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Day Ahead Market Working Group

Explore NYISO's Imports/Exports in DAM, submission process, bidding rules, unique elements, and scheduling considerations. Understand the bidding criteria, scheduling protocols, and resolution of new issues to ensure efficient transactions.

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Day Ahead Market Working Group

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  1. Day Ahead Market Working Group April 14, 2003

  2. Agenda • Discussion of SMD-style DAM • review questions posed by the DAM WG and Coral regarding the SMD-style DAM • Discussion of Coral Bid-Ask Trade DAM • resolution of status • NYISO Imports/Exports in DAM • Next Steps -- April 22 Face-to-Face

  3. NYISO Imports/Exports in DAM Introduction: • Reference to NYISO Market Participant Manuals and Technical Bulletins @ http://www.nyiso.com/services/documents.html • Examine NYISO as potential IMO model • Consider current RT Intertie procedures relative to DAM • Unique elements of NYISO

  4. NYISO Imports/Exports in DAM Submitting Import/Export Bids: • All transactions from external control areas are required to be submitted into the NERC ETAG system prior to becoming active schedules • DAM closes 05:00 – Results posted 11:00 • E-Tag changes can be made before DAM closes, after DAM posts results, but before 22:00 (All times prior day)

  5. NYISO Imports/Exports in DAM NYISO Reference Bus: • External generators and loads submit transaction bids into the NYISO DAM against the Marcy LBMP reference bus - NYISO_LBMP_REFERENCE • Used to calculate all marginal loss and congestion costs in the system • External energy sales or purchases are settled on the LBMP (Locational Based Marginal Price) • LBMP = Reference Bus Energy $ + Losses - Congestion • For Ontario Zone - source bus (exports to NYISO) or sink bus (imports from NYISO) is - OH_GEN_BRUCE or OH_LOAD_BRUCE • Additional points for PJM, NE and HQ

  6. NYISO Imports/Exports in DAM Scheduling: • Import/Export bids are approved through SCUC or BME • Schedules must be coordinated with corresponding control area • With respect to BME and for economic priority, default price -$1000 assigned for imports • External transactions scheduled in the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) have economic priority over resources bid competitively in the Hour-Ahead Market (HAM) in the determination of which transactions are permitted to flow in real-time • Transactions are financially binding in DAM regardless if curtailed

  7. NYISO Imports/Exports in DAM Multi-Hour Block Transactions: • DA firm external transaction bids may be offered, specifying a minimum run-time, and if accepted, awarded a multi-hour block schedule at the bid MW amount • Evaluated in the Day-Ahead Market relative to alternative offers • Easier to coordinate scheduled external transactions with corresponding transactions in neighboring control areas • Checkout process with the neighboring control area confirms each hour of a DAM scheduled multi-hour block transaction independently • Transaction hours are subject to curtailment in real-time based upon HAM bid parameters • Minimum run times will only be honoured within a commitment day, i.e., beginning Hour 1 ending Hour 24

  8. NYISO Imports/Exports in DAM Pre-Scheduling Transactions: • MP can preschedule an external import or export transaction with the NYISO up to 18 months prior to the transaction date • Acceptance is determined by the availability of adequate hourly ramping and transmission capacity related to the affected external interface • Given an economic priority over other external transactions that are not prescheduled - will be a “price taker” and the entities involved agree to accept the DAM clearing prices in effect for the transaction • Submission deadline - 2:00 PM two days before transaction date • Imports/Exports are assigned bid prices of -$1000/+$1000 to ensure priority scheduling in DAM • Parameters of DAM bids cannot be altered after submission deadline and if withdrawals are not approved then bids are financially binding once scheduled

  9. NYISO Imports/Exports in DAM IMO/NYISO Transaction Scheduling: • Currently IMO and NYISO use a specific transaction scheduling protocol to schedule transactions and ensure fair and efficient use of the IMO/NYISO interface • Introduction of a DAM in Ontario will likely require a review and modification to this protocol to ensure resolution of new seams issues that may arise

  10. Discussion Points • Ramp Capacity or Transfer Capabilities across interties • Transmission Congestion Costs - TCC’s • Financial Transmission Rights - FTRs • Transmission Usage Costs TUCs

  11. Next Meetings • April 22 WG Face-to-Face meeting

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