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Exploring Dual Nature of Light and Matter: Quantum Concept Unveiled

Dive into the intriguing world of quantum physics where light and matter exhibit dual characteristics. Discover how electrons, photons, and baseballs showcase wave-particle duality, interference patterns, and energy levels through equations like DeBroglie's and Schrödinger's. Unravel the mysteries of the Uncertainty Principle and Born's theory that electrons are probability waves, shaping their orbital behavior. Gain insight into the fundamental principles governing the quantum realm, challenging traditional notions of particles and waves.

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Exploring Dual Nature of Light and Matter: Quantum Concept Unveiled

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  1. If light can have a dual nature why not matter??? Electrons don’t move at the speed of light (although in certain cases they can be close), so rearrange the equation for the mass of the photon to solve for the momentum of the electrons using “v” as the velocity of the electron l = h/mv mv = momentum m = h/cl becomes m = h/vl DeBroglie Eq.

  2. What would the wavelength of a baseball be (142 grams) thrown at a speed of 100 miles per hour (44.4 m/s) 1.1 x 10-34 m Not a significant size compared to the space it exists in! What would the wavelength of an electron be (9.11 x 10-28 grams) whizzing about it’s orbit in the Bohr model traveling at a speed of 2.0 million meters per second? 3.6 x 10-10 m A significant size compared to the space it exists in!

  3. Light waves passing through a single slit

  4. Interference pattern Light waves passing through a double slit

  5. Electrons Interference pattern

  6. Randomly closing a slit…forcing the electrons to go through one slit or the other No interference pattern

  7. You get an interference pattern when you allow it to choose which slit to through…you don’t when you make it go through one slit or the other!!! Implication: The electron goes through both slits at the same time! Very much unlike a particle…acting as a wave. (smeared out…less discrete)

  8. Fits Fits Doesn’t Fit Only certain wavelengths work! Only certain frequencies work! Only certain energies work! Therefore; energy levels exist!

  9. Schrödinger: The Wave Equation psi, the wave function↓ (locations) (many solutions) ĤY = EY One Look → ↑energy of electron mathematical operator ↑ Heisenberg: The Uncertainty Principle (The observer affects the observed) can’t know both well Future location of electron position Depends on velocity Dx • Dmv ≥ h/4p Born: Electrons are probability waves (“Waves of Chance”)

  10. Y2 → describes the probability of finding the electrons in the locations described by Y High probability region in space where the electron is likely to be found…. orbitals (pictured as boundary surface diagrams)

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