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Recovery presentation

Recovery presentation. JUAN FELIPE PULIDO D. 8B. Digital art. Term used for a big range of artists that uses technology to create art pieces . Since the 70´s, the digital art has recieved names like : computer art, miltimedia art and new media art.

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  1. Recoverypresentation JUAN FELIPE PULIDO D. 8B

  2. Digital art • Termusedfor a bigrange of artiststhat uses technologytocreate art pieces. • Sincethe 70´s, thedigital art has recievednameslike: computer art, miltimedia art and new media art. • Examples of “computer art”:

  3. Digital production • The digital productioniscommonlyusedto produce thespecialeffects in theanimatedor in actionmovies. • Nowadaystraditional and digital artists use a lot of technologytocreatetheirartworksbyprograms and electronicsources. • Overthe las threedecadesthemusic has a biginfluence of electronicstocreate musical art. • Digital can be createdusingonlycomputer, scanning a photographorusingspecialsoftwares. • The audio or video thatiscreatedwithspecialsoftwares are part of computer art orinformation art. • Andy Warholcreated digital art usingthehelp of Commodore Amiga thatwas a computer in the Lincoln Center forpublic. • Specialeffects in movies: Andy Warhol digital art:

  4. Computergenerated 3d images • 3D images are createdusinggeometricshapes and polygons in computersoftwares. • 3D imagesimages are used in film, television, simulationgamesand special visual effects. • Thetechnologyis a veryimportantaspectbecause do almostthewholework of creatingthe art piecesfortelevision and films. • 3D images in computer: forsimulators

  5. Digital installation art • The digital installationconsists in combiningsome art pieceswithothersusingspecialsoftwares. • Speciallyused in projectionsfor art shows in auditoriums and specialrooms. • Are encharged of impressingtheaudiencebycreatingimmersiveenvironments. • Digital installations:

  6. Art-technologyimpact (western digital art) • Theimpactthatthe digital art has nowadays in the western art isspeciallyfocused in thephotography, in the TV and in themovies. • Also has a bigimpact in thewhole art aroundtheworldbecause has influencedthewaytomakemusicbecausenowadaysmost of themusiciscreatedusingtechnology. • Thisimpactaroundtheworldmadethatthe “traditionalartists” begintoendbecausewiththeusage of new softwaresthathelptheartiststocreate art piecesiseasierthanthetraditionalway of paintinglandscapes and famouspeople.

  7. Art-technologyopinion • Thejoint of thesetwoartisticaspectsmade a verygoodunificationbecausehelpsthe new artiststo emerge and makessimplythecreation of artisticpieceswiththree-dimensional shapes and installationsthatmakesthespectators be impressed of whatisexposed and whatartists can make in thosespecialsoftwares. • Alsois a goodaspectthatjointbecausemakesthatthespecialeffects in movies and televisionworkedbetterbymakingthespectator imagine thatwhatis happening in themovieiskind of real and he getsinvolved in whatis happening in themovie.

  8. Art changewithtechnology • The art changedwiththetechnology in a positive way and in a negativeway. • Possitivewaybecausehelpsthepeopletocreate new and innovated art pieceswithconceptsthattheyhaveworked in and iseasiertomanageitwiththeknowledge of technologyfrompeoplenowadays. Alsothis causes animpact in the TV and film industrybecausehelpswiththecreation of thespecialeffectsthat are verynecessary in theactionmoviesbecause of thesoundsthat are madewhile a fightbetweentwopeople. • Negativewaybecause reduces thedevelopment of new artists in the “oldway” that uses hisimagination and skillswiththepaintsforcreating art pieceswithoutthehelp of scannedphotographiesorcomputarizedsoftwares.

  9. DaidoMoriyama • WasbornOctober 10, 1938in Japan. • He is a japanesephotographerthatmakes art withthe use of cameras. • BeforemovingtoTokyo in 1961 he studiedphotography. • He hadmademany art exhibitionsaroundtheworld and had won 4 awards. • He hadwritten a lot of booksthatcontains a lot of his art workduringit´scarrier.

  10. Technique • He onlymakesthephotographies in black and whitetoadd more “drama” tothephotos. • He takesphotographswith a high contras and takesitfromoddanglestohavebetterdefinition. • Also he takes its photos in the darker sides of the cities to make a contrast with the industrialized parts of the cities. • Impact the spectators with the contrast of the photos in the galleries. • He uses the technology in the galleries; before printing the images he uses a software to make the photos more dramatic and add some contrast with the black and white that underlines what the photos want to express.

  11. Changes in technique • He hadn´tchangedhistechnique of art, since he began as anartist, histechnique has beenthephotographybecause he thinksthatis a verygoodwaytomakecontrasts in thesociety and to cause animpactaroundtheworldbymakingpeopleconscious of whatis happening in theworld.

  12. Personal opinion of theartist • I thinkthatthisis a goodartistbecause I liketheway in which he expresshowthesocietyis living nowbymakingthecontrast of theindustrializedparts of thecities and thedarkestsides of thecities, forexamplewherethegangslive and makegroupstostealpeople in thestreetsbecause of theirlack of work and lack of incomes. • Also I likehow he underlinestheimpactthatiscausingtheinequalitythat causes thehumanitaryinjustices in thedarkersides of thecitiesforthespectators in thegalleriesgetimpressedabouthowthepeoplelivethere and how are thosetoughsituationsthatthey are passingthroughtoget a work.

  13. Selfevaluation (3rd quarter) • Mycreativeprocesswasgood, buthavesomefailures in themaking of the comic becausesome time I drawsomescenesverysimmilar and thatmakesthe comic look withoutimpacttothespectators. Butwasgoodbecauseduringthequarter I createdsomesituations in the comic thatwereveryinteresting and involvethemaintopic of the WW2. • Myfailures: notfinishthe comic on time, finishon a badwaythe comic, lack of creativity, lack of efforttomakethescenes, don´tmakethe comic withthenecessarydedication. • Thingstoimprove: take more advantage of the time duringtheprocess of creating, have more dedication in thework, use more thecreativitytoaccomplishwhattheteacherisaskingfor, thatthedrawings look differenttohave a betterappearance. • Goalsfor 4 quarter: make a verygood personal projectduringthisquarter, takeadvantage of the time in class, accomplishwhattheteacherisaskingfor.

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