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ETE 335. Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner ’ s Multiple Intelligences. ETE 335. Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner ’ s Multiple Intelligences. Sarah Wadi Civics and Government 5 th Grade The Three Branches of the United States Government!. ETE 335.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Sarah Wadi Civics and Government 5th Grade The Three Branches of the United States Government!
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Goals: The students will learn about how the United State’s has three branches and the functions of each branch. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: The students will model their knowledge of the text through: journaling, using critical thinking, debating, roleplaying and more. Process/Skills: The students will research information on the three branches and apply it in a variety of activities. Values/Dispositions: The students will discuss, share information and determine which branch is the best/most necessary for our nation to run properly.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Rationale: Knowledge of the three branches will help students appreciate and learn how the United States government functions. Topics can be pulled from each of the branches to learn about other important aspects of Civic lessons. Standards: State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards • Common Core Social Studies Standard.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.3 Identify key steps in a text’s description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or lowered). National – NCSS Themes Civil Ideals and Practices and Power, Authority, and Governance
Logical/Mathematical • Materials: PowerPoint Presentation of scenarios of work done by one of the Three Branches of Government and situations one of the branches would work with. • Activity: The students will use critical thinking to determine which branch of government the scenario on the board represents. As in the students will have to decide whose job it is to solve the problem or who is doing the work shown.
Verbal/Linguistic • Materials: Technology for research • Activity: The students will form groups of their favorite branch of government and debate over which group is the best, in their opinion. The students will have to use facts they have learned about each branch for their debate!
Musical/Rhythmic • Materials: None • Activity: The students will create a song about the three branches of Government. They can use the School House Rock song as reference but must create an original to perform for their class!
Visual/Spatial • Materials: Graphic Organizer to compare and contrast the three branches • Activity: The students will be given a sheet with blank spaces across the top, here they will fill out jobs of branches. Along the side of the sheet will have the three branch names listed. The students will put: • + for yes, if the branch does that action • - for no, if the branch does not do that action • ? For maybe, if the student does not know
Body/Kinesthetic • Materials: Costumes and background decorations • Activity: The students will role play the different branches of government. They will have to decide who does what.
Interpersonal • Materials: None • Activity: The students will be divided into groups of three. Each student from each group will be given one of the branches of government to master. This student will then teach a their other group members on their branch of government. The group will discuss and ask each other questions.
Intrapersonal • Materials: Journal • Activity: The student will write a journal entry as an individual from each of the branches of government.
Naturalistic • Activity: The students will go to a local park to hear an expert discuss the three branches of government.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Visual Learning and Assessment: Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources: Assessment: • The students will be assessed through observation while working and class discussion. The students will also be assessed on products and presentations depending on their choices throughout the unit. The students must be able to identify the three branches, their leaders, and be able to classify actions to the appropriate branch. Online Resources: 1. https://delicious.com/sarahwadi8