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Metal Manufacturing Techniques Overview

Learn about various metal manufacturing techniques including turning, milling, casting, and forging. Discover how each technique works, why it is used, and examples of products made using them. Explore the processes, equipment, and applications of these techniques in the metalworking industry.

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Metal Manufacturing Techniques Overview

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  1. For each Technique you need to know: WHAT it is HOW it works WHY you would do it EXAMPLES of products made in this way Machining Techniques TurningMillingDrillingForming TechniquesDie CastingSand CastingInvestment CastingDrop ForgingPress Forging

  2. Machining Techniques: Turning BORING a hole to make it bigger • Lathes are used to make round parts like cylinders, bolts, knobs etc DRILLING on a Lathe The machine is a Centre Lathe Cutting a THREAD KNURLING PARTING OFF (where a finished object is chopped off) It is used for TURNING (reducing diameter) and FACING (making shorted and neater)

  3. Machining Techniques: Turning CLAMPING KNOB • Some examples of objects that have been turned on a lathe… BEARINGS PIPE FLANGES BRAKE DISCS MACHINE PARTS (CHUCK) PLUMBING FITTINGS PULLEYS

  4. Machining Techniques: Turning http://www.technologystudent.com/equip1/mlathe1.htm http://www.technologystudent.com/pdf2/lathey1.pdf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZtS7xW45Xo Centre Lathe

  5. Machining Techniques: Milling • Milling Machines are used to make accurate parts with holes, slots and flat sections The machine is a MILLING MACHINE DRILLING holes It is used for SHAPING metal objects using a rotating bit that con both drill down andcut sideways CUTTING SLOTS CUTTING SHOULDERS (like steps)

  6. Machining Techniques: Milling • Some examples of objects that have been cut on a milling machine… Brackets & Mountings Golf Clubs Engines and engine parts Alloy Wheels

  7. Machining Techniques: Milling • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVnSq2fDfGU&list=PL1688EC2A1583EED2 Milling Machine

  8. Forming Techniques: Casting Die Casting • Casting is a way of melting metal and pouring it into a mould to make a complex shape. Die Casting is where a metal Die (mould) is used and the molten (liquid) metal in injected in under pressure The machine is large and expensive but once set up the cost is low for each product https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WptzR_-o9aY

  9. Forming Techniques: Casting Die Casting • Examples of products that are CAST using… Metal toy cars Iron pans High end Cameras Handles Engine parts

  10. Forming Techniques: Casting Sand Casting Casting is a way of melting metal and pouring it into a mould to make a complex shape. Sand Casting is where there is no Die but a mould made of sand that can only be used a few times The equipment and mould is cheaper to buy and make but it takes a LONG time so is no good for making lots of products http://youtu.be/7BI4v0Gqc7k http://youtu.be/rgL2Jn5mk1A

  11. Forming Techniques: Casting Sand Casting • Examples of products that are CAST using… One-off Sculptures / ornaments PLUS anything else that could be die cast but could also be sand cast if you only wanted a small number. Ornamental railing ends Engine parts (pipes)

  12. Forming Techniques: Casting Investment Casting Casting is a way of melting metal and pouring it into a mould to make a complex shape. Investment casting used to be called “Lost-wax Casting” because: You make a shape out of wax You dip it in ceramic to make a hard shell You MELT to wax so it dribbles out You can the use the ceramic shell as a mould to cast steel or aluminium You the SMASH (or remove) the ceramic shell to get the metal out

  13. Forming Techniques: Casting Investment Casting • Examples of products that are CAST using… • Basically anything that needs to be CAST but is a very complicated shape that could never be removed from a normal Die (mould)

  14. Forming Techniques: Forging Drop Forging Forging is a way of heating metal to soften (but not melt) it and then dropping a shaped Die on top to shape it. In Drop Forging there is a metal Die (similar to Die Casting). A Billet (lump) of steel is placed in between the 2 halves. The top half is lifted and dropped repeatedly onto the bottom half until the steel is the right shape Forging is much stronger than casting because the crystal structure in the steel or aluminium is compressed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ2-jm9CjiM

  15. Forming Techniques: Forging Press Forging Forging is a way of heating metal to soften (but not melt) it and then dropping a shaped Die on top to shape it. Press Forging is VERY SIMILAR to Drop Forging. HOWEVER… instead of dropping the upped Die it is PRESSED slowly down from above Press Forging tends to be used for BIGGER Forged products

  16. Forming Techniques: Forging Drop Forging / Press Forging • Examples of products that are FORGED using… fixings Tools Weapons Alloy Wheels Brackets Basically anything steel that needs to be STRONG and withstand IMPACT

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