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Learn how to secure NSF IUSE grants for STEM education projects at SUNY Oneonta. Understand proposal types, guidelines, and important steps in the grant-seeking process.
An Introduction to theNational Science Foundation (NSF) and its Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Program
External Grant-Seeking Policy Most externally funded grants and contracts to SUNY Oneonta are fiscally administered by the Research Foundation for SUNY (RF). The RF administers all funds provided by sponsors for performance of a specified scope of work or to provide a specific product, service, or other deliverable. College policy requires that proposals to external funding sources must be reviewed by the Grants Development Office (GDO) and approved by the College’s Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) prior to submission. GDO & Sponsored Programs
NSF Strategic Objectives* • Invest in fundamental research to ensure significant continuing advances across science, engineering, and education • Integrate education and research to support development of a diverse STEM workforce with cutting-edge capabilities • Provide world-class research infrastructure to enable major scientific advances • Strengthen the links between fundamental research and societal needs through investments and partnerships. • Build the capacity of the Nation to address societal challenges using a suite of formal, informal, and broadly available STEM educational mechanisms *NSF Strategic Plan for 2014-2018
NSF Program Outcomes • Develop the STEM/STEM-related workforce • Advance science • Broaden participation in STEM • Educate a STEM-literate populace • Build capacity in higher education • Improve K-12 STEM education • Encourage life-long learning
Which Type of Proposal? • Unsolicited research • Focus on basic research • Appropriate directorate (organized by subject area) must be determined: • Biological Sciences (BIO) • Computer & Info Science Engineering (CISE) • Geosciences (GEO) • Math & Physical Sciences (MPS) • Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (SBE) • Others • Cross-cutting programs • Many geared specifically to undergraduate institutions • Education & Human Resources directorate • Usually only one deadline per year • Deadlines vary • May require letter of inquiry or pre-proposal (Biology) • Contact a program officer • Best to begin EARLY – proposals are a process!
Sample Program Grants • Many focused upon U.S. STEM education • Most appropriate for our institution type: primarily undergraduate institution (PUI) • Selected solicitations: • Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) [current award] • Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) [past awards]:category for non-PhD-granting institutions • Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) • Field Station & Marine Laboratory (FSML) [past awards] • Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program [current award] • Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE)
RUI Umbrella & Collaborative Proposals • Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) • Integrated into regular unsolicited proposals and some cross-cutting program proposals • Allows extra five-page statement of how award would impact the research environment at the PUI • Intended to “level playing field” for PUIs • Collaborative Proposal Model • Allows Co-PIs at different institutions to receive own award • Allows both institutions to collect direct and indirect costs • Alternative to subaward / Co-PI on one award
Guides overall proposal preparation and submission Updated regularly (12/26/2014); be sure to use most recent version May be supplemented/supplanted by solicitation-specific requirements Serves as guide to all of the many components of an NSF proposal Biographical Sketches Current & Pending Support Data Management Plan Facilities & Resources Other supplemental documentation …and more! The NSF Grant Proposal Guide (GPG)
But There is Help! GDO Services • Initial discussion of ideas • Identification of appropriate solicitation/division/program • Narrative development and editing • Budgeting (including budget justification drafting) • Creation and formatting of additional documents • Routing and approvals • Institutional and external collaboration and support letters • Submission via Contact us well in advance (30-90 days before the deadline is ideal) Meet with us to discuss even preliminary ideas
Elements of Competitive NSF Proposals ALL proposals must address NSF Merit Review Criteria: Does the proposed project: Suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts? Include a plan for carrying out activities that is well-reasoned, well-organized, and based on a sound rationale? Involve an individual, team, or organization well qualified to conduct the proposed activities? Include adequate resources (at home or through collaborations) to carry out the proposed activities? Intellectual Merit Potential of proposed project to advance knowledge within its field or across different fields Broader Impact Potential of proposed project to “benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes”
A Changing Landscape • President’s 2014 budget restructured STEM Education programs of various agencies, including NSF and U.S. Department of Education • Several NSF programs were eliminated (STEP, TUES, WIDER) and/or integrated into IUSE SUNY Oneonta has been awarded grants throughSTEP and TUES (and previous CCLI program); IUSE applications have not been awarded (yet…)
Improving Undergraduate STEMEducation (IUSE) http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15585/nsf15585.htm Funds evidence-basedand evidence-generating approaches to: • Understanding STEM learning • Designing, testing, and studying instruction and curricular change • Wide dissemination and implementation of best practices • Broadening participation of individuals and institutions in STEM fields
Improving Undergraduate STEMEducation (IUSE) The program goals of IUSE are to: • Improve STEM learning and learning environments • Broaden participation and institutional capacity for STEM learning • Build the professional STEM workforce for tomorrow 2016 IUSE will support projects such as: • Research and development of innovative learning resources • Strategies to implement effective instruction in a department or multiple departments, within or across institutions • Faculty development projects • Design and testing of instruments for measuring student outcomes • Untested/unconventional activities that could have a high impact on learning and transform u/g STEM education
Improving Undergraduate STEMEducation (IUSE) IUSE has two program tracks: • Engaged Student Learning • Institutional and Community Transformation AND two tiers of projects within each track: • Exploration and Design • Development and Implementation DEADLINES: Exploration and Design Tier Projects (both tracks): November 3, 2015 Development and Implementation Tier Projects (both tracks): January 13, 2016
Improving Undergraduate STEMEducation (IUSE) Program Tracks Engaged Student Learning Design, development and research studies that involve the creation, exploration, or implementation of tools, resources, and models that have promise to increase engagement of undergraduate students in STEM learning. Institutional and Community Transformation Innovative approaches to substantially increase the widespread use of highly effective, evidence-based STEM teaching and learning, curricular and co-curricular practices.
Improving Undergraduate STEMEducation (IUSE) Project Tiers/Approaches Exploration and Design projects up to $300K for up to 3 years Projects may seek to establish the basis for development and implementation of new interventions or strategies, develop strategies for the adoption, adaptation, and implementation of effective practices, or adapt and implement strategies shown to be effective at other institutions. Engaged Student Learning track: should clearly describe the steps to be taken to design, develop, and implement promising teaching approaches, tools, resources, or models. Institutional and Community Transformation track: should include a description of the institution(s) or community to be transformed and the actions to be taken to move toward broader implementation.
Improving Undergraduate STEMEducation (IUSE) Project Tiers/Approaches Development and Implementation projects Engaged Student Learning Level I: up to $600K for up to 3 years Focus on achieving propagation beyond a single institution or work to promote change across multiple STEM disciplines within an institution. Level II = $601K to $2M for up to 5 years Intended to support large scale efforts. Institutional and Community Transformation = up to $3M for up to 5 years Expected to support ambitious efforts to achieve widespread deployment of effective practices.
Grants Development Office INTERESTED? Get in touch with the GDO ASAP!