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Consult Ventura County personal injury attorney in Oxnard at the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman to review your particular case if you were injured due to someone elseu2019s negligence. Their professional and diligent lawyers will make sure that no one ruins your holidays! Call at 805-983-2344 to get a free initial consultation.<br><br>For more details visit at: https://www.venturainjurylawfirm.com
Most Common Turkey Day Accidents to Avoid
Thanksgiving is one of the most joyful and anticipated times of year when people and their families get together to have loads of fun. However, for many, Turkey Day brings more pain than joy (literally), as Thanksgiving is also one of the most dangerous holidays for a number of reasons.
That huge and heavy turkey For some people, carrying and lifting those 25- or 30-pound (or more) turkeys may be a risky endeavor, as bending and lifting puts a mammoth amount of stress on the lower back, particularly for those who do not perform physical activity and who don’t keep their posture straight when carrying and lifting a hot, heavy turkey pan.
That risky oven and turkey fryer (burns and fires) You may have carried and lifted a turkey without getting injured, but your journey has only just become. In fact, the second you open your oven to put the turkey, you expose yourself to a series of potentially hazardous factors.
Also, wearing loose clothes increases the risk of your clothes catching fire when cooking. It would be a good idea to ask your family or friends with getting the turkey out of the oven, as that’s where many Thanksgiving accidents occur (and ruin the holiday) in Ventura County and elsewhere in California.
That dangerous knife (knife wounds) Now that the turkey is out of the oven, once again, don’t rejoice just yet. There are still plenty of hazards. It’s time to cut the turkey into pieces! When carving the turkey, keep your fingers away from the knife, as you certainly wouldn’t want to lose your fingers this year. Most of the times, getting distracted is what causes carving-induced knife wounds when slicing turkey and other foods.
That undercooked or contaminated turkey (food poisoning) Ventura injury law firm's experienced personal injury attorney in Oxnard warns that even though you have managed to finish your plate – and your belly is now full of turkey and gravy – without getting injured (though you may be bloated, this is very common on Thanksgiving), beware of food poisoning.
Contact The Law Offices J. Jeffrey Herman 500 E. Esplanade Drive Suite 600 Oxnard, CA 93036 Phone: 805-351-3385 Website: https://www.venturainjurylawfirm.com/contact.shtml