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Writing an Analytical Research Paper. Analytical Research Paper. The Basics of an English Research Paper
Analytical Research Paper • The Basics of an English Research Paper • A well-constructed research paper properly synthesizes the writer's views with the outside perspectives and critiques of other authors. Emphasizing both the author's original insights and the interpretations of respected supplementary sources, it should ultimately be an expression of the writer's inquiry into a specific topic of interest. • About The Genre • A research paper demands the author invest time and thought in analyzing outside sources in order to forge his or her own unique vision of the text or to shed new light on past interpretations. A research paper does NOT consist of the writer merely rewording or recontextualizing the thoughts of other authors, but rather must include the writer's own thoughts and reflections on different perspectives. The goal of the writer is to ENGAGE sources and not to simply RESTATE other interpretations. Therefore, it is neither necessary nor beneficial to only include perspectives which are in agreement with your own. • Your making a new interpretation and providing more insight on the text.
The Analytical Research Paper • Research papers are generally designated into two distinctive categories: the argumentative research paper and the analytical research paper. The specific expectations and demands of the analytical research paper are as follows: • The analytical research paper typically begins with the author posing a research question. • The author should hold off on explicitly stating his or her interpretation until the topic has been sufficiently discussed in terms of its varied implications. • In contrast to the argumentative research paper, the analytical research paper is a practice in exploration and reflection, rather than a concisely outlined perspective on a contentious issue. • The author's thoughtful inquiry into the research question should ultimately conclude with the creation of the author's own, unqiue perspective on the topic. His or perspective need not refute or stand in opposition to other readings, but rather shed light on other interpretations or offer a new means by which to understand the topic under inquiry. • The author will typically develop his or her thesis statement throughout the course of researching and writing the paper. It is to the writer's benefit to enter the research paper writing process without a predetermined stance and to remain open to the possibility of changing his or her interpretation and thesis several times throughout the process. Listed below is an example of a typical research question and author's interpretation to the question under consideration.
Example Prompt • Example • Possible Research Question: How should one interpret and respond to Christina Rossetti's poem "Goblin Market?" • Possible Author's Interpretation: Although Christina Rossetti's poem "Goblin Market" is typically viewed as a poem reflecting on the dangerous implications of the material world on morality and, more specifically, female chastity, it can also be read as an expression of Rossetti's adamant belief that the female should be viewed as both a wholly erotic and spiritual being.
Choosing an Area of Focus • Before narrowing your focus to a specific claim or interpretation, conduct research in order to gain an understanding of what other individuals have said about the topic. Most students find it useful to examine a wide range of sources before deciding on a specific area of focus. • Select a topic you feel equipped to handle. Avoid topics that are: (1) too general- try to be specific about what you seek to investigate, (2) too specialized- remain mindful of the preexisting knowledge you possess, in choosing an overly specialized topic you may find you are not qualified to discuss some of the material, (3) not worth arguing- a reasearch paper should always make some sort of central claim and your topic should therefore enable you to make a clear, concise claim.
Conducting Research • This is perhaps the most important step in the research paper writing process. Your research not only provides you ethos as a writer by revealing your knowledge and understanding of the topic, but also will very likely shape both your understanding and interpretation of the topic. Listed below are several important tips for conducting research and notetaking: • In order to avoid later confusion, begin each section by recording the author's name, book or article title, and page numbers (if relevant). • As you examine each source, record important or unique notions which you may wish to incorporate within your paper. Make certain to outline the general arguments of each source by including a descriptive heading after the citation. This will aid you in more quickly and easily distinguishing between sources in the future. Additionally, it may be useful to group sources into categories based on more refined topics. • In order to diminish the risk of plagiarizing, do NOT directly lift phrasing or entire segments of the text from sources without properly indicating that you have done so. If you find it necessary to directly quote an author, clearly indicate what has been copied from the author and record the page number on which this information can be found. • Remain critical of your sources: Do not assume that an idea or criticism is valid, because it appears in the argument of a single critic or even multiple critics. It is important to remain criticial of your sources and their interpretations. Additionally, it is not necessary to exclude a source with whom you disagree. Recognizing and reflecting on claims in opposition to your own both strengthens and substantiates your own interpretation. • There are a wide range of potential sources available to researchers, but not all sources are created equal. In order to ensure your sources are of a high quality, seek sources from respected academic journals and books. It is possible to find valid sources outside of these perameters, however, you should primarily focus on using these resources. The Research References section at the bottom of the page contains links to helpful databases.
Organization • Introduction: overview entire document • Purpose/goals • What is the point of the paper? Argumentative? Analytical? • Audience (optional) • Is the audience familiar with topic, terms? • For analytical • What are your research questions? • Research methods • How did you find your information? • Findings and conclusions • Forecast organization of document • Remember: one of the best ways to learn how to write is to read a lot of material from your discipline
Organization • Section 1: • Introduce the book very briefly, explain topic, provide new insight in the thesis • Section 2:General info from past to future • Discuss background on leadership development; set the context • Section 3: • Discuss research methods: surveys, interviews, charts, etc • Section 4: Specifics/making heavy and detailed analysis and insight • Discuss research findings: talk about the crucible model, further research, your new insights. • Interpret your findings: interesting facts, evidence • Section 5: • Conclusions: provide a message regarding leadership. How do we create leaders? • Works Cited/References/ Appendix
Requirements for the Paper • 5 pages • 6 sources for research, with comprehensive notes! • Biggest issue right now? ELABORATION • Organization • Intro (containing thesis and relevant background/hook) • Paragraphs supporting main ideas (analysis of topic) • Conclusion (restating thesis, explaining significance to modern world • You need to outline your thoughts before you write • Evidence must support the main idea! • See sample outline
Things to remember • Do not abbreviate • If it is the name of an organization or an acronym, write it out the first time, abbreviate in parenthesis, and then you can use the abbreviation • Ex: World War II (WWII)…..WWII • Write out numbers • Ex: 22 = twenty-two • NOOOOOO I’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave the first person out • An analytical paper is objective (research based, not opinion based). Therefore, there is no first person