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The 1920s: Social History

The 1920s: Social History. 1920s: Protestant Fundamentalism. William J. Simmons Methodist Minister who founded the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s. 1920s Fundamentalism: Based in Small-town America. Rejection of Modern Science and Charles Darwin.

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The 1920s: Social History

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The 1920s: Social History

  2. 1920s: Protestant Fundamentalism William J. Simmons Methodist Minister who founded the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s
  3. 1920s Fundamentalism: Based in Small-town America
  4. Rejection of Modern Science and Charles Darwin
  5. Courthouse in Dayton, TN: Site of the Scopes Monkey Trial
  6. Evolution on Trial
  7. Clash of Two TitansClarence Darrow and W. J. Bryan
  8. John Scopes and H. L. Mencken
  9. 1920s: Ku Klux Klan Marches Openly in Washington, D.C.
  10. Klan and Fundamentalists Worked Together in the 1920s
  11. Klan in Indiana: David Stephenson
  12. Klan’s Enemies: Catholics and Jews
  13. 1920s: Black Nationalism
  14. UNIA: Universal Negro Improvement Association
  15. 1920s: Harlem Renaissance
  16. Poet Langston Hughes Exemplifies the cultural flowering of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s Wrote the poem “I, Too, Sing America”
  17. Lost Generation of Writers
  18. Sinclair Lewis: Most Popular
  19. SINCLAIR LEWIS: BABBIT In this masterful satire of early 20th century American life, Sinclair Lewis introduces George F. Babbitt, a prosperous partner at a real-estate firm in the fictitious town of Zenith. In the novel, Babbitt becomes unhappy with the ritualized and highly conformist life that he is leading and attempts to make it more gratifying.
  20. Ernest Hemingway
  21. F. Scott Fitzgerald
  22. 1920s Materialistic Values Bruce Barton wrote the book, The Man Nobody Knows. He presented a materialist interpretation of Christianity where Jesus was a salesman and businessman.
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