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Going to... Temse What are you going to do?
Going to Future Affirmative: Subject + verb to be+ going to + mainverb I amgoing to studywithmyfriends. He isgoing to visithisparentstomorrow. Theyaregoing to bring me a gift.
What is going to happen? It is going to rain.
Going to Future Affirmative: Subject + verb to be+ going to + mainverb I amgoing to studywithmyfriends. He isgoing to visithisparentstomorrow. Theyaregoing to bring me a gift.
Going to Future Negative: Subject + verb to benegative+ going to + mainverb I amnotgoing to studywithmyfriends. Sheisn’tgoing to visitherparentstomorrow. Wearen’tgoing to bringher a gift.
Going to Future Questions: Verb to be+ subject + going to + mainverb AmI going to be late for schooltomorrow? Yes, youare. / No, youaren’t. Is it going to raintomorrowmorning? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Are yougoing to worktonight? Yes, I am. / No, I’mnot.
Going to Future Whenthemainverb is go, it’snotnecessary to use it: They are going to go home, becauseit’s late. They are going home, becauseit’s late. Going to = gonna, in spokenEnglish. I’mgoing to eatthatcake. I’mgonnaeatthatcake.