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ASK THE ABA EXPERTS. A Women In Buses Council Webinar. WELCOME. Mission Statement Women in Buses Council is to recognize and advance the role of women in the motorcoach industry through networking, education and mentoring programs. Membership
ASK THE ABA EXPERTS A Women In Buses Council Webinar
WELCOME Mission Statement Women in Buses Council is to recognize and advance the role of women in the motorcoach industry through networking, education and mentoring programs. Membership Primary Membership: CEO, General Managers and other bus company executives/decision-makers who are women Support Membership: Product and Services Suppliers, Bus Operator Sales and Marketing staff and Travel Industry staff
DESKSIDE ASSISTANCE The Right People: ABA provides desk-side assistance to help members comply with federal and state/provincial operating regulations. ABA is your Peter Pantuso, CTIS President & CEO Daniel Hoff Director of Government Affairs and Policy Clyde J. Hart Jr. Sr. Vice President, Government Affairs & Policy Matthew Cahill Legislative Coordinator Brandon Buchanan Director of Regulatory Affairs VOICE in Washington DC
LEGISLATIVE ISSUES • Lobby for key bus provisions and tax legislation. • Ensure full enforcement of the charter bus rule to prevent publicly funded transit agencies • from providing charter service. • Expand and or maintain the federal fuel tax rebate that bus operators currently receive. • Ensure that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s enforcement actions target and close • illegal and unsafe operators. • Work with Congress to access different granting opportunities (i.e. bus security and • wheelchair liftgrants.) • Integrate private bus operators into national, state and local transportation planning. • Promote motorcoach travel as a safe, • cost effective, environmentally conscience • mode of transportation. ABA is your VOICE in Washington DC
LEGISLATIVE ISSUES • Transportation reauthorization—next MAP-21 • MAP-21 expires in September 2014 • Bus issues: fuel tax parity; tolling authority; security funding; facility access for buses; bus inspections (DOD, close “safe harbor” States) for unsafe operators • Tax Reform effort and the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) • HTF outlays surpass revenues by $7 billion in 2015 • Congress needs to add 10 cents per gal to keep HTF solvent in fiscal year 2015 • So far: No “will” for a gas tax increase, VMT tax or general funds transfer to the HTF (other suggestions: tax on stock sales, tax on gas at wellhead)
LEGISLATIVE ISSUES • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and HOS • ATU effort to eliminate HOS exemption from FLSA • Rail Passenger Reauthorization and Motorcoaches • Integrate bus service with rail corridor services • Funding for intermodal terminals for intercity bus operators • DOD/DOT Bus Safety Inspections • Intercity Bus Security Grants • The Travel Regional Investment Partnership Act (TRIP) • Establishes a competitive grant program to promote domestic regional tourism. • Travel Promotion, Enhancement and Modernization Act HR-4450 • Work for continued funding for Brand USA, which has helped increase foreign visitations to the US to 60 million visitors.
OTHER ISSUES TO WATCH • New Jersey Franchise Tax • Intercity Bus Permits • New York City • Bus Inspections at Weigh Stations • Charter Bus Rules • Operators state that this issue of transit competition is a top priority, yet very few remain registered with the FTA website. • Florida and Tennessee Ticket Reseller’s Laws
REGULATORY ISSUES • NHTSA Rulemakings • Seat belts final rule – 2013; 2016 required on all new coaches • Rollover prevention • Electronic Stability Control - NPRM at OMB for review. • Emergency Egress standards – decision to proceed • Fire hardening and suppression standards – study done. • Advanced glazing standards – research ongoing
REGULATORY ISSUES • FMCSA Rulemakings • Speed limiters: ATA-supported, no time limit given • EOBRs - NPRM Issued. Comment Date Closed. • Carrier fitness determinations • ADA interpretation • DHS Rulemakings • Bus security protocols
SAFETY IS OUR #1 PRIORITY ABA is actively involved in the safe operations of our bus operator members. ABA staff checks on company safety records quarterly. Formerly an annual self-certification. Companies with Conditional ratings are given 6 months to make changes or be asked to leave ABA. Companies with Unsatisfactory ratings are asked to leave ABA. Look at more than just the satisfactory/unsatisfactory rating. Companies with several alerts, , in their SMS score are advised to attend BISCand directed towards resources that can help before they reach Unsatisfactorystatus.
THE PASSENGER TOOLS • Safer Bus App • National Consumer Complaint Database • 1-888-DOT-SAFT (368-7238) • Safety Complaint • Service Issues • ADA Issues • Free Download: • iTunes • Google Play
BUS INDUSTRY SAFETY COUNCIL The BISC is comprised of security, mechanical, safety, operational and maintenance professionals as well as consultants from all segments of the industry. Government agencies represented -DHS, TSA, FTA, FMCSA, NHTSA. The group meets regularly to discuss issues, best practices and innovations in the areas of safety, regulatory compliance, mechanics, technology and security. Travel reimbursement for operators that attend.
CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS Call ABA’s Crisis Management Team. We’re here to help get you through this and be your spokesman. Don’t speak with media until you have called ABA’s Crisis Management Team, your insurance company and your attorney. Compile a list of phone numbers and emails of media members who have called. Identify a spokesman. Instruct your driver and other staff not to speak with the media, direct media to spokesman. Concentrate as much time as you can on helping your passengers, dealing with police, insurance and Federal and State investigators.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Let us know what is on your mind. Questions Concerns Issues
TRIP PLANNING TOOLS ABA provides a list of parking, idling, drop-off & pick-up areas and motorcoach permit guidelines for areas throughout North America designed to make trip planning easier for motorcoach and tour operators.
THANK YOU Thank you for your participation today. Look for future announcements on new webinars and Women in Buses events. www.buses.org