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Explore strategies to leverage technology for personalized instruction, focusing on gifted students. Discuss benefits, challenges, and tools like SmartBoards. Learn to differentiate instruction by readiness, interests, and profiles. Discover resources, projects, and ways to connect subjects using technology. Encourage problem-solving and project sharing through various activities. Transform learning through innovative use of technology.
Content Objective: Participants will become familiar with strategies and ideas to use technology to meet the academic needs of all students with a specific focus on the gifted and talented.
Language Objective: • Participants will: • Discuss the benefits and challenges of technology • Categorize and share websites in a del.icio.us account with gifted cluster teachers to meet the academic needs of gifted and talented.
Computers Software Internet Digital cameras and camcorders Robotics Scanners and Document Cameras What is Technology? • SmartBoards • Audio-visual (movies, podcasts, etc.) • Voice recorders – iPod with recorder • AlphaSmart word processor • Other . . . . What do we have in our toolbox?
Why Technology? • More than ever, individuals value the importance of technology changes in education. • Knowledge economy • nearly 90 percent of the upcoming workforce will utilize computers within their working environments • Experiences outside school are already differentiated through technology & they are fully engaged in learning. How Does Avondale Measure Up?
Think - Pair - Share Benefits Challenges
Benefits • Streamline student learning • Motivating/engaging • More personalized & flexible • information available on almost any interest they have
Challenges • Difficult for teachers to adjust (paradigm shift) • Difficult to keep up (fear of unknown)
Knocking Down the Barriers • Start Small • “Digital Natives” (Prensky) can be a resource • Model being a learner • Learn from them • Shows learning new things is not threatening
Technology: Meeting their needs • Readiness • Interests • Learning Profile
Del.icio.us • Setting up a resource network • http://del.icio.us/foxroxaz • Instructions (Link to how to here)
How do I start? • Daily/Weekly Starters • Interactive Activities • Internet Scavenger Hunts • Technology enhanced projects • Webquests …To name a few
What can I do daily or weekly? • * What's the weather forecast? • * This day in history? (Current events) • * Who's birthday is it? • * What happened in history? • * How is the stock doing? • * Brain Teasers • * Word of the Day Check out Daily on my delicious for lots of ideas.
How can I connect to each subject area? • Connect to reading, writing, math, science, social studies, art, music, health and physical education. Check out the district resources my del.icio.us of the Web folder for lots of ideas.
What project would help me reach outside my classroom? • Share through surface mail, email, web, blogs, wikis, and more. • Teacher Tap: Online Collaborative Projects. Brainstorm projects that involve connecting with another classroom. Check out teacher tap the district resources my del.icio.us of the Web folder for lots of ideas.
How can I promote the love of learning through technology? • Learn, just for fun • Ask questions, seek answers, allow flexibility • Use the teachable moment…within reason • Go to 42eXplore. • Go to Teacher Tap: Virtual Field Trips and Museums • Consider ways to create the "teachable moment" in your classroom to go beyond the standards.
How can technology help students solve problems? Design activities that include: • * Introduction/Topic/Scenario • * Task or Activity • * Process or Procedures • * Web Resources • * Product/Outcome/Conclusion Go to Teacher Tap: WebQuests or the district site Design a simple WebQuest in Microsoft Word.
How can my students share their projects with others? • * Artwork • * Poems and Stories • * Science Projects • * Oral Histories • * Timelines • * Biographies Go to Literature Ladders and Teacher Tap or the district site. Identify a project you might join.
Looking back • How does this help me with gifted learners? • Use technology for anchor activities • Individualized practice of skills (Independent study) • Learning centers • Creative projects
Quadrants • Begin to think about ways to give students choices • Tier activities by readiness, interest, learning profile • Consider stations/centers • Consider learning profile testing Quadrant 1: GP: flashcards Tech: Animal Legs IP: Create and illustrate a 1 digit x 1 digit multiplication problem. Quadrant 2: GP: Multiplying with cubes. (graph paper) Tech: Table Mountain IP: Write the equation and illustrate a 2 digit x 1 digit multiplication problem. Quadrant 4: GP: 3 digit by 2 digit Tech: Mad math or Amble web IP: Project- to demonstrate a multiplication equation: at least 2 digits by 2 digits (be creative) Quadrant 3: GP: 2 digit by 2 digit activity sheet Tech: Mad math or Amble web IP: Project create your own IP Challenge yourself
Let’s revisit • Daily teaching • Projects • Anchor Activities • Extension Activities
Evaluation & Homework • Try
Backdrops: - These are full sized backdrops, just scale them up! - Can be Copy-Pasted out of Templates for use anywhere!
Technology & the Learning Profile Projects/ Activities