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Unattainable Health Coverage

Unattainable Health Coverage. By: D. Brunk, L. King, K. Wilson Lewis-Clark State College. Pre-existing condition: existing at an earlier time : existing before something else ( Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2010).

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Unattainable Health Coverage

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unattainable Health Coverage By: D. Brunk, L. King, K. Wilson Lewis-Clark State College

  2. Pre-existing condition: existing at an earlier time : existing before something else ( Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2010). • The insurance does not cover pre-existing medical conditions (Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2010). • As defined by the nation’s four largest for-profit health insurers. Pre-existing is equivalent to 651,000 people being denied health care coverage over a three-year period (Wage, 2010).

  3. We Have to Stop the Denials!

  4. Source: Healthcare.gov • Lack of coverage often leads to high medical debts. • No health care coverage can lead to millions in uncompensated and expensive care in sites like emergency rooms. • Estimated 60% of the uninsured with chronic conditions delayed care and did not fill a prescription due to cost . • Estimated that 162,000 children were not covered because of the pre-existed condition clause.

  5. (Source: Health Care Reform Bill) • Under the Health Care Reform Bill insurance companies will no longer be able to deny health insurance coverage to children based on pre-existing conditions. • Under the Health Care Reform Bill beginning in 2014 insurance companies will not be able to deny any person of any age medical insurance coverage because of a re-existing condition.

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