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Public Transportation

Public Transportation. By Philip. Definition :. Public transportation is a form of transportation that can be used by everyone. Look at the differe-nce !!!!. Public transportation in Vestfold. School buses Bus routes Main routes Railway. Route map of Public buses in

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Public Transportation

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  1. Public Transportation By Philip

  2. Definition: Public transportation is a form oftransportationthatcan be used by everyone Look at thediffere-nce!!!!

  3. Public transportation in Vestfold • School buses • Bus routes • Main routes • Railway

  4. Routemapof Public buses in Sandefjord (Vestviken Kollektivtrafikk)

  5. Statistics • Appr 9 million travels by bus per year • 42 times aroundthe world per year • 4,5 times to themoon • Appr 50% of travels by bus is related to schools • In March 2011, VKT had 1 million travels. This is a newrecord • 1,6 million peopletravelled by trainon Vestfoldbanen in 2010

  6. Transportation to school Not all childrengettheirschool transport for free. The reason is thatyou must live at least 3 kilometers away from yourschool. If youcan´ttakethe bus or if youaredisabled, freetransportation by taxi might be paid for by the Kommune. If you live less than 3 kilometers away from schoolyou must useyourown transport or pay for public transportation.

  7. Howmuchdoes it cost??? For bus travel, a 30 day long cardcosts in NOK: • 250 for children (4-15) • 250 for teenagers (16-19) • 370 for young adults (20-29) • 690 for adults (30-59) • 490 for old adults (60-66) • 300 for elderly 67+ For a local adult card (one zone, like Sandefjord) it costs 600 NOKfor 30 days and 320 NOK for 14 days.

  8. How muchdoes it cost??? For a single traintripticket from Sandefjord to Tønsberg it costs: • 31 NOK children • 62 NOK adult For a 7 day adult card («periodekort») it costs 382 NOK, and for a 30 daycardthecost is 1130 NOK.

  9. Whyisn’t bus transportationfree??? An experiment in Norway showedthatwhenpeoplewereprovidedfree bus transport, peoplewhonormallywouldwalk and cycletookthe bus, not the ones whodrovetheirowncars, which is bad for theenvironment and for peoples’ health. In addition, many buses and trainsarealready full and thereforeweneedincreasedcapacity first of all.

  10. Whydon’t more peopleusepublictransportation??? Reasons: • Theydon’t have time • Theycan’tafford it • Theythink it doesn’tworkefficiently • Theydon’t care abouttheenvironment • Theywalk or cycleinstead • Theyuseothertransportation • Parking lots in townarefree, toocheap or toomany

  11. Why do delaysoccur??? • Rush hour • Not enough buses or trains • Not enough drivers • Onlyonetrack • Old material and poormaintainence • Cold weatherconditions • Leaves from trees • Animal hits

  12. Trains Cons Eco-friendly Electric-powered Energy from hydro-power Space for manypeople Comfortable Veryfewtoxic gases Safer Time-saving (for work, etc. when travelling) Less noise Efficient for goods transport Time consuming Less practical Less freedom to travel when and where Less trustworthy Expensiveinfrastructure Environmentallyunfriendlyinfrastructure Pros

  13. Buses Cons Eco-friendly Space for many Cutsdown on traffic Less price Canuseexistingtraffic systems Can cover evensmallerroads (compared to trains) Less practical Less trustworthy Time consuming less freedom to travel when and where Pros

  14. Howdoesthepublictransportation system work in Vestfold? Bus: Therearethree main routes in Vestfold which span over different parts of Vestfold, Horten - Larvik(01), Holmestrand – Tjøme (02) and Larvik – Stavern (03). Therearealsomany in-city routes and schoolroutes, about 50 all together. In the Vestfold citiestherearecommuter buses every 20 minutes. Train: Thereare region trips (e.g. Sandefjord-Oslo) and local trips (e.g. Sandefjord-Tønsberg).

  15. Howdoesthepublictransportation system work in Vestfold? • Vestviken Kollektivtrafikk rents between 200 and 250 buses. • A diesel driven bus costsabout 4 million NOK. A hydrogen driven bus costsabout 18 million NOK. • The buses must be less than 5 yearswhen VKT starst to use it to complywithenvironmentalrules and regulations. This is to reduceemissions. A bus usesabout 5 times thefuelof a normal car.

  16. Energy consumption for Public Transportation • Public buses in Vestfold use diesel to power thevehicles. • Trainsuseelectricity from hydroelectricpower. • Look at nsb.no for an ”environmentalcalculator”. According to theirwebsite, 23 trips by train between Skien-Oslo provides as much CO2 emissions as one journey by car. 31 trips by train between Fredrikstad-Oslo provides as much CO2 emissions as a single journey by car. 27 trips between Bergen-Oslo by train travel equals the CO2 emissions that one flight does.

  17. Energy consumption for Public Transportation • There have been trials ofusingBiofuel in Bergen and Trondheim. This proved to be more expensivethanusing diesel. This alsorequires to changetheinfrastructure to make thiswork (i.e. Biofuelstations, changingthe bus engines etc.). • It is possible to usemethane gas as fuel. This gas can be made by addingbacteria to sewage, extractingmethane.

  18. Bus transportation: thechanges In Sandefjord over the last 10 yearsthere has been a change or development from severalroutescoveringmany roads withlowfrequency (fewdepartures) to a system withfewrouteswithhighfrequency. This change has given goodresults in Sandefjord and throughout Vestfold as most peoplearewilling to walk a bit longer to a bus withhighfrequency, compared to walking a shorterdistance to a bus routewithlowerfrequency.

  19. What is changing in thefuture??? In Sandefjord therewon’t be anychanges in the most popularroutes (bus) because it won’t be necessary. Becauseoftheeconomicalsituation VKT (Vestviken Kollektivtrafikk; the bus company operating in Vestfold and Telemark) is in, theywon’t make anychanges. In Vestfold thetrainrailwaybeside Tønsberg is being builtinto 2 tracksinsteadof 1, whichwill make thetrip from Tønsberg to Oslo (alsoother trips) take less time. Alsonewtrainsareorderedalready and willarrive in 2012.

  20. Whatshould be changed in thefuture? • To providepublictransportation for an increasingpopulation 80-105 billion NOK is needed for investments from nowuntil 2040, this must be spent. • The onlyway to increasecapacity/decrease travelling time is to build double traintracks. Double tracks in Vestfold and Østfold willtriplenumberof passengers. • Stopdevelopingroads for cars in cities, removeparkingspaces and make caruserspay toll for driving in cities and usethemoney to build metrosystems and tramways. • Let buses have ownlanes in city traffic to speed up publictransportation and hinder delays, especiallythroughout rush hours. • In Denmarkyoucan bring yourbicycle in specialcarriagesonthe city trains. Ifthiswaspossible in Norway, many more peoplewouldchoosepublictransportation, evenifthey live furtheraway from trainstations.

  21. Whoseresponsibility is it to improvethe bus\train system??? Bus: The fylkeskommune in Vestfold actually has theresponsibilitybecause it is themwhopay Vestviken Kollektivtrafikk to drive the buses. Train: The politicians have most oftheresponsibilitybecause it is themwhodecidewhat and howmuchmoney is spent on thetrain system. You: Youarethedecision maker becauseyoucanvote, or write to yourlocalpoliticians and influencetheirdecisions.

  22. Howcanyou and I improvepublictransportation? • Don’tbuy a secondcar • Youcanwrite to the Fylkeskommune and thepoliticians to make themchange or addroutes, or prioritizedifferently. • Ifyouareeligible to vote, youcanvote for thepoliticianswiththe most eco-friendlytraffic programs. • Youcanalsojoin a groupworking for improvedpublic transport like Pendlerforeningen. • Become a memberofVestvikenKollektivtrafikk’sFacebookpage (from age 13)

  23. Bibliography • www.miljoagentene.no • Aftenposten 31 March and 1 April 2011 • Sandefjords Blad 2 May 2011 • Vestviken Kollektivtrafikk AS Årsrapport 2009 • Transport og Miljø (Holden, Linnerud, Schlaupitz 2009) • Jernbaneverket • http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/07/number_of_the_d.php • http://intlxpatr.wordpress.com/2007/10/01/kuwait-public-transportation/ • http://www.vkt.no/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=7baNtS6k4mc%3d&tabid=386 • Interviews with Lars Sandnes (VKT) and Pål Nome (commuter)

  24. Thankyou for watching • Pleasecheckout my graphs,posters and lines ofinquiry if youhaven’talready!!!

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