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Gestdropper integration in the municipal structure of Vitoria - Gasteiz

Learn about GestDropper, an intelligent irrigation system developed as part of the IRRIGESTLIFE project. Explore its integration in the municipal structure of Vitoria-Gasteiz, featuring features like municipal technology infrastructure, irrigation telemanagement system, sensors intelligence, alerts, and reports generation.

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Gestdropper integration in the municipal structure of Vitoria - Gasteiz

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  1. Gestdropper integration in the municipal structure of Vitoria - Gasteiz Innovation in irrigation management Vitoria-Gasteiz , november 24, 2015 • Álvaro Arroyo Díaz • aarroyo@estudiosgis.com IRRIGESTLIFE_LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 www.irrigestlife.eu GestDropper is an intelligent irrigation system, product of IRRIGESTLIFE project

  2. 1.- Municipal technology infrastructure 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.1.- Integration with the municipal technological infrastructure 2.2.- Irrigation schedules 2.3.- Sensors intelligence 2.4.- Alerts and events 2.6.- Reports generation 2.7.- Mobility application SCHEDULE

  3. 1.- Municipal Technology Infrastructure History • Needs in thecitycouncil: • Joint management of geographic and alphanumeric information. • Visualization and corporatemanagement of allassets of Public Road. • Defining a common management model for the entire city in the field of Public Roads. • Pre-installed systems on some services: • No corporative (outdated Cartography, non-standard databases). Enclosed systems. • Propietarycode(Not adjustable by the Dept. Of Information Technology).

  4. 1.- Municipal Technology Infrastructure General characteristics • IntegratedSystem in the municipal technologicalinfrastructure: • Municipal cartography and ortophotos. • Thematic layers of each group of information. • Corporatedatabases (Territory, Thirdparties, etc.) • Associateddocuments (photos, reports, orders…) • Visualization and departmentalmanagement of allassets of PublicRoads. • Sourcecodeownedbythecouncil. Repositorio de datos corporativo

  5. 1.- Municipal Technology Infrastructure General characteristics

  6. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.1.- Integration with the municipal technological infrastructure Full integration with Vía Digital (Selection, edition, search,…)

  7. 2.2.- Irrigation schedules Access to tools of irrigation management. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System • Manual operations (Open and close stations) • Schedule (create and edit existents) • Management (Alarms, syncronization and reports)

  8. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.2.- Irrigation schedules Create and edit schedules SENSORS Automatic: While the program is running, irrigation time is recalculated. Semiautomatic: It stops when rain exists. Manual: No sensors are attended. DURATION Automatic: Depending on the rainfall of the solenoid valve. Manual: The user indicates the duration. MODE Optimized: Depending on the programmer flow Serie: One after another. Parallel: In groups of «x» stations.

  9. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.2.- Irrigation schedules Schedules management (Zoom to the programmer, program report, new, edit, activate/deactivate, delete)

  10. 2.3.- Sensorsintelligence Managedsensors: Anemometer, Rainfall, Temperature Anemometer:Wereceiveinformation and whenthemaximunvalueisexceeded, programmings stop. Temperature:Wereceiveinformation and whenitisout of range, programmings are stopped, additionallytheaveragetemperature of dayisusedforthecalculation of evapotranspiration. Rainfall:Foreach mm of rain detected, programmersnotifythe central system. Each program has associated the mm of rain since the launch of the previous program. Irrigation time iscalculateddepending of thatnotification. Ifduringtheprogramitisdetectedthatthethreshold of mm of rain per dayexceeds, theirrigationstops. Otherssensors:Flowmeter and Ammeteronlyregistervaluesforexploitation (Forinstance: Reports) 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System

  11. B.4 Development of GIS environment

  12. 2.3.- Sensorsintelligence The sensors have defined thresholds and maximum values that ​​are taken into account in decision-making. Recalculations are made in real time in case it rains while it is watering. Historicregistration of sensorsvalues – (Tmax y Tmin) B.4 Development of GIS environment

  13. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.4.- Alerts and events Manage alerts (for each programmer)

  14. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.6.- Reports creation

  15. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.6.- Reports creation Inventory report (Programmer, Solenoid valve)

  16. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.6.- Reports creation

  17. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.6.- Reports creation Informe de Consumos (Por programador)

  18. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System 2.6.- Reports creation

  19. 2.- Irrigation Telemanagement System • 2.7.- Mobility application

  20. Thank you for your attention • Álvaro Arroyo Díaz • aarroyo@estudiosgis.com

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