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Recap –The importance of Seva. What is Seva? Selfless Service What are the 3 types of Seva? Than Mhan Dhan Which Gursikh gave water to the emeny during battle? Bhai Kanhaiya Ji Where in the ardaas do we pray for the well being of everyone?
Recap –The importance of Seva • What is Seva? Selfless Service • What are the 3 types of Seva? Than Mhan Dhan • Which Gursikh gave water to the emeny during battle? Bhai Kanhaiya Ji • Where in the ardaas do we pray for the well being of everyone? "Nanak Naam Chardi Kala, Tere Bhane Sarbaht dah Bhahla"
THE JOURNEY... How far are we?
How did we get here? 8,400,000 – Chaurasi Lakh Joon Immortal soul – Passes through each life Human life – The highest form of life Only in this life can we obtain unity with God lK caurwsIh iPrdy rhy ibnu siqgur mukiq n hoeI ] People continue wandering through the cycle of 8.4 million incarnations; without the True Guru, liberation is not obtained
To obtain “Mukhti” - freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth What’s the purpose of this life? Overcome the 5 Evils Seva HOW? Obtain the 5 Virtues Simran The 3 Pillars of Sikhism min inrml nwmu iDAweIAY qw pwey moK duAwru ]2] Meditating on the Naam with a pure mind, the Door of Liberation is found. ||2||
The 4 main stages… • Naam Karan • Amrit Sanchar • Anand Karaj • Antam Sanskar
Naam Karan – Naming ceremony • When naming a child there are no time limits, all that matters is the well being of the mother and child. • Ceremony takes place in the Gurdwara. • The Ardas • The Hukamnama • The 1st letter of the 1st word • Name is chosen • Kaur (Princess) or Singh (Lion) • Gianni will announce the full name in the Sangat • Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal!!!
In this ceremony, we thank Waheguru ji for the gift of a child. • We take the Hukamnama as guidance and also accept God’s will by naming the child after the 1st letter. • soriT mhlw 1 ] ijn@I siqguru syivAw ipAwry iqn@ ky swQ qry ] iqn@w Twk n pweIAY ipAwry AMimRq rsn hry ] bUfy Bwry BY ibnw ipAwry qwry ndir kry ]1] Those who serve the True Guru, O Beloved, their companions are saved as well. No one blocks their way, O Beloved, and the Lord’s Ambrosial Nectar is on their tongue. Without the Fear of God, they are so heavy that they sink and drown, O Beloved; but the Lord, casting His Glance of Grace, carries them across.
Amrit Sanchar – Baptising ceremony Was created in 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Khalsa Panth) the ceremony takes place in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji Only 5 Pyare and those taking Amrit allowed in ceremony and everyone must be wearing the 5 K’s. Principles of Sikhi are explained and ceremony begins with the Ardas The Amrit is prepared by the 5 Pyare-who read the 5 bani’s Amrit is ready (Necter of Immortality) and is given to the Sikhs by the 5 Pyare.
The process of taking Amrit-is the giving of your head to Guru Ji-what the 5 Pyare did in 1699. • The importance of the 5 Kakkar: • Kachera- Kaam (lust) • Kara- Lobh (greed) • Kirpan- Krod (anger) • Kangha- Moh (attachment) • Kesh- Ahankar (ego)
AnandKaraj – Wedding ceremony • Is the holy union between 2 souls…’Blissful union’ • Ceremony begins with the Ardas + Hukamnama • The Lavan are then read out, one at a time. • The couple do parkarma around Guru Granth Sahib Ji-a sign of commitment and also placing Guru ji at the centre of their lives. • Lavan composed by Guru Ram Das Ji, originally to celebrate holy union between human soul (ATMA) & God (PARMATMA) • Guru Ji say’s our married life should also be based on • the principles of our union with Parmatma.
Duties of married life. Emphasises the importance of social and household duties while remembering and having love for God. • Couple must be ready to understand & appreciate each other. Guru ji places emphasis on holy fear, selfless love & eradication of ego. • Life means togetherness & no separation, Guru ji tells us about detachment from worldly desires & attractions • Love, trust, respect, care for each other and detachment from worldly attractions will bring about stage of ‘SEHAJ’-unity with God and no ‘me’ & ‘you’ • Dn ipru eyih n AwKIAin bhin iekTy hoie ]eyk joiq duie mUrqI Dn ipru khIAY soie ]3] • They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together. They alone are called husband and wife, who have one light in two bodies
Antam Sanskar – Final ceremony In Sikhi we view death as a chance to reunite with God. It is also an opportunity for us to affirm our faith by accepting death as the will of God. In Sikhi we are taught to live life in constant remembrance of death. The Sikhi way of life helps us to escape the 5 evils, obtain the 5 virtues, and become one with God. Amrit Sanchar helps us to prepare ourselves for death, constantly remember God, do Seva, be truthful, etc (5 K’s) Our way to obtain ‘Mukti’, escape the cycle of continuous death and rebirth. The Dharam-Raj (Righteous Judge) will asses our actions that we did throughout our life once this life ends.
The body is washed, dressed (5 K’s if Gur-Sikh) • Those present recite continuous Mool Mantar or Simran • Taken to the Gurdwara, Gurbani is read and Kirtan is • performed. • Ardas is carried out & Hukamnama is taken • Body taken for cremation and Kirtan Sohila is read. • Ardas-Antam Ardas (final prayer) • Close relative starts cremation • Ashes collected and Immersed into flowing river/sea • No Monuments, form of idol worship. • muieAw ijqu Gir jweIAY iqqu jIvidAw mru mwir ] • To reach your True Home after you die, you must conquer death while you are still alive.
How many lives have we lived before reaching • this life? • 2. The purpose of life is to obtain ----- • 3. For which ceremony is this equipment • used?
4. ‘Blissful Union’ is the ----- ----- ceremony 5. The ------ --- will asses our actions once this life ends 6. What are some of the ways in which we can obtain Mukti 7. In which year was the Amrit Sanchar created?
8. What are the 5 evils? 9. There are 2 things that are the same in each ceremony, what are they? 10. What are the dates of this years Sikhi Camp?