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Delve into the theological complexities of money, examining Scriptures, the choice between God and materialism, and the perspectives on prosperity and poverty. Discover the spiritual implications and practical implications of our financial beliefs.
Scriptures concerning finances and money Over 2,000 Scriptures “Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him.” I John 2:15 “Beloved I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health just as your soul prospers.” III John 2
Jesus said… “No one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.” “Serve” means to be a slave “Master” absolute ownership
A. We must choose who we will serve • We have a choice to who we will serve. • Jesus said, we are going to choose. • We can’t serve both, God and money.
B. We must decide who will have control Once we have chosen whom we will be a slave to, that owner will have absolute ownership over us and will be in control of our lives. “I have tried to keep things in my hands and lost them all, but what I have given into God’s hands I still possess.” Martin Luther
“Tithing is Rare”Barna Research Survey • Christians are 4 times more likely than non-born again adults to tithe (12% vs. 3%). • A large proportion of adults claim to be interested in tithing in the future. • Two out of every 5 born again adults who admitted to not currently tithing stated that they hoped to do so in the future, with the remaining 1 out of 5 indicated no interest in or intent to tithe in the future.
C. We must place our confidence in the right source • Once we make that choice and that owner has control over our life, it will be that which we place our confidence, or trust, and or dependence in. • “Mammon” means – that which a person places its trust in. It becomes a god. It is the one that we serve, and that enslaves us. We devote our time, our resources, and our energy to.
What Jesus did not say… “You should not serve both God and money.” “You must not serve God or money.” If He said “you must not,” it would be an issue of accountability Jesus said, “You can not serve both God and money.” It is impossible to become a slave to both. It is a test of our character.
Webster defines materialism • Materialism is the theory that physical well being and worldly possessions constitutes the highest value, the greatest good in life.” • In other words, materialistic people say of the highest value, the greatest good that I can receive from life is my giving and serving the God of materialism.
A. A poverty theology has a distain for possessions • Possessions are a curse • Favorite scripture reference is Luke 18 (Rich Young Ruler) • Needs will be met by a carefree attitude • Don’t worry because they seek God’s kingdom first • Reject possessions • Attitude toward poverty is that they are in God’s will • Are preoccupied with daily needs Designed Bywww.foundtruth.comApostolic graphic design
B. There is a presumption that anyone doing well financially must be doing something dishonest They look at others and say… • They are dishonest. • It they really loved God they would give it all up. “The rich and the poor have this in common. The Lord is the maker of them all.” Proverbs 22:2 Designed Bywww.foundtruth.comApostolic graphic design
C. It exaggerates the role of sacrificial work • Sacrifice is almost like a god. • Can become legalistic • “God loves me because I have given us so much.” • Giving up a lot makes them more spiritual. • Can become arrogant in their own spiritual walk. Designed Bywww.foundtruth.comApostolic graphic design
D. It can become a manipulative lifestyle • Unintentionally manipulate other people • Eager to tell their needs in hopes that somebody will help out • If they are not careful they will begin to use their friends When you have given up everything, you have nothing and so you are dependent. Designed Bywww.foundtruth.comApostolic graphic design
A. Prosperity is the reward of the righteous • Possessions are a right • Favorite scripture is Matthew 7, “Ask, seek, and knock.” • Needs are met by what they want to receive • They seed plant • If you have a financial need plant a seed • Planting a seed is an eternal investment • The concept of prosperity is they are the owners • Attitude toward poverty is we are not poor and that is God’s will not to be poor. • There is a preoccupation with money and they are driven to it
B. Prosperity is a sign of God’s approval You have possessions because God approves of you Arrogance in themselves for what they have Hummingbird War All we have or are that is worthwhile is the gift of God’s pure grace. Often we fight over God’s good gifts rather than expressing our gratitude in humility and sharing what we have been given with others.
C. The prosperity gospel produces guilt Everybody is going to be healed and wealthy If somebody did not get healed they say, “Well, I didn’t have enough faith. What is wrong with me?” If everybody is going to get healed when I pray for them then all I’m going to do is go heal everybody. If you have a financial setback what happened? Do I lack faith? Don’t I love God?
D. Prosperity theology creates wrong motives If not careful we could serve God for the blessings I serve God because He is going to make me wealthy The theory is that you can create some kind of a binding transaction with God until He’s obligated to you. God does not have IOUs Prosperity says, “PLANT A SEED, PLANT A SEED…”
Tithing and seed planting Tithing is initiated by God. Seed planting is initiated by man. Seed planting says, “I think it’s a good idea if you five to somebody and you will probably get a return back out of it.” Tithing deals with what you have. God says, “Be faithful with what you have.” Seed planting deals with what you want. Seed planting is were I am trying to get more.
E. People take credit for prosperity “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.” Many people love God and prayed and lost everything they had financially. If God blesses us it is a gift from Him. We do not deserve God’s grace. We deserve hell. Everything we get beyond hell is a privilege.
F. There is a dependence upon prosperity When we begin to depend on our prosperity we place our security, our identity, and get our ego satisfaction. Poverty theology says… we care for the poor. be a channel for God’s blessings.
STEWARDSHIP Stewardship doesn’t ask the question… • “What did he give up?” • “What are you going to do with what you get?” Stewardship asks… “What are you doing right now with what you’ve got?”
Quotes “If we give what we do not need it is not giving.” “You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.”