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The Eyes and Ears. Medical Terminology. Root: Meaning Ambly: dull; dim Amblyopia (dull vision) dipl: double Diplopia (double vision) Suffix: Meaning -metrist: specialist in the measure of Optometrist (specialist in the measurement of sight) -pexy: surgical fixation
The Eyes and Ears Medical Terminology
Root: Meaning Ambly: dull; dim Amblyopia (dull vision) dipl: double Diplopia (double vision) Suffix: Meaning -metrist: specialist in the measure of Optometrist (specialist in the measurement of sight) -pexy: surgical fixation Retinopexy (surgical fixation of the retina) -phobia: fear Photophobia (fear or sensitivity of light) Prefix: Meaning Eso-: inward Esotropia (inward turning of the eyeball) Exo-: outside Exotropia (outward turning of the eyeball) Extra-: outside Extraocular muscles (muscles located outside the eyeball) Presby-: old age Presbyopia (impaired vision due to old age) New Roots, Suffixes, and Prefixes
Blepharoptosis: Blephar/o: eyelid -ptosis: drooping; sagging Definition: drooping eyelid Conjunctivitis: Conjunctiv/o: conjunctiva (membrane lining the eyelids and anterior part of the eye) -itis: inflammation Definition: inflammation of the conjunctiva Corneal abrasion: Corne/o: cornea -eal: pertaining to -ion: process Ab-: away from Ras/o: scrape Definition: scraping of the superficial layers of the cornea Iridectomy -irid; ir: iris -ectomy: excision; surgical removal Definition: surgical removal of the iris
Keratoplasty Kerat: cornea -plasty: surgical repair Definition: surgical repair of the cornea Extraocular muscles Ocul: eye -ar: pertaining to Extra-: outside Definition: muscles outside the eyeball Exopthalmia Ophthalm: eye -ia: condition Ex-: outward Definition: outward protrusion of the eyeball Ophthalmologist Ophthalm: eye -logist: a specialist Definition: a specialist in the study of the treatment of eye disorders Optician Opt: vision/ sight -ician: specialist Definition: specialist who fills prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses Optometrist -metrist: specialist in the measurement of Definition: specialist in the testing of vision and the diagnosis of eye conditions Aphakia Phac or phak: lens A-: no ; not; absence of Definition: absence of a lens Photophobia Phot; light -phobia: fear of Definition: intolerance or sensitivity to light Retinopathy Retin: retina -pathy: disease: Definition: any disease of the retina
Eye Disorders: Errors of Refraction • Myopia: nearsightedness; only near objects can be seen. • Hyperopia: farsightedness; only far-away objects can be seen. • Astigmatism: blurred vision, both near and far. The curve of the cornea is uneven.
Path that light travels • Cornea aqueous humor pupil lens vitreous humor retina optic nerve brain
In Brief: Path that sounds travel • Auricle external auditory meatus tympanic membrane ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes) cochlea auditory nerve temporal lobe of the brain