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Learn about the importance of communication skills for actuaries, including body language, feedback, and PowerPoint tips. Enhance your presence and impact in meetings and presentations to executives. Find out how to navigate communication breakdowns and improve meeting dynamics. Discover the power of trust and vulnerability in effective communication.
COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN Kelly Hennigan, FSA, CFA (MODERATOR) Stephen bochanskI, FSA, CERA, maaa David karo, aSA, MAAA MITCHell Stephenson, FSA, MAAA May 22, 2018
Panelists • Kelly Hennigan, FSA, CFA (moderator) • Steve Bochanski, FSA, CERA, MAAA • David Karo, ASA, MAAA • Mitch Stephenson, FSA, MAAA
Polling Question: Communication Breakdown was released on the “B-side” of which Led Zeppelin song? • Stairway to Heaven • Good Times Bad Times • Ramble On • Fool in the Rain • None of the above
Actuaries & Communication "Being strong in math is a given, but having soft skills, such as the ability to communicate well and work in a team, can be just as important." ~ Tonya B. Manning, past president of the Society of Actuaries 4
Elements Of Personal Impact Posture Tone of voice Language Gestures Facial expressions Eye contact Dress
Polling Question: “What would you say if I took those words away?”is a line from which of the following songs? • “Oh Babe, What Would You Say?” by Hurricane Smith • “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” by Lana del Rey • “What Would You Say” by the Dave Matthews Band • “More Than Words” by Extreme
Communication Structure Opening Subject Agenda Agenda Agenda Topic Topic Topic Summary Summary Summary Conclusion
Tips For Communicating To Executives Executives usually have the following questions that should be answered: • What is the problem or issue? • Why is it a problem? • What has been done about it so far and who/what departments have been involved? • What do you recommend at this point and why? • What are next steps and what decision is needed? Be as proactive as possible in answering these questions within your document or presentation.
Polling Question:Rate the PowerPoint presentations you see at corporate meetings… • Great – better than a TED Talk! • Good • Average • Bad • Sleep Inducing (….zzzzzzzz….)
PowerPoint Best Practices • Avoid Overcrowding • Meaningful Pictures • Appropriate Font • Consistency
2017 Excel Models* * Illustrative data 15
Potential Productive Outcomes Of Conflict • Clarifying • Learning • Helpful • Inclusive • Caring
The Dynamic Curve of Change Time Line Re-inventing / Re-Investing Team A cross-functional team that develops new ideas and or approaches to existing problems and or identifying elements which may be both known and unknown to the organization Decline Phase Acceptance And Integration Phase Change initiative must occur Prior to the decline phase! Why? Because in the decline phase, the Standard response is to “cut” Spending and programs. Change Initiated Initial Resistance Initial Acceptance 17
Polling Question: What percentage of employee time in spent in meetings? • Less than 20% • 20 – 35% • 35 – 50% • 50% or more
Meeting Dynamics “Half of the world is composed of people who have something to say and can’t, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.” ~ Robert Frost, American poet 20
To Improve Meeting Dynamics: • Ask people to prepare for brainstorming • Make sure to hear from everyone • Don't be afraid to be contrarian
You’ve Got Mail! “I got your email… it almost made sense.” ~ Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert comic strip and non-fiction author
To Change Your Flesch-Kincaid Writing Level • Use fewer words per sentence and syllables per word. • Use active voice. Get to the point! • Edit, review, edit, review - then hit send.
Trust “It is not the critic who counts… The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, but who does actually strive to do the deeds; and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America 25
Trust “Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous. Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” ~ Brené Brown, research professor, speaker, author
Communicating Feedback “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” ~ Ken Blanchard, American management consultant
When Communicating Feedback… • Provide informally, in-the-moment feedback is best • Avoid feedback sandwiches for constructive criticism • Set a goal: don't give, or receive, any new feedback at your next performance review
Actuaries & Communication “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. " ~ George Bernard Shaw , Irish playwright, critic, and political activist 29