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Explore word stress rules in Turkish language, covering regular and irregular roots, compound words, suffixes, and clitics. Learn about stress patterns in different word structures.
Word stress 1 STRESS IN ROOTS 1.1 REGULAR ROOTS 1.2 IRREGULAR ROOTS AND STEMS 2 STRESS IN COMPOUNDS 3 STRESS IN SUFFIXES 3.1 STRESSABLE SUFFIXES 3.2 UNSTRESSABLE SUFFIXES AND CLITICS 3.2.1 Theeffect of unstressablesuffixesandclitics on wordstress • Regularroots • Irregularroots • Co-occurrence of unstressablesuffixesandclitics • An unstressablesuffixfollowedby a stressablesuffix • Stressandthenegativesuffix • StressandthecliticsdA, ki andya
1 STRESS IN ROOTS 1.1 REGULAR ROOTS kadín‘woman’ kalabalík‘crowd’ cumhuriyét‘republic’ hastá‘ill’ kutú‘box’ beklé‘wait’ • Invocativeforms Kádın! ‘Hey woman!’ Çocúklar! ‘Hey kids!’ Hüséyin! • a diminutivesuffix (-CIK) Semrá’cığım ‘Semra darling!’
1.2 IRREGULAR ROOTS AND STEMS • Adverbs şímdi ‘now’ bélki ‘perhaps’ yárın ‘tomorrow’ áncak ‘only’, ‘onlyjust Notethat: Bunu koláy yaptım (ii) Manynouns of foreignorigin lokánta (Italian) ‘restaurant’ bánka (Italian) ‘bank’ iskémle (French) ‘chair’ táksi (French) ‘taxi’ lόbi (English) ‘lobby’ fútbol (English) ‘soccer’ péncere (Persian) ‘window’ politíka (Greek) ‘politics’ iskéle (Greek) ‘quay’
1.2 IRREGULAR ROOTS AND STEMS (iii) Placenames İstánbul, Táksim, Adána, İngiltére, Fránsa, Afríka Exceptions: Hindistán‘India’ Gürcistán ‘Georgia’ Notethat • mısír ‘maize’ Mísır ‘Egypt’ • ordú ‘army’ Órdu(a city on the Black Seacoast of Turkey) • bebék ‘baby’ Bébek(a district in Istanbul)
1.2 IRREGULAR ROOTS AND STEMS (iv) Thefollowingquestionwordsandthosethatcontainthesuffix–rA hángi ‘which’ háni ‘where’ (informal) násıl ‘how’ níçin ‘why’ (v) Stemswhichhavereduplicativeprefixesandloanwords kápkara ‘pitchblack’ ásosyal ‘antisocial’ (vi) Stemsthatcontainunstressablesuffixes, see 4.3.1. (vii) Stemswhicharecompounds (4.2).
2 STRESS IN COMPOUNDS búgün (bu ‘this’+gün ‘day’) ‘today’ báşbakan (baş ‘head’+bakan ‘minister’) ‘prime minister’ sokák lambası ‘streetlight’ telefόn rehberi ‘telephonedirectory’ çáy bardağı ‘teaglass’ dérs kitapları ‘textbooks’ búzdolabı ‘refrigerator’ (lit. ‘icecupboard’) kasímpatı ‘chrysanthemum’ (lit. ‘Novemberaster’) deréotu ‘dill’ (lit. ‘streamweed’) Exceptions alışveríş (alíş ‘taking’+veríş ‘giving’) ‘shopping’ bilgisayár (bilgí ‘knowledge’+sayár ‘[something] thatcounts’) ‘computer’ kabakulák (kaba ‘coarse’, ‘puffy’+kulak ‘ear’) ‘mumps’ • Incompoundsconsisting of twoverbsor a nominal and a verb anlamís ol- ‘haveunderstood’ bitiríyor gözük- ‘seem [to] be finishing’ yardím et- ‘help’ hastá ol- ‘becomeill’
3 STRESS IN SUFFIXES 3.1 STRESSABLE SUFFIXES (i) kitáp ‘book’ kitap-lár ‘books’ kitaplar-ím ‘mybooks’ kitaplarım-dá ‘in mybooks’ kitaplarımda-kí ‘theone in mybooks’ kitaplarımdaki-lér ‘theones in mybooks’ kitaplarımdakiler-é ‘totheones in mybooks’ kír- ‘break’ kır-íl ‘be broken’ kırıl-acák ‘it will be broken’ krılacak-lár ‘theywill be broken (ii) iskémle ‘chair’ iskémle-ler ‘chairs’ iskémleler-imiz ‘ourchairs’ iskémlelerimiz-de ‘on ourchairs’ iskémlelerimizde-ki ‘theone on ourchairs’ iskémlelerimizdeki-ler ‘theones on ourchairs’ Afríka ‘Africa’ Afríka-lı ‘African’ Afríkalı-lar ‘Africans’ Afríkalılar-ın ‘of Africans’ • mısırdakilér‘theones in themaize’ • Mísır’dakiler‘theones in Egypt’
3 STRESS IN SUFFIXES 3.1 STRESSABLE SUFFIXES • (iii) Somesuffixeswhicharepolysyllabic, e.g. • -(y)ArAk, • -mAksIzIn - • sAna, • -sAnIzA • -(I)yor • -(y)Iver • -(y)Agel, • -(y)Akal, • -(y)Adurand • -(y)Ayaz • kaz- ‘dig’ kaz-árak ‘bydigging’ • bak- ‘look’ bak-máksızın ‘withoutlooking’ • gel- ‘come’ gel-íyor ‘s/he is coming’ • tut- ‘hold’ tut-úver ‘hold’ • şaş- ‘be astounded’ şaş-ákal-dı-m ‘I wasastounded’ • gel-íyor-lar ‘theyarecoming’ • tut-úver-miş ‘apparently s/he suddenlytookhold of [it]’ • AfrikalılaşárakorAfríkalılaşarak‘bybecomingAfricanized’ • AfrikalılaşíyororAfríkalılaşıyor‘s/he is becomingAfricanized’ • tut-úver-iyor ‘s/he suddenlytakeshold of [it]’
3 STRESS IN SUFFIXES 3.2 UNSTRESSABLE SUFFIXES AND CLITICS (i) The copular markers -(y)DI, -(y)mIş, -(y)sA, theconverbial marker -(y)ken andthegeneralizingmodality marker -DIr • gel-sé-ymiş ‘if s/he had arrived’ • gid-ér-se ‘if s/he goes’ • otur-úr-ken ‘whilesitting’ • oku-yacák-tır ‘s/he willmostcertainlyread’
3 STRESS IN SUFFIXES 3.2 UNSTRESSABLE SUFFIXES AND CLITICS (ii) The marker -(y)lA/ile ‘with’, ‘by’, elíyle‘with his/her hand’, ‘his/her handand…’ Alí’yle‘with Ali’, ‘Ali and…’ (iii) Thederivationalsuffixes -(A/I)cIK, -CA, -CAsInA, -en, -(y)In, -lA -leyin, - rA: úfacık ‘tiny’ kadínca ‘womanly’ uçárcasına ‘as ifflying’ tamámen ‘completely’ kíşın ‘in winter’ yáyla ‘plateau’ néreye ‘[to] where’ όrada ‘there’
3 STRESS IN SUFFIXES 3.2 UNSTRESSABLE SUFFIXES AND CLITICS (iv) Thefollowingpersonmarkers (a) the 1st and 2nd personmarkersbelongingtogroup 2, i.e. -(y)Im, -sIn, -(y)Iz, - sInIz: uyúrum ‘I sleep’, ‘I willsleep’ anlamíşsın ‘youhaveunderstood’ (b) The 2nd personmarkers of group 4, i.e. -yIn, -yInIz, andthosebelongingtogroup 3, i.e. -sIn, -sInIz. (Notethattheother-sIn, i.e. the 3rd personoptativeandimperativesuffix (groups 3 and 4) is stressable): anlayásınız (diye) ‘(sothat) youunderstand’ (c) The 3rd personpluralsuffix-lArof group 2 when it is attachedto a non-casemarkedsubjectcomplement: Tutsáklar‘Theyareprisoners
3 STRESS IN SUFFIXES 3.2 UNSTRESSABLE SUFFIXES AND CLITICS (v) Theparticlebile ‘even’ Ahmét bile ‘even Ahmet’ (vi) ThecliticmI gittiníz mi? ‘didyougo?’ (vii) Theclitic-(y)sA/ise ( bénse ‘as for me’ (viii) Thenegative marker -mAandcompositesuffixescontaining it (e.g. –mAdAn gít-me-dik ‘wedidn’tgo’ bák-madan ‘withoutlooking’ Notethatoneexception is theoccurrence of -mAin thenegativeaorist form -mA(z), is stressable, e.g. bak-máz-dık‘wewere not in thehabit of looking’, yazmá-yız‘wewill not write’. (ix) Theclitics dA ki ya anlıyorúm da ‘I understand, but…’ bakmıyordúm ki ‘but I WASN’T looking’ gördǘm ki ‘I realizedthat…’ gördǘm ya ‘I HAVE seen (it)’
3.2.1 Theeffect of unstressablesuffixesandclitics on wordstress Regularroots • Theaddition of anyone of theunstressablesuffixesandcliticsexceptthenegativesuffixandtheclitics in (i.e. dA, ki andya) to a regularroot • geldilér ‘theyhavearrived’ geldilér-se ‘iftheyhavearrived’ • geldilérbile ‘theyhavealreadyarrived’ • yorgún‘tiredyorgún-um ‘I’m tired’ • yorgúnmu‘is s/he tired?’ • bisiklét‘bicycle’ bisiklét-le‘bybicycle’ • bisiklét-se‘as forthebicycle’ • çocúk‘child’ çocúk-ça‘childish(ly)’
3.2.1 Theeffect of unstressablesuffixesandclitics on wordstress Irregularroots • Theaddition of (i)–(iv) in (i.e. the copular markers, thegeneralizingmodality marker, the marker -(y)lA/ile, andtheadverbialandpersonmarkersspecifiedthere) to an irregularroot İstánbulİstánbulda-ydım‘Iwas in Istanbul’ İstánbul-la‘withIstanbul’ • Theaddition of bile ‘even’, mI(interrogative), -(y)sA/ise ‘as for’ dA(in itsadditivefunction to an irregularroot İstánbulİstánbul bile/İstanbúl bile ‘evenIstanbul’ İstánbulmu?/İstanbúl mu? ‘Istanbul?’ İstánbulsa/İstanbúlsa‘as forIstanbul’ İstánbulda/İstanbúl da ‘Istanbultoo’
3.2.1 Theeffect of unstressablesuffixesandclitics on wordstress Co-occurrence of unstressablesuffixesandclitics • otur-úyor-muş-sun bile ‘apparentlyyouwerealreadysitting’ • otur-acák-sa da mı ‘evenif s/he’sgoingto sit?’ • iste-míşmi-ydi-n ki ‘had youaskedfor [it], then?
3.2.1 Theeffect of unstressablesuffixesandclitics on wordstress An unstressablesuffixfollowedby a stressablesuffix • otúrma ‘don’t sit down’ otúr-ma-dı ‘s/he hasn’t sat down’ • okuldá ‘at school’ okuldá-ymış-lar ‘apparentlytheyare/were at school’
3.2.1 Theeffect of unstressablesuffixesandclitics on wordstress Stressandthenegativesuffix • sevíyor ‘s/he likes [it]’ • sévmiyor ‘s/he doesn’tlike [it]’ • İstánbullulaş ‘becomelike a native of Istanbul’ • İstanbulluláş-ma ‘don’tbecomelike a native of Istanbul’
3.2.1 Theeffect of unstressablesuffixesandclitics on wordstress StressandthecliticsdA, ki andya • istemíştim ‘I had wanted [it]’ istemiştímki [otursun] ‘I had wanted [him/her to sit down]’ • anlayámıyorum ‘I can’tunderstand[it]’ anlayamıyorúmki ‘but I can’tunderstand [it]’ • söylémemiş ‘s/he hasn’tsaid [it]’ söylememíşya ‘but s/he HASN’T said [it]’ • yürǘyorum ‘I (can) walk’ yürüyorúmda koşamıyorum ‘I can walk, but I can’trun’