deliver a DOI for a publically available dataset • a PID (a handle) for a “non-public” dataset • Present an attribution statement within the collection: • Visible during the creation of the record in the Data Access Portal (DAP) • Any changes made to the record during the deposit process are reflected in the attribution • Can be copied for use in publications • Bidirectional linking between data and publications Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  5. Attribution statement in the Data Access Portal Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  6. Bidirectional linking Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  7. In place • Training sessions for depositing and managing data sets in the Data Access Portal (DAP) • We can almost hear the attention level increase when we mention DOI minting • Adding Google Analytics reports to wiki (shows most viewed, most downloaded) • Providing altmetric data for inclusion in annual reports • Distributing the ANDS Data Citation leaflet into CSIRO’s libraries, information centres and canteens • Exploring tracking and metrics options such as ImpactStory and Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  8. In place Contacting authors who have submitted journal articles: Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  9. In place Tapping into the internal professional writing and proposal preparation sessions to encourage referral of data sources A dedicated intranet section (this is currently brief) Using internal media channels such as Yammer and newsletters opportunistically Participating in ANDS’ Project Columbus Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  10. Project Columbus The steps: Weekly report on new collections from the DAP. New collections with DOIs identified. We search our publications system for the data collection authors, looking for papers that aren’t published yet. We then contact the authors that match to talk about data citation generally, and Project Columbus specifically. Results so far: Very early days. 4 candidates identified. Candidates are extremely keen, however. Additional datasets have been deposited by each candidate Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  11. Plans Include data collections/citations in internal assessments (Science reviews) Maintain resources on impact and citation metrics to the Citing Data intranet Check the parent Library Services intranet: any content on citing publications can be expanded to include data We will attempt to recruit a “champion” as we are aware that researchers are more likely to hear this message from other researchers than from support staff Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  12. Plans Use the Google Analytics reports to notify top-viewed, top-downloaded depositors Tap into the ARC Discovery Early Researcher Award process: Funding rules for 2014 commencement, Clause 12.6.2: As well as compliance with ARC Open Access policy for publications: “The ARC strongly encourages the depositing of data arising from a Project in an appropriate publicly accessible subject and/or institutional repository …” http://www.arc.gov.au/ncgp/decra/fundingrules.htm Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  13. Thoughts (not yet plans) A rule of thumb for what gets published, and thus cited, ie a classification for data Provenance and its relationship to citation Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  14. But … resistance and reservations “Do I publish my data then cite it in my journal article, or do I publish my journal article and then publish my data?” “I wouldn’t release the data before I publish the related article, would I?” Image: Turnauckas, Mark. Chicken And Egg, April 3, 2011. http://www.flickr.com/photos/marktee/5586165599/. Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  15. Reinforcement These points were not part of my presentation, but I believe they are worth reinforcing Researchers “get” DOIs; they understand their relevance & importance for publications – Natasha Simons Tracking citations is a great objective, however it’s important that researchers are citing the data they use, and they aren’t necessarily aware that they should – Steve McEachern Pose the question in discussions with researchers: what happens if you can’t find your data? – Steve McEachern Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  16. Acknowledgementsyou Thanks to: my CSIRO Research Data Support Service colleagues: Cynthia Love, David Benn, Dominic Hogan, Sue Cook ANDS Data Citation team: Karen Visser, Gerry Ryder Data citation in CSIRO| Anne Stevenson

  17. Thank you CSIRO IM&T Anne StevensonInformation Specialist t +61 2 4960 6087 e anne.stevenson@csiro.au w www.csiro.au CSIRO Information Management & Technology

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