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KINDER. Kinder-adjective-having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature:”a kind woman”. Used in a polite request:”would you be kind enough to repeat what you said?”.

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  1. KINDER Kinder-adjective-having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature:”a kind woman”. Used in a polite request:”would you be kind enough to repeat what you said?”. Synonyms-benignant, gracious, benign, charitable, benevolent, kindly, sympathetic, good-hearted, openhearted, large-hearted, gentle, kindhearted, kind-hearted

  2. KINDEST Kindest-adjective-Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature:”a kind woman”. Used In a polite request:”would you be kind enough to repeat what you said”. Synonyms- Benign, gracious, benignant, gentle, charitable

  3. EARLIER Earlier-adjective- Happening or done before the usual expected time:”we ate an early lunch”. Adverb- Before the usual expected time:” I was planning to leave work early today”. Synonyms-adjective- prior, former, antecedent, previous Adverb-before, previously, sooner, formerly, arterially

  4. EMPTIEST Emptiest-adjective-Containing nothing; not filled or occupied.(Of words or a gesture) Having no meaning or likelihood of fulfillment; insecure. Synonyms-bare, stripped, blank clean, white

  5. STRANGER Stranger-noun-A person whom one does not know or whom is familiar:”she remained a stranger to him”. A person who does not know, or is not known in, a particular place or community: I’m a stranger in these parts. Synonyms-foreigner, alien, outsider

  6. CLEANER Cleaner-noun-A person or thing that cleans something , in particular. A person employed to clean the interior of a building. Synonyms-cleanable, cleanly, spotless, pristine, scrubbed, dry- cleaned

  7. HARSHER Harsher- adjective- Unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses:”drenched in a harsh white neon light. Cruel or severe:”a time of harsh military discipline. Synonyms-harsh, rough

  8. TRICKIER Trickier-adjective-(of a task, problem, and situation)Requiring care and skill because difficult or awkward.(Of a person or act) Deceitful, crafty, or skillful. Synonyms-slippery, tricky

  9. EMPTIER Emptier-adjective-Containing nothing; not filled or occupied.(Of words or a gesture) Having no meaning or likelihood of fulfillment; insecure. Synonyms-bare, stripped, clean, blank, white

  10. CLEANEST Cleanest-adjective-free from dirt, marks, or stains. Cleanest-adverb-so as to be free from dirt, marks, stains

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