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Understanding of American Cities. Eunkyung Noh Go Eun Park Ji Hyun Moon Mi Kyung Jeon. Theme: City. Several cities of the world (America) wide students’ view by indirectly exploring some American cities
Understanding of American Cities Eunkyung Noh Go Eun Park Ji Hyun Moon Mi Kyung Jeon
Theme: City • Several cities of the world (America) • wide students’ view by indirectly exploring some American cities • University students are gradually leaning in the global world.
Target • Students who major English • intermediate level • in public university • About 20 People
Language Focus • Conditional (If I + V, I+Would+V~) • Comparative, Superlative (more than~, most, -er, -est) • Know be going to, be planningto, be supposed to • Present perfect tense • Passive voice
Objectives By the end of this class, students will be able to. . . • Extend background knowledge of each city. • Conditional (If I+S+V, I would + V) • Comparative, Superlative (more than~, most, -er, -est) • Future Tense (be going to, be planning to, be supposed to) • Present perfect tense and passive voice
Prerequisites Students already know. . . • Basic tenses (past, present, future) • How to make sentences in order by using Subject, Verb, Adverb, Adjective and preposition • Some information about American cities
Warm up • Show America map overally • Ask some places if students knows and talk about their experiences or background knowledge. • Show specific cities such as San Francisco, New York, Las Vegas, and Chicago so that students can guess what they are going to learn.
● New York ● Chicago ● San Francisco ● Las Vegas
● New York ● Chicago ● San Francisco ● Las Vegas
● New York ● Chicago ● San Francisco ● Las Vegas
● New York ● Chicago ● San Francisco ● Las Vegas
● Activity 1 Traveling around cities by listening 1. Language Foci: Conditional (If I S+V, I would + V) 2. Materials: Audio tape or CD, Worksheet which has several features such as culture, beaches, traffic, nightlife, shopping and so on about the 4 cities. 3. How to: • A teacher gives out worksheet which has several features such as culture, beaches, traffic, nightlife, shopping and so on about 4 cities. • The teacher let students listen to the CD or Tape. • Students fill in the blanks while listening. • A teacher let students listen to the tape or CD more than one or two times. • Students fill the information • Students check the answers in pair.
4. Follow up • Students pick one of the cities and write at least 3 sentences by using conditionals to express the city where they want to go and why based on the information form that students already filled. Example) If I go to America, I would go to New York because I really want to go to Central Park 5. Assessment A teacher makes pair so that two students can speak based on what they have written. If I +S+V, I would + V
● Activity 2 Knowing Central Park by reading 1. Language focus: Present Perfect Tense 2. Materials: Textbook (Spotlight on the USE – Randee Falk) 3. How to: • Read textbook to understand about Central Park of New York. • Students have to read the article and discuss the question in Discussion Points. • According to answering the questions in Discussion Points, check the answers with group.
● Activity 2 Knowing Central Park by reading 4. Follow up • Students have to find article one of the 4 cities and read. Then, students write about the article how they think about it • Students will speak based on what they wrote in class 5. Assessment • Teacher will read how they thought and wrote grammatically on their paper.
Central park The value of land in Manhattan has turned the island into a sea if cincrete. Fortunately fir Ne w York's residents, there is one major exception: Central park. This huge park in the middle of The city was designed in the 1850s by landscape ar-chitect Frederick Law Olmsted. Olmsted want ed park to be a rural paradise within an urban area, a place for all-"rich and poor, young and old. " Central Park is still much as he intended. You can take a horse and buggy ride through Central Park. You can explore the park even better by renting a bucycle. Attractions in the park include gardens, a zoo, a skating rink, an old-fashioned carousel, a lake where you can row, and an outdo or theater, where events are held each summer. Central park was opened in 1876. Wealthy New Yorkers soon buo;t mansions along fifth Avenu e, on the park's east side. The Vander-bilts, a large family, at one point had eleven mansions on Fifth Avenye! The mansions that remain now hold art collections. For example, ther's the Frick C ollection in what was once the home of mil-lionaire Henry Clay Frick. The Frick is a de-lightful m useum to wander through since it's set up, not like a museum, but as it was when the Fricks live d there. This park of Fifth Avenue along Central Park has so many museums that it's called "Mus eum Mile." The Metropolitan Museum of Art, with huge collection s of art from around the world, may be the most important mu- seum in the United States. The street on the western side of the park, Central Park West, has large and unusual apartme nt buildings. Whe the first one was being built, people laughed. They said no-body with money wo uld live in an apartment house, especially when it was so far from the center of town that it mi ght as well be in the Dakotas(in the western part of the United States; see Unit 5). The builder h ad the last laugh; he named his buo;domg the Dakota, and when it opend, every apartment was o ccu-pied. The Dakpta has had many famous resi-dents, including actress Lauren Bacall and condu ctor/composer :eonard Bernstein. But, above all, the building makes people think of John Lennon, who lived there and was killed right outside on Decemver 8, 1980.
Discussion pionts Read the article and discuss the questions The coty's crime rate has increased this year, official statistics show. The increase inclu des violent crimes. Several recent myrders involved innocent bystanders-people who jus t happened to be "in the way" when shots were fired. Drugs and the ease with which so phisticated guns can be obtained appear to be factors contributing to the increse in viol ent crime. The mayor's office has announced plans to hire ahd train more police officers. When questioned by reporters, may New Yorkers said they would move elsewhere of the y could. Other New Yorkers though, were steadfastly loyal to the city. They pionted out that the problems," one man said, "New York" has so mych to offer- concerts, plays, you name it. and besides, New York is my home." -Has crime increased in the cities of your country? What do you think should be done to fight crime? -Some New Yorker want to leave. What is your opinion? Would you want to live in New York? Why or why not? Write and Talk You have some friends who are stopping in New York for 24 hours on their way to San Fr ancisco. Since you are more familiar with New York, they ask you what they should do th ere. Write a one-day itinerary for your friends. Trade itineraries with a partner. Take tur ns roleplaying the person going to New York and the person giving advice. Discuss and expain the itnerary you have preparred.
● Activity 3 Doing group project by speaking 1. Language focus: passive voice, tense (present, present perfect,future), prepositions of direction (to, at, in, on)adjectives used for describing places, “very, enough, too.” 2. Materials: Notebook that oneself records about city 3. Goal: • Among 4 cities, you select wanting city and examine about city. Then, you can know many things about cities. • You have a conversation with other students about city, so your speaking skills can upgrade.
● Activity 3 Doing Group Project by Speaking 4. How to: • Divide into 4 groups by 5 people so group select one among 4 cities • Group members examine about selected city. • You explain pre-examined materials to group members so they elect best presenter in each 4 group. • It elected total 4 students. They have to explain forward that examined about city to friends. • After explained city, students ask anxious contents and things which want to know. Then, they will conversation naturally. Ex 1.) A: why did you select this city? B: This city is place that wanted to go. A: Oh~ yes. I think that this city is very fantastic. . Ex 2.) A: what is famous place in this city? ETC…
● Activity 3 Doing Group Project by Speaking 5. Assessment • Teacher gives children list of marks. Students will evaluate according to list of marks to 4 presenters. Teachers evaluate, too. After evaluated about 4 presenters, students give list of marks to teacher. Then, teachers will give bonus point to most good one between 4 presenters. It became basic of estimation from first until end.
● Activity 4 Making Trip Plan By Writing 1. Language focus: expression about trip plan (be goi ng to, be planning to, visit) 2. Materials: map, worksheet 3. How to: • Teacher gives worksheet to students to write about their trip plan. • Teacher shows example about trip plan around several city. • Students plan through their chosen route in group. • Students have to use expression about trip plan. • (be going to, be planning to, visit) • Students in group present their trip plan to the other group students.
● Activity 4 Making Trip Plan By Writing 1. Language focus: expression about trip plan (be goi ng to, be planning to, visit) 2. Materials: map, worksheet 3. How to: • Teacher gives worksheet to students to write about their trip plan. • Teacher shows example about trip plan around several city. Students plan through their chosen route in group. • Students have to use expression about trip plan. • (be going to, be planning to, visit) • Students in group present their trip plan to the other group students.
● Activity 4 Making Trip Plan By Writing Example) * Trip Plan - Requirement: Clothes, Bag, Food, etc. - Trip period- 7~8 days - Transportation- plane, bus - Wonderful place ① New York- Statue of Liberty, Empire State Bui lding, Central Park ② Chicago- Shedd Aquarium, Sears Tower ③ San Francisco- Stanford University, China tow n, Golden Gate Bridge ④ Las Vegas- Casino, Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon
● Activity 5 Constructing Cities by Internet • Language focus: superlative, comparative • 2. Materials: New York City plan • 3. How to: • Take a role city (Chicago, New York, Las Vegas…) • Each group invest about their city and make city • Look at the city “sim city” or “city life” game • Teacher clearly explain the rule. • Students will make a big city with group members and • teacher will give the prize to best-maker.
● Activity 5 Constructing Cities by Internet • 4. Follow up • Group project- construct cities. • 5. Assessment • Students attach sticker to favorite city and teacher will • evaluate according to below standard. • Include affluent contents such as culture, climate about own cities- 30% • Includes at least 70% of language skills that students le • arned – 40% • Students anonymously put stickers to the best team bas • ed on what they think- 30%
Whole Assessment • Individual Journal 40% • Students see movies or read articles • about cities and write paper by using • at least 70% of language skills that they • have learned • Group Work 30% • Making A Book! • Attendance 10% • In class Activity & Attitude 20%
Helpful Websites • http://us.onionmap.com/web/mapid/ • http://search.daum.net/cgibin/nsp/search.cgi?nil_suggest=btn&nil_ch=&rtupcoll=&w=tot&q=sim+city , Download • http://search.daum.net/cgibin/nsp/search.cgi?nil_suggest=btn&nil_ch=&rtupcoll=&w=tot&q=city+life , Download • http://kr.play.kids.yahoo.com/play/deco/city/leaf.html?cg_id=16&ct_id=2555& page=1&sp_id=2062366439 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrc8hI2yzuY make city • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7Wt4XlXUrc song • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dcYLF9bImk city picture