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Describe the significance of Oil and Natural Gas .

Describe the significance of Oil and Natural Gas . by Holly, Piers , Heather and Mark. Significance of Oil. Oil is the world number 1 natural resource. 147 litres of oil are in a barrel 85 million barrels used per day 30.5 thousand million barrels of reserve

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Describe the significance of Oil and Natural Gas .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Describe the significance ofOil and Natural Gas. by Holly, Piers, Heather and Mark

  2. Significance of Oil • Oil is the world number 1 natural resource. • 147 litres of oil are in a barrel • 85 million barrels used per day • 30.5 thousand million barrels of reserve • 40 years of oil left

  3. Oil Uses • Transport • Medical • Clothing • Recreational • Resources

  4. OilReserves Canada Russia Venezuela SaudiArabia

  5. OilReserves

  6. EnvironmentalConsequences • Killsfish • Killscoral • Kills marine mamals • Killsbirds • Wildlife habitat • Breeding grounds

  7. BP Oil Spill • Most damagingoilspill in History • Rigexploded and sank • Oilseeped out for 3 months • 4.9 million barrels released • 8,332 species of wildlife • Destroyed the oceanfloor

  8. Inputs, Processes, Outputs • Inputs: -Carbon, Hydrogen -Plankton -Millions of years • Processes: -Extraction -Refinery • Outputs: -Oil -Income

  9. Oil Production

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