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Explore the evidence of intelligent design in human anatomy as a response to evolutionary theories. Discover how the complexity of our bodies speaks to a thoughtful Creator, challenging common misconceptions about our origins. Uncover the intricacies of the nervous system, DNA, muscle tissues, and organ functions as proof of a masterful design. Delve into the wonders of the human body through a biblical lens, affirming the belief in a purposeful Maker behind the intricate details of our existence.
Are We Fearfully and Wonderfully Made?Gen. 1:1; Jn 1:3; Heb. 1:10 An Answer to Evolution And Some Questions for Evolutionists
What is Evolution? “A Gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form (American Heritage Dictionary, 2000) When I speak of evolution today I am talking strictly about the theory that says “all biological life arose from a common ancestor of a single cell.”
“If you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid, or insane. . . .” Richard Dawkins, Oxford University
I Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
Why the Need for this lesson? • Student Survey in 2000 • elementary-school years (8-10) were exclusively creationists, whereas the oldest children (10.5-12) were almost exclusively evolutionists with a small number being creationists (Evans, 2000)
Why the Need for this lesson? • Some say, “Christians should address only where they are going, not where they came from” • Theistic Evolution • The consequence of Evolution makes God and Christ liars!
The Bible Says God Created Us Ps 139:13-16 Fearfully – to be afraid and stand in awe (Vines) Wonderfully – Expressing actions that are beyond the bounds of human powers or expectations (Vines) Skillfully wrought – skill involved to bring about the complex and intricate formation
In The Beginning… Gen. 1:21, 27; 2:3, 4 This is HISTORY. And God is the most accurate and unbiased historian this world has ever known. Christ Affirms it Mk. 10:6 Jn. 5:46-47
Are We Fearfully and Wonderfully Made? • Made = Maker • Created = Creator • Design = Designer
What does the Body and the Bible say? There is Design! Design – An Arrangement of individual components within an object so as to accomplish a functional or artistic purpose.
The Body considered at 4 levels Cell (white blood, Nerve, etc.) Tissue (group of cells: muscle, etc.) Organ (group of tissues: liver, etc.) System (group of organs: heart + lungs = cardiovascular system.
Design In Human Cells Design proves a Designer! Acts 17:28-29; Heb. 11:1-3
Nerve Cell • Long Thin Extension to Transmit Messages • Compare to Phone, email or fax. Did these message devices have a designer? • Computer Programs are based on Neuroscience
DNA • Nucleus of Cell contains DNA • DNA is the CODE to our Genetic Makeup. • Controls the production of proteins by making 20 amino acids. • Compare to a computer program, Did Microsoft Windows have a designer?
Tissue • Skin • Design of Hand • Tires have tread for grip so do hands. • How come one has a designer and the other is an accident? • Eyelashes and Nose hair • Protect eyes and filter air. Design?
Tissue • Muscles • Muscles are made up of muscle fibers • Compare muscle strands to suspension bridge cable. It is stronger to have a cable made up of smaller strands than a solid cable of the same size. But God knew that first!
Tissue • Skeletal • Protection of the body • “Perhaps an engineer will someday develop a substance as strong and light and efficient as bone, but what engineer could devise a substance that, like bone, can grow continuously, lubricate itself, require no shutdown time, and repair itself when damage occurs?” (Brady and Yancey, 1980, p 90)
Bone Tissue • Arch in Human Foot • Compare the design of a bridge arch to a human foot. This design is best for weight distribution. • Very needed since the avg. human walks 65,000 miles. • Did the bridge have a designer?
Organs • Design In Human Organs • Remember design proves a Designer! • Ps. 51:6 • Brain • Cerebrum – thinking and learning center • Cerebellum – equilibrium and muscle coordination center • Brainstem – involuntary muscles (heartbeat, digestive, breathing, etc.)
Brain • Storage capacity equal to 20 million books. That would take a shelf 500 miles long. • We often refer to the CPU of a computer as the “brain”. Why is one designed and the other an accident?
Heart Been called a pump with a built in motor. It pumps 40 million times a year without a day off! Will evolutionists trade in their heart made by “chance” for one “designed by God?”
Organ • Ears • Ps. 94:9; Prov. 20:12 • Outer – Sound hits at 1,087 ft. per sec. • Middle – sound amplified by vibrations. • Inner – vibrations transferred as electrical impulses to the brain. • All necessary in order for us to hear the Gospel (Rom. 10:17; Jn. 6:44-45)
Organ • Eyes • “The eye is a marvelous instrument, resembling a telescope of the highest quality, with a lens, and adjustable focus, a variable diaphragm for controlling the amount of light, and optical corrections for spherical and chromatic aberration. The eye appears to have been designed; no designer of telescopes could have done better. How could this marvelous instrument have evolved by chance, through a succession of random events?…there seems to be no direct proof that evolution can work these miracles…it is hard to accept the evolution of the eye as a product of chance.” (Robert Jastrow, The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe, 1981; pg 97-101)
“DESIGN” OF THE EYE Eye “The lens of our eye varies in density so that all the rays are brought into focus. All the marvelous adjustments of lens, rods, cones, nerves, and all else must have occurred simultaneously, for before each of them was complete, sight was impossible. How could one necessary factor know and adjust itself to each of the requirements of the others?” (Dr. Cressy Morrison, 1944) “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1956, pg 170)
Systems • Design In Human Systems • Ps. 33:6-9; 100:3; Isa. 48:3 • Nervous System • Brain • Spinal Cord • Nerves • One evolutionist said, “It is the most elaborate communication system ever devised.”
System • Digestive • Alimentary canal (the tube through which food passes through the body) • Digestive glands (saliva, gastric glands, etc.)
Arguments Against Design • If the body was designed so well, why do we have disease, deformities and death?” • This view fails to consider the answer in the Bible. • We live in a sin-cursed world where things decay, get diseased and die (Gen. 3:14-19).
Vestigial Organs • “Well, what of the body parts that we don’t need?” • The appendix has now been proven to help fight infection (especially in early years). • Evolutionists used to contend that the pineal body (a small gland located in the brain) was a remnant of a primitive “eye”. But now we know that the pineal body plays a vital role in human reproduction.
Arguments Against Design • Woolsey Teller (one of the founders of American Association for the Advancement of Atheism) said, “I maintain that man makes better machines, machines that work more accurately and are more dependable than those found in the human body.” (Bales-Teller debate, pg 152) • He said man would have been better designed for travel on all-fours, fitted with wheels rather than hands and feet. He also suggested that he would have put a zipper on the human side, so that when something malfunctioned, no surgery would be necessary; one could simply unzip his body-cavity and replace the broken part.
Mr. Teller in his brilliance failed to anticipate how such a procedure would be accomplished since no one would have hands but wheels! By Wayne Jackson
How much of what you see came about through evolution? • All things had a maker! • What about living organisms? • The poet said, “Each tiny timid blade of grass that pushed upward from the sod, proclaims to me the creed serene, there is a God, there is a God” • “The fool has said in his heart,’There is no God’” Ps 14:1; 53:1
Are We Fearfully and Wonderfully Made? • What have we learned? • The Body has design and thus a Designer! • It is not an unguided accident as evolution teaches. • That we can trust in God’s plan of salvation since we can trust in His word!