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WILDLIFE DIVISION. Managing Connecticut’s Wildlife. The CT DEP Wildlife Division is mandated by law to conserve and manage all forms of wildlife in the state. Management Activities Habitat Management Endangered species Reintroducing native species Hunting/Trapping Research Projects
WILDLIFEDIVISION Managing Connecticut’s Wildlife
The CT DEP Wildlife Division is mandated by law to conserve and manage all forms of wildlife in the state.
Management Activities • Habitat Management • Endangered species • Reintroducing native species • Hunting/Trapping • Research Projects • Monitoring • Banding • Telemetry • Technical Assistance Educational Activities
Habitat Management Managing Habitat for imperiled species Each year protective fencing is installed around the nesting sites of two threatened shorebirds: the Piping Plover and the Least Tern.
Managing Habitat Fields on state owned and managed properties are assessed annually to determine if they need prescribed burns or mowing to restore old field habitats and delay succession. These fields habitats are critical for a variety of wildlife including listed grassland birds such as grasshopper sparrows, American Kestrels, Upland Sandpiper and others. Meadowlarks and bobolinks need vast expanses of field habitat for nesting and breeding.
Managing Habitat The habitat management program also enhances wildlife habitat through forest management plans that may include maintaining vegetative buffers or retaining snag and den trees that are important nesting sites for birds and mammals.
Managing Habitat Large tracts of forested lands are managed for neotropical migrants such as the Scarlet Tanager, the Black-and-White Warbler, Ovenbirds and others. Wildlife Division staff also help to identify and review proposals to buy new lands.
Managing Habitat An important component of the habitat management program is the management of marshland. Sometimes this involves phragmites control, maintaining dikes and other water control structures or creating potholes for waterfowl.
Managing Habitat • Agricultural Agreements with Farmers • Approximately 3000 acres maintained as farmland through lease agreements • WHIP Program • LIP Program
Managing Habitat for a Species Providing, maintaining and checking boxes installed for wood ducks…
Eastern Screech Owl Managing Habitat for a Species Eastern Bluebird
Managing Habitat by removing non-native species Purple Loosestrife
Monitoring Habitats for unique species • Biologists have surveyed a number of historic and new locations for the presence or absence of habitat and/or turtles. • The state-endangered Bog turtle lives in calcareous (containing calcium carbonate, calcium or lime) wetlands such as sphagnum bogs, wet meadows and wet pastures.
Monitoring Habitats for unique species Puritan Tiger Beetles are only found in 2 places in the world, one being CT. Boat surveys of the CT River were conducted to search for other locations where beetles may be translocated.
Monitoring Habitats for unique species • Historic locations are surveyed to assess the population status of a freshwater mussel called the dwarf wedge mussel, a state and federally endangered species. • Freshwater mussels are important bioindicators and many of the native CT species have experienced population declines.
Found to have high survival rates and successful reproduction • Now common throughout CT. Reintroducing Species to Native Habitats • Fisher • Considered extirpated by 1900’s due to logging and overexploitation • Reforestation allowed fishers to move from Massachusetts into northeastern parts of CT • 1988 fishers were trapped from NH and VT and relocated to the Northwestern parts of CT • Monitored through radio-tracking & snow tracking
Wild Turkey • Were eliminated by the early 1800s due to logging, unregulated hunting and a series of harsh winters • Free roaming wild turkeys were live-captured in other states (with the use of rocket nets) and translocated to CT. • Between 1975 and 1992, 356 wild turkeys were released at 18 sites throughout CT. • Now present in all 169 towns. • We have regulated hunting season.
Winter surveys are often conducted to search for deer throughout the state or waterfowl along the coast, major rivers and selected lakes. • Results help indicate population trends and can be used to help determine bag limits and season lengths for duck hunting seasons. Aerial and field population censuses allow for the monitoring of wildlife populations. • Each spring waterfowl biologists count waterfowl seen at ponds, marshes and swamps within randomly selected, one kilometer square plots. • In CT, there are 50 plots in inland habitats and six in coastal tidal habitats.
Monitoring Large Mammals • Winter Tracking • Bobcats • Fisher • Coyote • Sighting records • -Black Bear, Bobcat • & Fisher
Monitoring Large Mammals • Based on reports collected from the public and from hunters from 1996-2002 Moose have been present in up to 25 towns in Connecticut. • As of 2006, at least 100 moose occupy CT. • Research Project initiated in 2007. Sighting records
Mid-Winter Bald Eagle Survey • Occurs every year on the 2nd Weekend in January. • Volunteers assist Wildlife Division to count the number of individuals throughout the state. • Provides an index of the species’ winter use of CT • Numbers can be compared from year to year • In 2006 66 eagles were counted • In summer 2006 9 breeding pairs, 6 nests produced 12 chicks
Grassland Bird Survey • The grassland bird survey is part of a statewide initiative to more thoroughly inventory CT’s grassland bird population using techniques that have been standardized by Partners in Flight for grassland bird research projects throughout the northeast. • The majority of species considered “grassland birds” are already listed as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern under the Connecticut Endangered Species Act and are quickly disappearing from historic sites due to habitat changes.
Bird Surveys • The Wildlife Division coordinates a number of bird surveys annually: • Woodland Raptors • Wetland Callback • Owl Surveys • Whippoorwill and Nighthawk surveys • Barn Owl Surveys • Shrubland/Grassland Surveys • Chimney Swifts
Mosquito Sampling – W.H.A.M.M. EEE & WNV
Regulated hunting helps keep populations at the carrying capacity of the habitat and at a level compatible with people’s use of the land. HUNTING is an important wildlife management tool. Data collected at check stations provides important information for wildlife managers.
Fawn Yearling Adult Herd Assessment: Biological data collection Distribution Age Weight Sex Antler beams (Yearlings) Excellent: 20.0 mm + Good: 18.0 to 19.9 mm Fair: 15.5 to 17.9 mm Poor: 12.0 to 15.4 mm
Connecticut’s Deer Population Trend 76000 19000 3000
. . . What is the State doing? -Annually monitor and assess population size -Modify hunting seasons to increase efficiency Extended Season - Jan Extended Season Replacement Tags 4 Archery Harvest 11 5 yr period
Marking Techniques are an important tool in wildlife research. Waterfowl Banding occurs every fall Allows wildlife managers to trace local movements, estimate population changes and determine a species’ lifespan.
Resident Canada Goose Study • A four year study allowed us to determine the movements and survival of adult and juvenile resident geese.
Banding of State Listed Species Each year young Ospreys, Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons are banded by DEP biologists. In 2006 we banded 12 Peregrine chicks and 10 Bald Eagle Chicks.
Telemetry plays an important role in wildlife research. Raccoon with collar Used to determine Home Range and Movement Patterns of Animals
Rattlesnake Project Took place from 1998-2001 to track rattlesnakes implanted with radio transmitters. It was found that snakes move quite a distance from the wintering dens throughout the summer. Movement patterns mapped by this project are helping DEP land managers prioritize land protection efforts where the snakes are found.
Tree-Roosting Bat Project Tree-roosted bats such as the Red Bat, the Hoary Bat and the Silver-haired bat are all species of Special Concern in Connecticut. Very little information exists regarding their roosting habitat requirements therefore, our biologists have been trying to track the movements of these species.
Deer Management Projects • OBJECTIVES: • Determine Population size and distribution • Look at effects and distribution of Deer vehicle accidents • Determine Home range size, movements • Determine Perception of deer population by people • Acceptability of removal methods • Are there Incentives to harvest more female deer? • Perceptions and experiences
New England Cottontail & Eastern Cottontail Project • Initiated in January of 2002. • The purpose is to assess movements, home range use, habitat needs, survival and causes of mortality of both the New England and Eastern cottontail rabbits in Connecticut.
Black Bear Project Wildlife Division Biologists have been trapping, marking, radio collaring and releasing bears to determine population size and their home range. Last year we went in on the dens of 12 radio collared sows. The average litter size was two cubs.
Technical Assistance • Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators (NWCO) • Trained & Licensed to remove animals in, on or around homes • Wildlife Rehabilitators • Trained and appointed to care for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife
Nuisance Beaver Control • Provide technical assistance and volunteer trappers for individuals that have beaver damage. • Crop Damage Permits • Provide technical assistance and permits to farmers experiencing deer damage.
Master Wildlife Conservationist Program • The Wildlife Division provides adult volunteers with eight weeks of training in wildlife conservation, ecology, management and interpretation. • Upon completion of the coursework, the candidates have one year to complete their volunteer service agreement by leading interpretive walks, library programs, school presentations, habitat enhancement projects or assisting wildlife biologists with their research. • Contact Laura Rogers-Castro at 860-675- 8130 or laura.rogers-castro@po.state.ct.us.
Connecticut’s Landowner Incentive Program (LIP) Connecticut’s Landowner Incentive Program (LIP) What Is LIP? The Landowner Incentive Program (LIP) is a technical assistance and cost-sharing program designed to benefit species at risk. LIP will fund habitat projects on private land containing priority habitats that support species at risk. • Priority Habitats Supporting the Majority of Connecticut’s At-Risk Species • Early successional stage habitats – grasslands, old fields, shrublands, seedling/sapling habitat. • Wetlands – tidal and freshwater. • “Imperiled Communities”, especially those within these habitats.
Connecticut’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy