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Measuring Business Performance Intensity: Evaluation Methodology

This presentation discusses a methodology for evaluating the intensity of business performance, highlighting the importance of the way in which profit is generated. It looks at the use of management techniques, outsourcing activities, and the perspective targeting of companies.

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Measuring Business Performance Intensity: Evaluation Methodology

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  1. Company performance intensity evaluation methodologyMěření intenzity výkonnosti podniku Mezinárodní konference VŠFS Přednáška je jedním z výstupů programu v rámci IGA VŠFS r.č.7736 25. a 26.9.2012 Jiří Mihola; Petr Wawrosz VŠFS, University of Finance and Administration

  2. Qalitydevelopment The way in which profit is generated is not unimportant. Není totiž lhostejné, jakým způsobem je dosahováno zisku. Used: management of companies, searching their perspective targeting, the course of tenders, outsourcing activities. Appliedat various hierarchical levels of the economy, including the company level.

  3. Schumpeter The knowledge society is characterized by the application of new findings. A Schumpeterian analysis of the economy underlines the key role of dynamic processes supported by permanent innovations.

  4. Innovation However, innovations only arise if science and research, as well as human resources quality evolve based on high-quality education, if the application of inherent human capabilities improves.

  5. Such development mainly utilizes the intensive factors, as opposed to extensive expansion of existing production.

  6. Initial illustrative example Ef0 = TR0/TC0 EP0 = TR0-TC0 Efe = 2.TR0/2.TC0= Ef0 EPe = 2.TR0-2.TC0= 2.EP0 Efektivnost vzroste na dvojnásobek Efi = 2.TR0/TC0=2.Ef0 EPi = 2.TR0-TC0= 2.EP0+TC0 EPi = EPe+TC0

  7. Generalization In reality, pure developments occur very rarely. The combined development is more common, i.e. the combination of both components that can compensate each other. The general representation of the level of the development intensity or development extensity must be usable for any production growth as well as for the decline or stagnation thereof.

  8. EP = TR-TC 4 5 3 Ef Ef = TR/TC 2 Generalization EP= TC.(Ef-1) purely intensive development 1,5 purely extensivedevelopment

  9. 5 4 3 2 10 EP = TR-TC 1 Ef Ef = TR/TC 1,5 Generalizationforthe profit TR EP= TC.(Ef-1) purely intensive development purely extensivedevelopment

  10. The DevelopmentTrajectory In each period, we will then be able to analyze development in terms of all 4 quantitative properties in review - TR, TC, EP, and Ef– as well as their relative implications, including the attained intensity level.

  11. Share of impact of the profit TR = EP + TC 1 = EP/TR + TC/TR 100 = 50 + 50 100 = 75 + 25 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TR = Ef .TC ln(TR) = ln(Ef) + ln(TC) 1=ln(Ef)/ln(TR) + ln(TC)/ln(TR) 100 = 50+50 100 = 33+67 100 = 67+33

  12. Dynamic task Timeseries of certain flow values _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dynamiccharacteristics of the absolute or relative increment (rate of change) or index (change coefficient) represent a dynamic task Δ(A); G(A)=I(A)-1; I(A)=G(A)+1

  13. The following relations may be deducedbetween the growth rates and indexes:

  14. I(TR)=I(Ef).I(TC) I(Ef)=I(TC) I(TR)=I2(Ef)=I2(TC) Classify the types of developments 100% I. kvadrant oba faktory se podílejí na růstu I(Ef) G(Ef) straight line II. kvadrant intenzivní faktor je kompenzován poklesem extenzivního 50% I(TC) 0% III. kvadrant oba faktory se podílejí na poklesu hyperbole IV. kvadrant extenzivní faktor je kompenzován poklesem intenzivního -50% -100% I(TR)=I(Ef).I(TC)=1 ; I(Ef)=1/I(TC)

  15. Classify the types of developments čistě intenzivní růst purply intensive growth intenzivní kompenzace intenzivně extenzivní růst I(Ef) intensive compensation intensive-extensive growth čistě desextenzivní pokles čistě extenzivní růst I(TC) purplyextensive growth purply de-extensive development extenzivní kompenzace desintenzivně desextenzivní pokles extensive compensation čistě desintenzivní pokles de-intensive and de-extensive decline purplyintensive growth

  16. DynamicParameterof Intensity and Extesity

  17. i.sgn[G(Ef)]+e.sgn[G(TC)]=1 nebo l i l + l e l = 1 The GeneralRelation Betweenthe Intensityand ExtensityParameter


  19. Demandfunction- elasticity

  20. Demandfunction- elasticity 0,5 0 0,5 1 5 1 0,25 ∞

  21. track and time V=const. a=const.

  22. Parameter of Intensitygrowth

  23. Parameter of Intensity

  24. M. Hájek, J. Mihola, L.Cyhelský, P. Wawrosz Statistika 2/2012 QalityIdikatorsofDivelopment Dynamics atAlllevelsoftheEconomy Politická ekonomie 6/2009 s.740 až 754 Analýza vlivu souhrnné produktivity faktorů na ekonomický růst ČR Statistika 6/2008 Udržitelný růst – analýza České republiky Statistika 5/2008 Udržitelný růst – matematický aparát Statistika 6/2007 Souhrnná produktivita faktorů – přímý výpočet Statistika 2/2007 Agregátní produkční funkce a podíl vlivu intenzivních faktorů Politická ekonomie 6/2006 Zdroje růstu, souhrnná produktivita faktorů a struktura v České republice.

  25. Thankyou very much. Mezinárodní konference VŠFS, září 2012 Jiří Mihola, Petr Wawrosz jiri.mihola@quick.cz; petr.wawrosz@centrum.cz

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